i just read something by a poet
and something about the writer of the book which contained that poets poetry
it was about a haiku
and the images and emotions and words
and something that made a lot of sense
all the things strung together
as though water and the words were water
the pictures were the words there was no difference
i think i am just living as poetry because what they were speaking about was
the same as how i speak a lot
i mean to say i speak in pictures and emotions as words
they are not separate
yes i did mean it to be poetry
and it is very deep to me
and it expands in meaning
things are strung together
i am experiencing different things and knowledge
which is strung together inseparably
i was listening to a radio interview
i think it was the man who wrote the infamous book
called something about the devils something was it Salmen Rushdie ?
any way he claimed in islam
that a part of the book was about a guy who was going crazy
experiencing vision
i understood exactly what that guy was talking about
the guy who he was calling crazy
was actually being led through awareness
like a pillar of light tapping into knowledge
it was the areas of knowledge which were apparently removed from the text
which led to different avenues which led to particular knowledge
which was not of a "higher" type
thats what i got out of it any way
not that the guy was crazy or that the particular knowledge was
insignificant although possible not something wanting to be followed or
as far removed from acceptable norms
i can relate to this because the direction of awareness
will find alignments not necessarily beneficial for growth although
perhaps that is not possibly entirely true also
as the history of the world is written in the water
everything is talking
i almost had an accident on my way home just now
i had screeching tyres when a van pulled in front of myself and another car
luckily the guy in front of me went into the middle of the road on the right
and when my brakes locked i went straight and ended up actually overtaking
the car on the inside
straight away my car radio started with
" bing bang crash " car crashes ? need repairs blah blah blah
my sense of humour was significantly numbed
yet perhaps it snapped me out of it

also you might appreciate this one
i was driving today
first i was staring into the bush waiting for somebody
i was hitting rocks with a stick like a bat
not hard
wondering what could be done to gain money or material from the bush
a way to live and balance with nature and feel full by the type of life
after that i went driving
i followed a car
stumbling across a bridge i looked to the sign
it was named 'fox' something as the words became visible exactly and
at the exact same time the radio says " the fox was really in the chicken
next i arrived at my job now listening waiting watching
a man asks me if i can give him a lift
so i do
he has dark skin
he is half aboriginal
he tells me about things and it turn s out he makes didgeredoos
i ask him to show me which trees to use
he points to a small and bare one and says " see that one with a couple of
maybe that can help to show what i mean by life is poetry that way
because the images emotions thoughts and words are not separate
i guess life just is poetry
so its easier to keep it together