Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5393 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #105 on: August 27, 2014, 07:11:07 PM »
what a curious affair

masking tape that does not stick when you apply it

air tanks that run out of air

painted hands painty

painted shoes

painted pants

painty painty painty paint !

cant wait to see the green go over the bone

it s a sight for a vehicular of your own

the sun was there

think it might have burnt my face

my head is empty

cant remember all those fabulous things

i was supposed to know

you are great Jahn

thought i d better let you know

also so

guess you would have known a

thing or two about all that stuff

a pebble in the well saves the long dive

so the water can come up to you

least thata whata been

old water knows how to fetch the easy drink

understanding and all that

its not what you think

what you know

just babbling bubbles

into the well

singing is a talent

best taught whilst singing

pitch whistle stop

cant stop

don t stop

can t remember any words or any wise

so ill just make something up

and remember another sunrise


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #106 on: August 28, 2014, 06:38:03 PM »
wheres the chi now ?

6.30 chi

on the time sheet

could have sang you a different song around about nooon

cresent moon

matters now not

inside the earth was walking along

gliding upon

time was the stars held

could have sand you a different song around noon

turned on the tv and saw what was going on

wondered about the wander

where the sky opens up

because the light vehicle comes up


like a plant from good soil

wondered about wandering and a song around noon

the sun was up

commitments are a funny thing

i hear people saying this will happen and that

and it does'nt happen and then leaves a divot in the plan

skillful hand versus a plan

could have written a different song

when the five rays came in and sang along

told me about the plan

the earth the moon the sun and singing along

bridges in the sky

and the unknown rain

hail was falling somewhere down the coast


i like the word hilarious

yet it does not align with what i see at 6.39


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #107 on: August 28, 2014, 06:45:31 PM »
five ray pancake

solar shower

solar flares actually aurora


like in the dream around a shed

somebody was there

and those comet looking things

tails and the sounds

yet colourful

panicking i watched them

think it was this place here

and an orange glow in the sky

tigers again

the both of us two

after watching them on television

guess that s what you do

painting is an art

i am learning

a little better today

more thinners

when to stop and the speed

a careful steady hand

maybe i should apply that in different setting s

i would like to bring ease to situations

because the masks can fall

and we can see something else

maybe those wisps of light with tails

the aurora

guess that was what happened when those masks falled


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #108 on: August 28, 2014, 06:48:38 PM »
they whistled as they went by

those wispy lights in the sky


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #109 on: August 31, 2014, 06:22:37 PM »
i waited for you

you were in my imagination

i held the door open in my mind s eye

and the wind blew


i ask you to step outside and be blown away

so we can see each other

you seem afraid of the wind

of what will happen to the self

what it means to let it go

i asked the wind to make a song

from the first seed

where the garden was singing

and you'd come by the well

i got lonely holding onto the door

the wind blowing my memories of the door a foot on either side

i forget what we were fighting for sometimes

so well yell and scream and point

one in the door the other to out

the wind looping around

sweeping around like a crown of thorn trying to find a way past

i ask of the wind

give the strength or patience or whats required

so give the ability to point the way to finding value

value in the wind

or a still pond

or what s coming and what s gone

what s valuable

all things don t feel the same

like the saying

let those who have eyes to see see

and let them not have to be alone with it sometimes

and let the earth heal them of everything that aches



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Re: Story sake
« Reply #110 on: August 31, 2014, 08:07:15 PM »
oft lesten bigandergern

the voices

of the kin souls

how the wind did howl

how those voices were appreciated

how the mirrors of losten souls

were mirrored in selves

finding repercussive elements



thank you for the kin souls

the travellers on the path who could hold a tune

and help hold the steady brush

even remembering in helping

mirrors remembering something else

makes the reflections seem different in values also

in that light

as the light getting a harmonic tune

tines ringing out

finding a way

they said

its healing

yet i see it going backwards

they say face the oncoming time

i say with what ?

