Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5408 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #435 on: September 10, 2015, 09:05:54 PM »
oh awareness when stopping the wind

listen for it here it comes

my 3 might turn out to be five or six as it turns out

then today that became more again

seems feather become ruffled by wind

camouflage what to do about it

peering eyes of birds watching

and how could truth offend senses if senses are what is sought

why the hidden claim another in hiding

when they create the wind then claim to another for getting there second

no thing in the pots perhaps too cold

perhaps the wrong bait

oh yes back to awareness

holding the senses

abated breath

watching waiting like the william wallace

hold hold hold

the advance of the warrior upon power

the hold pause is the power

truth is the key

place it n the lock again and again

before you know it your free

then when angels land upon the soil at foot

you be brought back to light upon own foot

there and back

i wonder a mad man laughs

sometimes i just think did that just come out ?

imagine keeping it in

the wind the wind

i paddled in it today

it was wavy today

could easily get knocked in

so balance comes into play

drag a paddle drag the other side

some times forward sometimes back

why would balance offend the senses i could not say

if the most natural thing turned out to be the truth

who would defend the lie i cannot say

my body is getting harder

only the wind will tell

if somebody would say

something i would listen

after all i hear

sometimes the wind falls deaf and the words fall

as though they get lost on the way

or they are not meant for the receiver

like where did they go

like parallel universes could,nt quite come upon notes to share


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #436 on: September 12, 2015, 03:28:06 AM »
so i will tell you how then

and you already know yet perhaps how much so power is in a human being you know i can only guess

fixation on the surrounding

when buddha taught no thing i wonder if what he meant was maya

a party of warriors with sufficient energy could move the assemblege point of the entire earth

how ?

collectively awareness

and whats that ?

fresh buckets of water guiding solutions

the heightened awareness alone would enter the mainstream as awareness

the collective orbits would have the ability to hold stable "systems"

the real issue here "everywhere i mean"

fixated in the problem and yet not entered a state of solution oneselves "generally population"

secondarily no one really has any inkling of the potential contained within a human being

because to sufficiently do so one has to step away from the initial shock of being human

and follow whole heartedly the threads of intent that resonate out and beyond the superficial fascia

then beginning to see that mirrored outwards growing through them

we'll have to put something in the water soon

yes yes i had the dream of the child being tortured on the phone by IS two days before

i walk in and out of scenes on earth and who is listening ?

the horizon beyond the initial sphere


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #437 on: September 12, 2015, 03:34:22 AM »
so choices were given and no body would take them ?

still clinging like monkeys in a barrel that would stand on the head of another to gain insight to whats outside

and all the while the situation got worse

still no body listens

every where i go the same old thing

i said it before and i'll say it again

a individual can become collective through that resonating outwards what is its entire being

the horizon that seems so far is going to clip wings

i keep seeing that as the universe testing the outer limits

a switch to the feminine divine or so sides

and the cascade being the ability to balance within such situation

we also have height and space


or division depending

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #438 on: September 12, 2015, 06:38:21 AM »
We're all listening, runningstream. Your stream is so unique, it's hard sometimes to catch a wave in a tangible way, but I promise you: on some level, we're all listening.
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #439 on: September 12, 2015, 10:44:32 PM »
i wish i could write something witty or intelligent today

thank you for listening on some level

it is generally that one would feel themselves enlightened more than another so would not listen

to another

i am guilty of it myself also

unfortunately the truth might just bang every body over the head to get an agreement

then every one will agree they have a head ache

i do not however feel enlightenment is ignorance

and omnipotence is not made of things that do not exist surely

nonsense has no place there

my truth bangs me over the head every day and sometimes night

so i just write it down

as i feel to share that magic that others might see a way too

for them selves



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Re: Story sake
« Reply #440 on: September 12, 2015, 10:48:25 PM »
…6"On what were its bases sunk? Or who laid its cornerstone, 7When the morning stars sang together And all the sons of God shouted for joy? 8"Or who enclosed the sea with doors When, bursting forth, it went out from the womb;…
Cross References
Genesis 1:16
God made two great lights--the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.

Job 1:6
One day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them.


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #441 on: September 12, 2015, 10:53:19 PM »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #442 on: September 17, 2015, 12:39:02 PM »
and it was the corner stone that the builders threw away

how would it turn out if every thing said was true

it was of course the interpretation that needed to be righted

and the symbols what if they were accurate yet needing understanding yet none would come unless it was stood upon what was understood

like the bride groom to the bride coming anew

what to do

sleep fills my eyes yet its all around me

i twinkle them yet not understanding the power that lies in the flocus

i try to fight back the sleep and to awaken into the light

although i am already there

responding to my skin everything wanted to interact

like a extroverted woman or an introverted man

or vice versa

i poke her to see what she responds

she says many things

i tell her the chicken pie is delicious and they are good cooks

she tells me to watch out

she tells me about dinosaurs and water holes

large bones holding open doors from times past

i think i will do some work

we speak of the army

she speaks of decades before

i wander and i wander in and out

so so many birds

i watch the white swooping one come down upon the small black duck like ones

each time they bob their heads under water and each time the ducks flie after it

as thought ot defend its young

and then it flies again yet to swift perhaps it is a swift

the red claw eat boiled potatoes or whatever you have

the ducks in their thousands

kayaking on the water really is the way to travel

where no body goes peaceful waters

i watched a girl pull a fish from the bank

i watch turtles splash in from fallen trees as i pass towards them

even platypus a glimpse on their way

the new heaven ascended on really just a blink of the eye

« Last Edit: September 18, 2015, 10:55:10 AM by runningstream »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #443 on: September 22, 2015, 04:11:30 PM »
pipes blocked personal hells

