Author Topic: Left Behind books.  (Read 595 times)

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Left Behind books.
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2015, 07:22:54 AM »
1) When Mary had said this, she fell silent, since it was to this point that the Savior had spoken with her.

2) But Andrew answered and said to the brethren, Say what you wish to say about what she has said. I at least do not believe that the Savior said this. For certainly these teachings are strange ideas.

3) Peter answered and spoke concerning these same things.

4) He questioned them about the Savior: Did He really speak privately with a woman and not openly to us? Are we to turn about and all listen to her? Did He prefer her to us?

5) Then Mary wept and said to Peter, My brother Peter, what do you think? Do you think that I have thought this up myself in my heart, or that I am lying about the Savior?

6) Levi answered and said to Peter, Peter you have always been hot tempered.

7) Now I see you contending against the woman like the adversaries.

8) But if the Savior made her worthy, who are you indeed to reject her? Surely the Savior knows her very well.

9) That is why He loved her more than us. Rather let us be ashamed and put on the perfect Man, and separate as He commanded us and preach the gospel, not laying down any other rule or other law beyond what the Savior said.

10) And when they heard this they began to go forth to proclaim and to preach.

The Gospel According to Mary

This brief narrative presents a radical interpretation of Jesus' teachings as a path to inner spiritual knowledge. It rejects his suffering and death as a path to eternal life and exposes the view that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute for what it is - a piece of theological fiction. The Gospel of Mary of Magdala offers a fascinating glimpse into the conflicts and controversies that shaped earliest Christianity.


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Re: Left Behind books.
« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2015, 06:51:24 AM »
The wise Toltecs works with energy. Therfore their eyes and minds cuts like a razor blade through all mental constructs of mankind. The Toltecs smells the energy behind the actions.
1) When Mary had said this, she fell silent, since it was to this point that the Savior had spoken with her.

2) But Andrew answered and said to the brethren, Say what you wish to say about what she has said. I at least do not believe that the Savior said this. For certainly these teachings are strange ideas.

3) Peter answered and spoke concerning these same things.

4) He questioned them about the Savior: Did He really speak privately with a woman and not openly to us? Are we to turn about and all listen to her? Did He prefer her to us?

Not even today are women treated like equal to men in many societies, 2000 years ago it was even worse.
Peters question is therefore highly relevant and understood in the light of this gender distinction and human oppression.
"Did He really speak privately with a woman and not openly to us? "
This is showing the energy of the unwise (unloving) male.

6) Levi answered and said to Peter, Peter you have always been hot tempered.

7) Now I see you contending against the woman like the adversaries.

8) But if the Savior made her worthy, who are you indeed to reject her? Surely the Savior knows her very well.

9) That is why He loved her more than us. Rather let us be ashamed and put on the perfect Man, and separate as He commanded us and preach the gospel, not laying down any other rule or other law beyond what the Savior said.

10) And when they heard this they began to go forth to proclaim and to preach.

I do not Think they ever did. The male apostles was a bunch of cowards, blown up with their own egos. And anyway, what did their preaching end up with ... ? A male dominated Catholic Church, with the Pope as an (on vote) incarnation of Peter.

I do not question religious people, those people have faith in something very nice and rare.
I am only critisising the church itself. Though, to some late conversion under the gallows, the present Pope talks from another place of energy than ever any Pope before. So there is still hope for the followers of the large Christian church that they shall find the way back home.   

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Left Behind books.
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2015, 06:53:46 AM »
Being able to read between the lines, religious texts too, is a gift.  A lot of what isn't said is the most important.


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Re: Left Behind books.
« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2015, 02:00:04 PM »
to hear

to be led


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Re: Left Behind books.
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2016, 07:17:41 AM »

Do not Believe
what we say

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Left Behind books.
« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2016, 07:36:54 AM »

What we see

Offline Michael

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Re: Left Behind books.
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2016, 08:29:50 PM »
Believe what you see on the toilet paper.

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Left Behind books.
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2016, 05:07:49 AM »
Believe what you see on the toilet paper.

Quilted flowers?


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Re: Left Behind books.
« Reply #23 on: January 04, 2016, 05:51:14 AM »
Horse dung - is actually horse dung.

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Left Behind books.
« Reply #24 on: January 04, 2016, 07:02:25 AM »
Horse dung - is actually horse dung.

I hear that makes good fuel for fires. 

I've always been drawn to Mary Magdalene in an inexplicable way. Being non-religious and somewhat Atheistic for most of my life, this doesn't actually make sense to me.  But the pull is there none-the-less. 


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Re: Left Behind books.
« Reply #25 on: January 04, 2016, 07:54:16 AM »
I hear that makes good fuel for fires. 

