One day all the animals of the jungle got together and had a meeting. For so long the Lion had been deemed the King. But suddently, there were many who began to admire the Elephant.
Per this meeting they felt change in the wind. Something was shifting. Perhaps it was almost like they felt the need for a new religion. A new "jungle order." So they decided that, they should go talk to the Elephant.
So a gang of the antelope, monkeys, apes, lionesses, hyaenas, etc, all went down to the waterhole and there was the Elephant. They began to compliment him on his strength, brawn, beauty, grace.
"Elephant! It is you who should be king!"
But the Elephant looked at them, as the animals surrounded him wide eyed, even a bit teary eyed, hopeful, admiring. But he was a humble Elephant. And he liked things the way they were.
"Im sorry. But the Lion is King. He is doing a fine job. I am content walking around the jungle basking in the sun, having food and water when I need it. Its a simple life for me. Please, go away, I dont need to be King."
But they persisted and persisted with the admiration, the praise. They began chanting in unison "Our King Our King Our King!" They all ran around a buzz this great leader, this prophet of wisdom.
'he is so humble. So kind. Just like a real King!"
Later one evening however, the Elephant looked up at the stars. He saw how they twinkle above and thought - how beautiful they are. How many over the millions and millions of years have admired their beauty and stature. It does feel so good to be loved like this. So he decided, hey, maybe being King would be great. To be loved or even worshipped.
The animals had been wearing him down, down, down. So the next day, he joyfully went to find the animals.
Running with pep in his step he found them all circled around and said "Yes I will gladly be your King!"
So the animals jumped up and down in glee and then called the Elephant over to this place in the jungle. In a spot where beautiful cloths and tapestries had been laid. they said "Go stand on those and we shall place a crown upon your head!"
The Elephant was so ready for this now. To be a star in the heavens. He walked proudly, head held high, over to the beautiful cloths. Took a step onto them. And then, he fell. He fell into a deep, deep pit. Beneath the beautiful cloths the pit of his demise. His big body could not take it, and once he hit the bottom, he was dead.
Moral of the Story:
We see this a lot in our modern culture. There are those who will praise others. Be it celebrities, or even a simple person who becomes "famous" in some way. Who maybe becomes very successful. They can have all this love and admiration. Even Jesus was like this. Heavily loved and admired. And yet, there are many who also, can rejoice, in seeing ones downfall. Its as if the masses also can even be jealous, that if someone is so beloved, and admired. They enjoy seeing them hit those rock bottom moments. And wil tear them completely down.
I saw a tiktok today where a woman called another young lady out. For whatever reason, the young lady was out there in the world with her camera. She had filmed a lady who was working at a McDonalds. Apparently this woman was high on drugs, and falling apart. Tripping on the job. She filned this woman at perhaps, her lowest point, and then posted it on tiktok. Went viral with about 5 million views. Many comments mocking the drugged out woman. But of course, others, who also were upset that this womans life was being made a spectacle, all so this young girl could elevate herself to get some views. "Oh look - my video went viral and I got tons of followers now!" How sad our culture has become. To go viral on the pain of others.
Everyone has a camera.
So yes also. We too must wade the waters carefully. There are those who may love you and praise you today. But also there are those who may envy that love and admiration you receive. AND if you do fall from grace, perhaps you will, too, be demonized, at your lowest point. Those who loved you could too, turn on you.
And remember tho, when you hit that point, those who still love you, and support you, and are your friends, ready to see you out of the hole, that pit, if you do survive it, those are the keepers in your life.
So dont let anything go to your head. Take it all with a grain of salt. You get praise and admiration? That is fine. Thank them kindly. But do know, in this world, that it can be meaningless when it comes to that "bottom line."
Those obsessed with likes, followers. Just remember those many prophets of the past, leaders of the past, celebrities of the past - who both went high, and low, and what happened to them in the end.