Author Topic: Free Will and Creating Reality  (Read 573 times)


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Free Will and Creating Reality
« on: March 10, 2007, 06:43:45 PM »
Toltec Nagual Series II - Free Will? We Create Our Reality?

“Our nagual creates the major themes in our life. It is up to us to fill in the details.”

The subject of free will has come up recently on the forum. It’s time to look at it and some other baby metaphysical concepts such as ‘we create our own reality’.

We do not have absolute free will, nor do we absolutely create all of our own reality. These were concepts that became popular during the 70’s and 80’s among ‘new agers’ and they now have become beliefs established in the dream of mass consciousness. They were necessary to bring about the realization that we are responsible for our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It is not a savior outside of ourselves that will absolve us of all of our sins. We alone are responsible for our own salvation.

It is time to graduate from baby metaphysics and realize that we do not create all of our reality, nor do we have absolute free will. Many on this board have come to this realization already, or have sincerely questioned these new age beliefs.

On the other hand it is equally incorrect to say that all of our life is predetermined, that we have no choice in life, or that we are chosen for a pre-determined destiny that we will fulfill whether we like it or not. It is incorrect to say that all of what happens in our life happens for a reason. This is more baby metaphysics. The fact is that most of the events in an average person’s life occur accidentally.

Philosophers would call this a paradox. But a Toltec sees no contradiction here. Paradoxes are for the mental body. When one begins to ’see’, paradoxes fall away into knowingness. Our nagual aspect is the unstructured part of ourselves. It is UNLIMITED. Our destiny and major themes of our life are set up by our nagual. Our tonal is our personality aspect, which consists of our mental, emotional and physical bodies, is our structured aspect. Our personality contains our POTENTIAL. If we fully align our tonal to our nagual we have UNLIMITED POTENTIAL.

We have absolutely no control over our nagual. Our nagual is much, much bigger and many times more powerful than we are. As organic beings we identify with our tonal, our personality self (mental, emotional and physical bodies). The average human has no awareness at all of their nagual. They only know their tonal, and actually know very little about that.

Mexican Spanish has a word, mitote, which was originally a Toltec word meaning chaos and disorder. It was originally used to describe a market place where you have a thousand people talking to each other at the same time and nobody understands each other. The Toltecs use the word mitote to describe the average person’s mind. Our tonal actually consists of a thousand different I’s each contradicting each other. We have many buffers in our personality that blind us to our contradictions. Each of these I’s have different desires, different wills and depending on which particular I we are identified with in the moment, we will make decisions and take actions that may be totally contradictory to another moment when another one of the I’s in our chaotic market place. This is the average state of the human. It is a very difficult place to be in. From this state, it is impossible to sense or to be aware of our nagual aspect. It vibrates too high. The only way out is to muster up as much intent as we can to begin to get some of our thousands of I’s to align up. Ultimately, we want all of these subpersonalities to align to our nagual. But as it is near impossible to know our nagual when living in Chaos we must first align them to something outside of ourselves. We may align them to a teacher or nagual. Or we may begin to align our-selves to books and other teachings that ring true to us. One by one we must rigorously stalk the I’s in our tonal, processing them while bringing down our buffers. This is very difficult, as it requires brute honesty with our’s-selves, all aspects of our’s-selves.

This can take a lifetime for some. But until we are able to process and heal our personality selves to a degree where we have a sufficient ‘mass’ of subpersonalities in alignment, we do not have enough personal power to access our nagual. Moreover, true growth only begins when we are working directly with our nagual.

Returning to free will and creating our reality, we can see that in a state of chaos with so many contractions in ourselves we are virtually powerless. In this state there is no way we can truly create our reality. We only fool ourselves into believing we can. It is very easy to fool ourselves when we have so many buffers in ourselves that blind us from ourselves. In this state of chaos what we choose and what we will is solely dependent on what particular subpersonality we are identifying with in the moment. More often than not, which subpersonality is manifesting through ourselves is determined by some thing or event outside of ourselves. This is not free will. The average man lives by the law of accident, not the law of destiny.