I've always been drawn to Mary Magdalene in an inexplicable way. Being non-religious and somewhat Atheistic for most of my life, this doesn't actually make sense to me.  But the pull is there none-the-less.

In the Gospel of Mary Magdalene you will find the core of what Jesus from Nazareth told his disciples. In the Bible you will find a pale copy of it all.


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Re: Left Behind books.
« Reply #26 on: January 04, 2016, 09:35:06 AM »
The book is not a mistake

The book was not written for every one yet it was

It served a purpose

The purpose had everything to do with followers

And every thing to do with those it was written for


Opinions are corks floating

In an ocean


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Re: Left Behind books.
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2016, 06:26:26 AM »

I've always been drawn to Mary Magdalene in an inexplicable way. Being non-religious and somewhat Atheistic for most of my life, this doesn't actually make sense to me.  But the pull is there none-the-less.

On the contrary I have had a belief in the Lord all my Life, and since men are so screwed up most of the time, I had found myself to be more interested into what women says about the very same message.

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Re: Left Behind books.
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2023, 06:26:52 PM »
Believe what you see on the toilet paper.

Can you explain?

What I saw over at titktok.

I dont know if related.

As I return I didnt finish the series

Did i need to in the end.

No man left behind a goal right?

Anyway i guess it disturbed me too much

But anyway. I did watch movies I dreaded things I didnt look away i looked to infinite yes.

The toilet paper is triggering a bit a vision.

The ash with god thing on tiktok I tried to warn and all. of these folks lying accusing innocent people and taking it as a total joke but using tarot or really not

I saw a video where this woman posted a cease and deist stop lying stop accusing RS her initials strangely the restless soma and hey we acted an ass and folks on that wall i went in. I know you had a wall and thank you I got in and did this? man you know i banged.

Ok RS also the initials of an innocent woman accused of something and man Michael or whoever or God or maybe a man teaching. I saw her take this cease and desist and joke and stick it in a toilet paper roll. It was so offensive.

I felt called to warn and stick up for the innocent woman with the ability i had notes that was it jesus gave me those initials it was hers took me a sec yet it was also hey the intials of the old RS or really its also the initals here right?

Now that woman this fake ash now I brought you two darlings who are ash and they would bicker and yet good kids and moms

Now I told those two my good (how to define) who did feud and things and mirrored I did michael I told at least one cause i had one here safe, and i had one who was in journey and when it felt time to go HERE where i felt was safe, sacred, and something

i told the kids you coming but im done chasing you. we go! You know we go! I wanted my girls safe i really did im chasing two mothers and they bicker man i felt the titantic.

I feel like get in we are going and i told them i am not sophies choicing it here you both go kids im done get in soma cause god I felt this is my safety net my sancturary i heard a call return and then get some kids now also

that other ash is god who really is on there saying stuff man. I was also called to go to tik tok and explained that tarot which i showed you was used to - be laid on a table and lied. i mean was it jesus showing me how i can help with and i was told go there and show them you can see, and i demonstrated hey some of us really do know how its a thing and we want to help. I am thankful that i had some 'hits' i hate to call it that but maybe i could show hey, some of us do get the truth. we do.

but she....oh michael the lies and she wouldnt stop all of tiktok coming at her and she kept going it was offensive and horrible and bearing false witness hey the books sacred and so are these cards - to me ive shown them and ...i was told go and do youtubes and hey i did warn man i really did i came in strong this angered him cause toilet paper?

the "cease and desist' asked by rebecca schofield for her to stop. she took the envelop and stuck it in the toilet paper roll and act of "please stop slandering im innocent" and of course she was. I mean tried so hard and she did that and it really was disturbing and she made a mockery of hurting an innocent woman.

I went to show that she is not a tarot reader she cant even read cards she never does. I do have collectives i try to do this. and i do even show two faces of jesus black and white and i did it cause of the whole getting mad over a black mermaid and oh lord i cant take much more.

Toilet paper yeah i come back i saw it an innocent woman saying please stop Jesus innocent saying please stop..

Please the toilet paper god that seen you know. I did too i came in hard and with truth. Now I hope that i showed hey some of us care i was straight there are those trying to help people she is hurting peple.

i tried michael to show innocense and really the guy who did the UOI murders man i was trying to find a clue and yet i could not get the face but hes a wound collector and that is deep but that michael i could not understand. Now we all have done things not proud of. But that one i was like what is happeing she was defiant and brutal and all these folks like warning warning warning she keeps going. She took this womans image rebecca and she stuck it up there defiantly with her holding it. Ok hey i took nandi once to be cute and i was teasing and rebecca was innocent and .....

