I cant speak too much on other countries. But can on the US... I think.
9-11 was a huge event that really tossed us into the lower astral. It was strange. On one end, it united us. People. But then govt started their "weapons of mass destruction" shit and invaded Irqq and you know it was to get oil.
Hey bitch, bush. Isnt Osa- you know in Afghanistan, or Pakistan, or something?

Ok so that was a huge event. That was even right short after my own awakening. That changed the tides in this country like no other.
ok so this is a theory too.
12-21-2012. Im not trying to sound wackadoodle. But when that Mayan calendar ended, think about it. Look how shitty it all got!
Weird and more violent and media and social media and things were getting so thick.
OMG when I think I was a child. A kid. We had a channels. Then we got HBO. The tv would go off and rest. get that white noise. The national anthem would play before it.
Now? Oh shit hundreds of channels. They are trying to distract us. Internet phones tv streaming. And now this so called Meta shit that Lizard wants to bring in.
They are trying real hard to get folks to not pay attention.
But ok, as ive been around awhile and mighty observant. Folks are awakening. My theory is since Mayan calendar ended, a mass awakening took place.
But now, then those who are 'religous' per se are looking so incredibly crazy. Sometimes I will watch those evangelical Christians preaching werd shit.
I made a joke on my youtube one day. How all those creepy evangelicals who turned Orange Stain into a messiah, prophesized he would win this last election.
Yet me and a bunch of old school tarot readers said Biden.
And in June 2020 - that far back, I said Trump would lose,and he would dispute the election. AND take folks to court.
But supposedly all these crooked evangelical folks said trump would win and then, oh he will get reinstated. And so on and so forth.
k pitiful but let me bring it back.
So yes when it comes to hope I feel that we may need a mass opening.
Now my friend Ayesha Sheeba on FB who is very reputable and powerful, beieves portals will open all over in 2024 and we can get out.
Now I know you may think her crazy but let me say this.
One day I was on FB and I saw Ayesha post. She had an offering puja. Donate $10 thats all for a blessing.
Now at time, this was during covid, and i was working, but since not getting all hours, i was actually supposed to get unemployment cash. well, it was delayed.
So I sent her ten bucks. get this.
Next day, ayesha showed to me in a dream. Powerful and beautiful. Like a goddess.
I woke up next day, checked my unemployment account.
My unemployment got approved, and deposited. For six weeks back pay..
She - is - the - real - deal.
So its hard to ignore her prophecy if you wish to call it this. That in 2024 portals will open.
Just wanted to throw that tidbit. But it may be necessary. Cause we got real issues with leaders, and blind sheep. And perhaps a pied pieper leading all those folks astray into - god knows what.
K all I want to say. I best sleep.