When we align ourselves to our nagual we are then able to manifest the nagual in our lives. We are aligned to and fulfill our destiny. Living naguals are very powerful as they are in alignment with their nagual aspect. Their tonal is aligned to their nagual. In some paths this state is called self-realization. The personality self is fully realized (aligned to) the higher self.

Many want to skip dealing with their personality selves and go directly to the nagual. They want to believe that a warrior’s life is something different than their own. I personally am guilty of this. I wanted to have out of bodies, run energy, dream and have all the oohs and ahs. I got to be pretty efficient at doing these things. I didn’t want to deal with my personality self and had convinced myself that ‘only other people have problems, I was above that stuff’. However, you can only go so far running high frequencies of energy without working on your tonal. Power will eventually come and knock you on your ass. It knocked me down so low that I was suicidal for over a year. For more than 6 years I was in more pain than I could have ever imagined was possible, and I was totally powerless. It was a very ugly place to be in.

But now my life is very different. I still remember those painful years. And I can recall my life prior to that. But when I finally made it out the other side I stepped into a new probability that I could have never imagined existed. This evening when running my nagual opened and spoke to me the entire time I was running. Normally, when running I open to my nagual and I get glimpses and flashes of knowingness on how to live my life. But tonight, my nagual opened to me and was in a very talkative mood 

To finish three quickies . . .

Eventually you will get to the place where your teacher is your own nagual aspect. It is not a book or someone outside of you. Then when you speak to others of your path you will have true origin-ality. The origin of your knowledge comes from your origin, your nagual.

The word impeccable means ‘without sin’. Sin is defined as a ‘transgression against God.’ As God is unknowable we are left with our nagual aspect. I would define sin as a ‘transgression against our nagual aspect.’ To be impeccable means to be without sin or to be in alignment with our nagual.

For humans truth is not absolute. It is relative to our level of growth. Truth has a purpose for that particular level of growth. Often the purpose behind the truth is more important than the truth itself. Example - the purpose of instilling the belief/truth that ‘we create our own reality’ was to make people aware that they are responsible for their growth and their lives(not a savior or God outside of themselves). A more accurate truth is that we don’t create our own reality, we co-create it. Our destiny has already been created by our nagual. But, to realize our destiny we must align our tonal to our nagual. Only we can do this. Our nagual will not do it for us. Again, the purpose of this truth is the same as the first truth - we are responsible for our growth, no one else, no other entity outside of ourself, we are responsible. Whichever ‘truth’ you believe, the purpose is the same, only you are responsible for your growth, your life. Eventually you will get to the point where you have no beliefs/truths. You will not need them. For you will know your purpose.

There comes a point in our path when “The Eagles command becomes the command of the Warrior.” At this point, we have the unlimited power of the Nagual at our command. However at this point we, the human tonal, are 100% aligned to the Intent of the Nagual.

Love and Light,



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Re: Free Will and Creating Reality
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2007, 11:08:19 PM »

It is nice that you post some of Kris teaching here Sundance - but perhaps you can draw the attention to, or comment some parts too, on your own. I've read that post many times before - is it something special that you would like to address in it?


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Re: Free Will and Creating Reality
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2007, 04:33:29 AM »
The subject of 'creating reality' has been discussed so many times here that I decided to post it again.

Points that in my mind are worth remembering:

- we do have destiny spanning many lives, not all of us are fully aware of it, but it does not mean it does not exist

-our best shot to fulfil that destiny is to align with Eagle's command - though Todd would say that at that moment of alignment he'll start creating his reality, I'd guess at that very moment of alignment he would realise the total futility of that

-finally, considering the example of traffic jam presented in another thread, I'd speculate that warrior aligned with Eagle's command either never gets into jams (remember DJ and CC's question about man with a gun?) or if he gets into jam, it is for a purpose
« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 04:44:59 AM by Sundance Kid »


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Re: Free Will and Creating Reality
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2007, 04:51:48 AM »
What's wrong with being in a traffic jam ?


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Re: Free Will and Creating Reality
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2007, 05:16:02 AM »
-our best shot to fulfil that destiny is to align with Eagle's command - though Todd would say that at that moment of alignment he'll start creating his reality, I'd guess at that very moment of alignment he would realise the total futility of that.