I am so disturbed i got my two good kids and like man we got to get you little ones in and get you safe cause that was bad as well. and i told them listen to me get in i dont know if its a ship ah gah just this is a safe space.

i am also so sorry you know when lisa marie died it shocked me im like what? i was upset god you wouldnt just to...but it was her son...

I know i dont mean to stream im not manic i swear. In pain all ive seen the nightmare before christmas? so much.

Hey i have tried to show bare face pain and i really like ash and i talked like people telling kids who were encouraged to be vulnerable to....

I know its a sticky web this web and yet he traps us in it to help i always suspected angels i found some good folks i went face to face or showed mine and even tho maybe i didnt see theirs i just spoke from the heart to show hey HE DOES SEE darn .....

am i getting an education - man im not jesus im both wanting to help but im upset ash kid on a web he is being accused of something he didnt do he tattood a spider on his hand.

i know its hard and we turn away and yet...i found you and friends but its a dirty swamp now? i know its hard i worry for them all man real bad.

I love you and friends but damn its the brick in wall or god knows what they are....and whoever you or angels or lightworkers trying to heal and reach and danny his songs and lauren diagle and dreams

i talked of CC tales Jesus did express somehow the words lie flat on a page Bible too.

Michael or jesus I read several times they would BELIEVE THE LIE. This cut deep. Do they want to? A powerful delusion yes sir or God I know. a trap and i fought the delusion best i could to SEE the ones who were really on here to heal i had to fight the deluson with words and youtubes and i am not as good as you i just tried to show or tell truth hey we were saying the same thing.

I know im upset. im reach hearts i found an angel i saw her. i saw jackie a healer she gave me reiki. i saw christiel and hey lori did call me in the ward and vicki and ....i did go on video with you and so thank god or id be...weird...and you gave music for us to listen and beauty and even julie and all...i got a kid i got stronger this is a trap and yet. you get what you seek perhaps? love friends Jesus? I met paula so i know she is a real angel..

I did hug her and say "Youre my angel." She said "No you are mine."

God I dont have wings but i found her and sent her and i went to yes a church and brought it here and with a sermon and opened this and thats physical and a friend i gave a couch and she loved her gift. She is comfy and i did that here in physical.

I did things like you took me off the web. i the astral and things and dreamed and.

Here i found rumi and poetry and love and i put rilke and buddhas and you did your best.

but yes if not for here with love and beauty how  could i be strong to find kids missing and...political things george floyd you helped me and i wanted to like not a savior or angel i just hey you gave me some good eyes and a heart and you saved me from mind control madness really this little place i had a safe space so i took kids.

But i went to facebook and i was able to get almost 28k and did everything to protect them. yes some i kicked but i protected and worked and i felt bad i couldnt read all but i did my best to protect from things.

i did all i could to not let it be a dirty swamp

i know i hollar hard my playground give them safety and let them get messages do my damn best.

cause somehow i got love thank God Lord Jesus angels or whatever and i just yes put the link in the big one cause you want more kittens and i showed you them.

I got 28k and might be some baddies i cant see as good as you but i fought to keep it clean or safe or a place for healing sometimes discipline as far as jesus i did talk not super hard on but i did definitely give scriptues i had to go in light tho you know cause well....they were getting sanctuary from being abused by others - so i tried to show love and things but like michael demonstrate till hey the right time? and you knew that it had to be that way causde you spoke truth thru me i did my best at least i tried and maybe they will listen to this goofy lady with four cats and kids doing her best.

If an angel says im an angel god thats great i would love this. I was wrong about the guy i read wrong that was accidental and i owned that she came back she knew hey she saw past not present it wasnt a purpose but i did see the angel in her thru soul contract the confirmation was amazing. i saw in time and wow i listened to her sing and God Bless America I would love you to safe it real bad and the ladies i Iran and all over .....

Ive said in those readings the judgment is the life flash before eyes and you popped up my stuff i got a smiling pride and uterus and not today satan lol funny yet not and a jesus and i got a few funny things and cats i got my kid and man you got videos and the mental illness stuff yes its making them sick. It may have took me over too thank god for this little place. Im scared for kids bad real bad. want connection but....

whats the answer we...well...hey i found you and me and i got the kid and we can be ok.

i like want to still help others and i really do. i guess what is left to say? I told the kids who worried what im doing its all strategy and...then testimony to talk about being a witness

Cant we all just get along?

Id love to God we have to....

I know its maya yet those with eyes can see if they want beyond it and damnit i did i mean you got me an angel who hugged me and stuff so....

and i did go to church and brought it here and even did my own 'lesson.' i felt inspired. but i wanted to do it with soul and spirit so i have said so much ill have to get that bible and maybe listen to danny gokey or something..

Thank you
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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