I have posted about Russia's clairvoyant competitions earlier, but this time things got seriously intriguing.
The organisers carried out a blind test in Stalin's dacha in Sochi (
https://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/sochi-russia-peek-inside-stalins-dacha.html). The task was to identify who was the host/owner of the house.
This year, one of the participants is extremely powerful clairvoyant/sorcerer from Caucasus:
He identified Stalin correctly, but also added a number of facts that turned out to be quite surprising. Generally, he is able to see deceased person and identify him/her. He said, that Stalin remains totally protected/hidden even after death (chakra protection).
He described Stalin's friend who was bald and wore a massive mustache (Gurdjieff). He said Gurdjieff advised Stalin to never reveal his actual birthday and to use many names. Gurdijeff completely changed the life of Stalin and empowered him so that Churchill and Roosevelt always rose when Stalin walked into the room. Historians say that only a few people could withstand Stalin's look.
One could only guess what Gurdjieff was intending:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_of_deaths_in_the_Soviet_Union_under_Joseph_StalinFor the sake of objectivity, it must be admitted that Stalin had also another person of power close to him: Wolf Messing (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_Messing). Apparently, he trained some NKVD/KGB officers.