It is alignment with our total self, tonal and nagual, that we become total creators of our own reality.  Kris said it this way, "When we align ourselves to our nagual we are then able to manifest the nagual in our lives."  Until then, to our perception, we live our lives under the Law of Accident, as Kris puts it.  The Law of Destiny, as I would interpret that-our INTENT, comes from our nagual. (I use the word "Essence" for nagual because that's closure to what I mean.  Your interpretation may differ.)  Until we know and align with our Intent (destiny), we have no consciousness of the creation of our reality.  We can know a little, and align a little, on a relative scale between nothing, and total alignment.  But the key here is awareness of essence, then alignment with it.

-finally, considering the example of traffic jam presented in another thread, I'd speculate that warrior aligned with Eagle's command either never gets into jams (remember DJ and CC's question about man with a gun?) or if he gets into jam, it is for a purpose

I would speculate the same.  Otherwise, I'd not use the words "Eagle's command" because of it's connotations and misinterpretations, as we've already ably expressed.  I don't want to bat that dead mouse anymore in here.


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Re: Free Will and Creating Reality
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2007, 05:22:36 AM »
Todd, wake up.

There comes a point in our path when “The Eagles command becomes the command of the Warrior.” At this point, we have the unlimited power of the Nagual at our command. However at this point we, the human tonal, are 100% aligned to the Intent of the Nagual.


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Re: Free Will and Creating Reality
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2007, 05:55:09 AM »
I think Todd is awake enough but there are some misunderstanding.
Fate, Destiny and things like that has nothing to do with the warriors Intent.
That is the whole point.

We got two in this soup. First the big setup - being born with a Destiny, second stating an Intent.

Warriors state their intent for growth, evolution and alignment to their nagual souls. That is what keeps them going, ready to sacrifice. After many years the original intent can become unbending intent and that force in itself may break down their inner walls and open up for connection and alignment to their Destiny.

. .
« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 02:53:41 AM by Jahn »


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Re: Free Will and Creating Reality
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2007, 06:02:35 AM »
We got two in this soup. First the big setup - being born with a Destiny, second stating an Intent.

The point is that we as living humans, having a personality, must take up the thread that we was supposed to take up in the first place - but it is no crime to waste a lifetime.

However, to have choosen this time frame to evolve is really high gambling, the density is thick and seductive. Therefore many that can change the Destiny from Karma to Dharma has tenfold back or thousand fold. In other terms; To grow and evolve gets quicker in this time frame than ever before or after - given that you do it. If not - we will draw a blank.


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Re: Free Will and Creating Reality
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2014, 02:51:44 AM »
I found this quote of Kris that I like:

"Many want to skip dealing with their personality selves and go directly to the nagual. They want to believe that a warrior’s life is something different than their own. I personally am guilty of this. I wanted to have out of bodies, run energy, dream and have all the oohs and ahs. I got to be pretty efficient at doing these things. I didn’t want to deal with my personality self and had convinced myself that ‘only other people have problems, I was above that stuff’.

However, you can only go so far running high frequencies of energy without working on your tonal. Power will eventually come and knock you on your ass. It knocked me down so low that I was suicidal for over a year. For more than 6 years I was in more pain than I could have ever imagined was possible, and I was totally powerless. It was a very ugly place to be in.

But now my life is very different. I still remember those painful years. And I can recall my life prior to that. But when I finally made it out the other side I stepped into a new probability that I could have never imagined existed. This evening when running my nagual opened and spoke to me the entire time I was running. Normally, when running I open to my nagual and I get glimpses and flashes of knowingness on how to live my life. But tonight, my nagual opened to me and was in a very talkative mood 

To finish three quickies . . .

Eventually you will get to the place where your teacher is your own nagual aspect. It is not a book or someone outside of you. Then when you speak to others of your path you will have true origin-ality. The origin of your knowledge comes from your origin, your nagual.

The word impeccable means ‘without sin’. Sin is defined as a ‘transgression against God.’ As God is unknowable we are left with our nagual aspect. I would define sin as a ‘transgression against our nagual aspect.’ To be impeccable means to be without sin or to be in alignment with our nagual.

And this means that sin is personal and not universal as many believe.