i d say loops seem to be losing momentum

like a dreamer coming across a sick child

and not being able to pass untill they help clean up the sick

the gatekeeper

in a fragile yet strong heart

thanks to the familiar kin 

the souls who help hold a tune

that finds a harmony ring out

amongst mirrors

breathing in breathing something out

looking at the horizon

gracious healers

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #111 on: September 01, 2014, 02:26:58 PM »
i waited for you

you were in my imagination

i held the door open in my mind s eye

and the wind blew


i ask you to step outside and be blown away

so we can see each other

you seem afraid of the wind

of what will happen to the self

what it means to let it go

i asked the wind to make a song

from the first seed

where the garden was singing

and you'd come by the well

i got lonely holding onto the door

the wind blowing my memories of the door a foot on either side

i forget what we were fighting for sometimes

so well yell and scream and point

one in the door the other to out

the wind looping around

sweeping around like a crown of thorn trying to find a way past

i ask of the wind

give the strength or patience or whats required

so give the ability to point the way to finding value

value in the wind

or a still pond

or what s coming and what s gone

what s valuable

all things don t feel the same

like the saying

let those who have eyes to see see

and let them not have to be alone with it sometimes

and let the earth heal them of everything that aches


You know, Simon, this is really beautiful. Did you intend it to be poetry? Because it certainly seems to be. Poetry and a prayer. Nice work.
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #112 on: September 03, 2014, 08:33:24 PM »
i just read something by a poet

and something about the writer of the book which contained that poets poetry

it was about a haiku

and the images and emotions and words

and something that made a lot of sense

all the things strung together

as though water and the words were water

the pictures were the words there was no difference

i think i am just living as poetry because what they were speaking about was

the same as how i speak a lot

i mean to say i speak in pictures and emotions as words

they are not separate

yes i did mean it to be poetry

and it is very deep to me

and it expands in meaning

things are strung together

i am experiencing different things and knowledge

which is strung together inseparably

i was listening to a radio interview

i think it was the man who wrote the infamous book

called something about the devils something was it Salmen Rushdie ?

any way he claimed in islam

that a part of the book was about a guy who was going crazy

experiencing vision

i understood exactly what that guy was talking about

the guy who he was calling crazy

was actually being led through awareness

like a pillar of light tapping into knowledge

it was the areas of knowledge which were apparently removed from the text

which led to different avenues which led to particular knowledge

which was not of a "higher" type

thats what i got out of it any way

not that the guy was crazy or that the particular knowledge was

insignificant although possible not something wanting to be followed or


as far removed from acceptable norms

i can relate to this because the direction of awareness

will find alignments not necessarily beneficial for growth although

perhaps that is not possibly entirely true also

as the history of the world is written in the water

everything is talking


i almost had an accident on my way home just now

i had screeching tyres when a van pulled in front of myself and another car

luckily the guy in front of me went into the middle of the road on the right

and when my brakes locked i went straight and ended up actually overtaking

the car on the inside

straight away my car radio started with

" bing bang crash " car crashes ?    need repairs blah blah blah

my sense of humour was significantly numbed

yet perhaps it snapped me out of it  :)

also you might appreciate this one

i was driving today

first i was staring into the bush waiting for somebody

i was hitting rocks with a stick like a bat

not hard

wondering what could be done to gain money or material from the bush

a way to live and balance with nature and feel full by the type of life

after that i went driving

i followed a car

stumbling across a bridge i looked to the sign

it was named 'fox' something as the words became visible exactly and


at the exact same time the radio says " the fox was really in the chicken


next i arrived at my job now listening  waiting watching

a man asks me if i can give him a lift

so i do

he has dark skin

he is half aboriginal

he tells me about things and it turn s  out he makes didgeredoos

i ask him to show me which trees to use

he points to a small and bare one and says " see that one with a couple of


maybe that can help to show what i mean by life is poetry that way

because the images emotions thoughts and words are not separate

i guess life just is poetry

so its easier to keep it together


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #113 on: September 04, 2014, 06:26:10 PM »
so today on the television they are saying scientists

