Author Topic: The world is in crisis  (Read 579 times)

Doubting Thomas

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Re: The world is in crisis
« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2022, 04:56:39 AM »
When it comes to young people and their capacity to change society and the world for the better, I tend to take a more cautious view. The thing is that I have coached young people a little bit and taught them how to play sports, and I have seen how many of them have real substance and willpower. Yes, they're intelligent, they know a lot, but more than half of them don't have that strong will to get out of their comfort zone, to push themselves and do something big. I'm not saying young people can't do it when their backs are pressed against the wall, but when they can get by more easily, only a few are prepared to make a serious effort.

That's my experience and maybe things are better somewhere. I have explained it to myself in terms of urbanization as 60-70% of people live in cities. Life is easy, you don't have to do a lot of physical work and comfort prevails. 
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Re: The world is in crisis
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2022, 07:41:19 PM »
Alas, this is not only younger generations. It is the condition of most of the world currently. I suspect this has not always been the case, but we are in a phase of comparative comfort where the daily problems of living and socialising consume all available energy. There is insufficient energy to neither quickly resolve the daily obstacles nor look beyond at the wider world and what is imminent there.
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Re: The world is in crisis
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2023, 11:50:15 PM »
Coming back to this re-reading this.

The young people are not totally equipped to "win the battle." They are needed to vote, sure. But its the Gen X esp who needs to fight back this shit.

Now I dont know if you are reading my stuff but...I do believe there is going to be a split in reality. Now I want to say, in past I wasnt all too sure about this 3D and 5D split. It sounded new age, sure. But no. I see it happening and shifting. I agree with many that with the polarity pulling apart, this could end up being like a cell division of the earth. Its been predicted to happen countless times by various seers. And I do have to step back, earth is magical. Its not just the third rock from the sun and doing its thing. Its magical.

Also, re-reading your post and now we have Ukraine and Israel, the ante is upped here how bad it is. And I know for a fact that say tossing you know whats has been prevented. Like when dad directed me to a news article how air force once spotted a bright ring that disabled Nu*** that were set to go off and they couldnt use them. Its a fact - and im sure it was Vishnu's disc they saw.

If it is true this split occurs then two realities form. Earth is saved but...I also wonder if it would be similar to the old tree of life diagram. Where you had the tree and the qlippoth, the shells of it that are cast out. Like a 3D cast out earth.

Then there is also needed to awaken in the 5D one and then what happens to the 3D? Do we disappear die disintegrate? Shit I dont know. I just suspect this split is really gonna happen tho. Because its all critical mass at this point with all this stuff happening in Israel right now..which could threaten the entire globe - I suspect. I also felt the "call' to get ready for big big shit hence why I purged this year and im not the only one. Even ash went through it, and ive read for others who activated their light bodies too. Also, I never had put much merit into dna activation, until it happened to me on 2-23-2023 (2 x 23 chromosomes). I snapped it on my phone at 2:23 AM at 23%.

Anyway so im saying "some" (not all) new age theories are showing to be real. Its not all hokey doke. But yes. Putting this on the kids to save us is bullshit. And not all the gen x is gone. A lot are yes, either head in sand or totally mindflowered. But there is a lot of awake and aware folks who are raising up and the polarity is getting so strong with this that its looking inevitable a split has to save itself as you are correct. Humans are being a cancer on the planet, totally. But not all humans. There are many who want to save it.

I am trying to figure some things out still - but I trust somehow a split is gonna happen.
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Re: The world is in crisis
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2024, 02:04:36 AM »
I have been seeing the crisis of the world, aside from numerous skirmishes of politics and battlefields, as predominantly one of climate change, which no doubt remains the greatest physical threat to humanity, to say nothing of so many other species.

But recently I have begun to perceive a greater threat - mental illness. Not the mental illness of those who know they are suffering, but a far wider mental malaise afflicting the whole human race. No doubt it has always been there, but recent advances of technology and international power, have amplified this disease.

Put simply, people can no longer think straight. The human mind has turned upon itself, and is eating itself. Increasingly, I am seeing this as a kind of mental virus. The question then, becomes how can one counter its effect?

The problem is that this illness is extremely clever. One has a choice to disengage, but that's not an option in the long term, as it will surround and flood us all. The other choice is to defeat it at its own game, but that requires a lot of intensive discourse, and the illness is ready for that - it is not amenable to reason. Another choice is to use force, and yet the illness is asking for violence to be done against it in order to prove its claims.

Certainly, in those only mildly infected, a call to sanity and sobriety can bring a person back from the brink. But it's feeding tentacles never surrender, and fight must be conducted repeatedly. The only fail safe method to break its hold on the individual and collective mind, is the crushing blow of material reality through the smoke screen. Unfortunately, that option is not always available.

This has historical precedence, and humanity's only saviour, oddly, has been overwhelmingly destructive war. The advent of global peace has created a fertile space for the festering of insanity. On a community or individual level, the only tried and tested cure has been the blunt assault of the brick wall of reality. I guess, that's why we came to this planet in the first place.

But I'm not happy with this brutal cure - there must be another method of cleansing the human mind.

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Re: The world is in crisis
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2024, 03:18:19 AM »
Yes! A shared psychosis is happening, all over. Now I know the US is not the only place it's happening. But it has come in very strong. It's due to serious mental manipulation that has been effective by various enemies. To the point people will actually hand over their freedoms, easily.

Then sure the mental illness folks can't see reality at all. Which sure, we all can struggle with, in the pursuit of the Truth. But this is on a different level. Online has affected folks, it began when we got TVs surely.

Not sure the easy answer or how people can come back from it.
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Re: The world is in crisis
« Reply #21 on: May 26, 2024, 09:26:21 AM »
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The world is in crisis
« Reply #22 on: May 29, 2024, 01:55:10 PM »
I still need to watch that. I will soon. I'm trying to wrap up some much needed reading.

I saw you posted this on facebook too. I think, at least before I land a better paying gig, spirit definitely wanted me out and about with the wider public, where I could meet many folks. I have been thinking about the Foreign Installation a lot. I came across ann old post recently, where I questioned if it existed. Now, I have no doubt it does. Now what kind of "entity" it is who knows. But maybe we don't need to know precisely. Whether its the many things folks speculate (like Annunaki, Archons, et al). It's something. And when I'm with the public, I see many walking around. Now, they don't always speak much. They don't have to. They were certain shirts, and hats. They are totally programmed. It's nuts!

But the mental illness part is real, like I said, there is like a real 'shared psychosis' going on with people. They wouldn't know the Truth, if it punched them in the face. They are utterly clueless, cause they fed their minds with garbage for years, and there is a lot of confirmation bias, and folks looking to validate various things they believe in, and claim it to be true. So it is a hot mess right now how many are falling into deep darkness and ignorance right now. It's one thing to have different beliefs. But this is different. This is a weird thing which has taken a firm hold over people's minds, which may require some kind of deprogramming. I am witnessing the formation of one of the biggest cults I've ever seen. It's weird.

I don't know what is going to snap them out of it. But "throwing truth to the ground" is really happening by the masses. It's unreal.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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