going through

chicken soup two chickens i bring them food

and i do not know where they went today there were there yesterday

i went to leave them some food

and bucket of water wandering around in the bush had they wandered far

or had they been left to fend

perhaps those warrior chickens would make their way through the fence and back to an old place or some place new

more intricacies

like what was it again waking awareness memory untill i stry and stamp on it to get it into view

untill then the view is flowing memory of awareness continues

foot stomps to grasp in terms and its gone again

like now

when i was a martyr and drank the world

when it flowed down and up my spine

in and out

power ? pain

power? i tell the old woman to flower off when the night sky passes across

power ? its the new dream

the duality is the old way from the old times from the old ones

where they need black and white to paint a picture to argue against each others point

the water paints a continuous motion

pointing at objects asx they float by

the dream of two comes and goes

if the mother is'nt cared for or the father is not heard to speak

and they took such a long time to pass by in the sky

one could be left waiting ? or was it my imagination

or was it my imagination ?

it was both my imagination

so i told that old woman to flower off

yet she would never hear of it

stubborness and aloneness

overly masculined self sufficiency

sharing ? i wan't to share

power? i piss on it for its tug

my language mirrors outwards what was inwardly dealt

yet i walked from it for the new

the damage to the eggs shell

wandering in and out

seeing i can see them coming now

doing i can deal this hand next time

walking what was meant to see

awareness proceeding from what was in the dream to something new

strength ? power is not the same when it is ones own reflection seeking relevance

when delivery of hand is given by awareness of whats outside shell

words? fail me when action is not taken

drawing out drawing in

being drawn ?  drawing and being drawn

by listening

to stand up and walk

whats old and whats new

over the crevass somewhere the hand dealt requires much maintenance

when i drank the world


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #444 on: September 24, 2015, 11:32:20 AM »
slept like a tractor

that woke me up

some wind was hanging around whispering unrest

dreaming of some peope again

last time i teleported to their country only to find i was some kind of monkey

the relevance was the man showing me properties which were run down and left devalued

i was wondering if i borrowed some money from a country and had it put in my bank

then payed the money straight back from my bank

into their account

i would have fees and exchange rates

for instance i could take 100 dollars us from a country with a dollar value of 1.40$

and pay it back at a rate of 70c.

when i placed the 100 dollar converted from my bank although i had not spent it

i would then owe 200 $ ? plus fees !

now there an oxy moron sitting here in a chair

and the oxy been sucked out of the moron

i am not a moron

what a financially runied diversion no doubt

where is this funnel taking us such a big deal

i went back and the chickens were there again

apparently they survive quite well by forraging i hear

if only to find where the girls keep the eggs and

as the man said

if you've got an egg you've got a meal

i am not really counting on the governments to let me have my financial egg

so later i better get my present in order


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #445 on: September 24, 2015, 11:42:42 AM »
i woke up and turned the tractor off

seemed to be some kind of hay fever

i cannot keep the tablets though sensitive body

we have ideas

last night i watched the bats sometimes such fantastic things seen

they somehow swoop in the dark

are manage to locate small fingerlings "fish"

the bats are not those large fruit types

they are only wing tip to tip as wide as a hands span

the blue forraging bird gets the apple cores and i offer it the chicken soup remainders

the people are kind

the weather mild

i wear a hoodie to excercise

i expect something must happen soon


i catch four fish yet no redclaw

i let them go

i paddle around the place and i will paddle away at a minutes notice

i really am a child written in a story book


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #446 on: September 24, 2015, 11:50:52 AM »
don't be afraid

i saw somebody come in the room

take a picture i smile no i am just joking

you are very welcome

i know you i know you

yes i know its strange

and i like to be a little off beat

cos i am counting on the beats

what matters stirring inside

is this mischevious child that is out there getting into everything

i speak to a man about things

he is old and i am not so


i tell him its about not forgetting how to be alive

he agrees

i just smile at him and his wife every time

they bound and i bound

after all we dont want to get boxed in


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #447 on: September 26, 2015, 07:12:59 PM »
i watched the man take us on a jittery journey to see anjenaya's birth place

on his phone

and it did give me a jittery feeling in my itchy belly

but it was'nt the camera action i don't believe so much

making the impossible possible

sounds very likely

not just possible

so following trails

signs written in the air in the water and proceeding from fire even

floating mountains almost you could say

visions that are on the earth


about the places

i see a valley myself in what i would call heaven here

as i look upon it all i feel settled and excited

yet i knew it existed where i found it on some sense

the smooth rocks are enormous and fill the bed

holes settled in them perhaps where stones once rattled inside them to depths

heaven i gasp

or "home"

peering i bend to see the fine dusts between crevasses

and settled sifted by natural movement

no doubt will show up gold

left wondering about a stranger i saw

why did tongues not wag when eyes met

i have discovered the existence of "snack maps"

i will try to retrieve them now 


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #448 on: September 26, 2015, 07:24:50 PM »
this appears a good place to begin


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #449 on: September 26, 2015, 07:36:38 PM »

of course speaking of Major Les Hiddins and the Australian army specifically

in the 80's

designing "snack maps" for defense personel relevant to the areas inhabited

and his travelling and visiting with residents of native tribes to gather information on hundreds of different varieties of foods

throughout Australia


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