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Re: Free Will and Creating Reality
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2014, 06:39:10 AM »

The word impeccable means ‘without sin’. Sin is defined as a ‘transgression against God.’ As God is unknowable we are left with our nagual aspect. I would define sin as a ‘transgression against our nagual aspect.’ To be impeccable means to be without sin or to be in alignment with our nagual.

And this means that sin is personal and not universal as many believe.

Definitely! There is no 'original sin.' The only originality say, comes from the individual doing their own thing. There is not some pollution of mankind. First off, say as we know more about science and evolution, we know Adam and Eve, could not have existed. The story is then metaphorical.

So say with the story of Jesus being crucified, it would be quite illogical for him to have died 'for a metaphor,' versus something tangible. So we have to look at this pragmatically. Not one word in the Bible, or say with the Gnostics as you read, for original sin. Ultimately to myself, the story of the crucifixion, and resurrection, is about us. Whether he existed or not, is really irrelevant. It is about us, it is a story of suffering, and one when looked at pragmatically, Buddhists could then perhaps relate to. But it is impossible to die for a metaphor, a myth, a story. So ultimately there is a deeper meaning, many do miss.

"To be impeccable means to be without sin or to be in alignment with our nagual." Correct. When we align with this, we can then understand perhaps what he spoke of by grace. But this work we do on our own, only we can ultimately save ourselves.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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Re: Free Will and Creating Reality
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2014, 03:53:28 AM »
Whether he existed or not, is really irrelevant.

To question whether there were a Moon Landing or not (yes some think it is a studio movie) can be understandable. But to question whether Jesus and his mission existed is far out.

The question in the case of Jesus is: "What did he say?". And how it appears, he did not say everything that he is supposed to have said. In my humble opinion, the message from Jesus has been hi-jacked and twisted for 2000 years.

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Re: Free Will and Creating Reality
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2014, 03:56:01 AM »
The Bible is still there as it was, it's a question of interpretation.

The question in the case of Jesus is: "What did he say?". And how it appears, he did not say everything that he is supposed to have said. In my humble opinion, the message from Jesus has been hi-jacked and twisted for 2000 years.

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Re: Free Will and Creating Reality
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2014, 09:19:30 AM »
The Bible is still there as it was, it's a question of interpretation.

Hmmm...? Where's your proof that it was not tampered with? Don't say you looked inside your heart. Cause when I start researching and I find proof it was tampered with, then you might have to consider how much you can trust yourself.

I do believe I have read in the past some evidence it was tampered with....
« Last Edit: July 01, 2014, 12:08:13 PM by Nick »
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
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Re: Free Will and Creating Reality
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2014, 10:00:22 AM »
Oy ... there could be many doctoral dissertations on the evolution of the Talmud and what the Jews call the Greek Testament. The Talmud itself was written in Hebrew and Aramaic. The Apochrypha was written in Greek and Latin.  The New Testament was written in Greek.  All of this was translated into Latin by the Church. (Not an agenda-free agency.) From the "Latin Vulgate" and the Hebrew and Greek texts came the various English versions, which omitted the Apochrypha. Not only are there all the linguistic decisions via the matters of translation, but the progression takes on the politics of the eras. What was considered heresy? Omissions abound. Nuances of language are lost. Long story short, after considering all of this, it's difficult to view "The Bible" as some unquestionable text, standing firm throughout the ages. And that's not even taking the matter of whether or not it was "divinely inspired" under deliberation.

Then there are the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Pseudepigrapha... The subject of Biblical scholarship can take a lifetime.

The Bible is still there as it was, it's a question of interpretation.

Hmmm...? Where's your proof that it was not tampered with? Don't say you looked inside your heart. Cause when I start researching and I find proof it was tampered with, then you might have to consider how much you can trust yourself.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2014, 11:05:06 AM by Nichi »
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Re: Free Will and Creating Reality
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2014, 11:43:40 AM »

The question in the case of Jesus is: "What did he say?". And how it appears, he did not say everything that he is supposed to have said. In my humble opinion, the message from Jesus has been hi-jacked and twisted for 2000 years.

That can be the frustrating part. With the many revisions of the Bible, and then when you look at people who could have profited in various ways ( and I dont just mean financially), for putting words in his mouth, really cannot trust all that it says.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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