have discovered that everything is strung together on dark matter

like a web

that the stars are strung together on this web

and that it is leading to what they called from their limited view

an insignificant point within space

they say the stars are streaming around towards these points like a stream

of water

that's dreaming for you

of course you can test the web

and its streaming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #114 on: September 08, 2014, 11:05:02 PM »
wow that moons looking full probably falling on the water somewhere

guess it'll be a dream now

off to that place

maybe wake up

can t remember much maybe that ll change

something is helping

after a lot of struggle

its go time

when its stop time nothing can budge it

but its go time now

the flood gates open and the water comes

hand on the pulse

that s it hand on the pulse

feels like loss is when the tide wont let go

if you ve been caught in a rip you ll know

tides in tides out

washing things up on the white sand shore

feet that dig in when its time to go

and the help that comes when it s time to go


the water and sand washes the old timber smooth

washes it up

life was not always smooth sometimes it was a smooth run

patience could have been called something else just as well

just another word of momentum


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #115 on: September 11, 2014, 05:10:30 PM »
gravity engines

purring in the back ground

how high is the sky

plugged into the source of the sound

all around

chirp bird friend sings just one time

wince the pooch

now its beep booop wip woop woop


it s all around the noise

inside the mind

outside the walls

inside the walls

frantic chattering willy wagtail

tailing side to side

i m watching it like someone once said

watch that fire

wondering how high is the sky



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Re: Story sake
« Reply #116 on: September 11, 2014, 05:16:02 PM »
hey mister i read the prologue of the book

it was pretty darned good

last night they allowed us a peek

will buy it soonish

cant wait to hear the words told

would love it to fall on the ears of people i know

especially about the beginning of the journey

being hard

and whether the words would be wasted in that way

i really enjoy the style

style and groove are they the same thing

thats a story for another time

no style and groove are not the same thing

i can be completely stylish whilst completely un groovy im sure

thats just the spin

im rambling

separate the latter from the former


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #117 on: September 11, 2014, 05:23:46 PM »
tornado closing in

puts me in a tail spin

feel the fog on the ground with the moons

rays coming down

everything timing each past future

each together

why walk this way

when it clicks together

ill know it

like the dream of running away

as i always did since a child

i say theres no future in the crap

like a dog eat dog yet its chasing its own tail to win

sail away

is it just me or is the fog closing in

if i switch off the source of the attention

will my absence make the world a better place

like a tree that falls in the forest

every time the man walks back into the forest does he see it there

and does that tree create oxygen which floats elsewhere and bring carbon

monoxide to bear its fruit

actually what s the difference between a tree and a man aside the obvious


some kind of respect for each other ethersome



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Re: Story sake
« Reply #118 on: September 24, 2014, 07:40:40 PM »
when discussing the second attention detail in the

face of the third

curious skeward glance




clouds appearing

when the heaven opens

the two witnesses stand as one and heaven is restored

now theres a curious phrase and attestment

is it that the two witnesses being either non discerned

as people or races

that they were both i wondered

where was the land of canaan

oh my speculation

two sides seen

swimming was it simple as yin yang

or something

awareness what is dependent arising and the like

from which attention

making sure all structural supports are in place

aqueise yes that was the eagles command

well the all spark is absolutely accountable

the mingling attentions

i wonder from which springs which

now that is the question of questions

without answers of answers perhaps

lay on the earth

close a dream

nice dreams of earth and people

water close by

living all components equaling importance

its living breathing dreaming



fruit sald


what must be done

following lines


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #119 on: September 29, 2014, 07:03:42 PM »
coffee the night last there was a scwarking out back

next came the caws

they continued with it

a major disturbance

tonight it was the kookaburra

they bring a smile with their laugh its contagious

remind me of a man who s truck had tipped and oh

yes i promise to try and refrain from that word


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