Author Topic: CONTROLLED FOLLY = "ITS ALL FOLLY"  (Read 82 times)

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« on: December 04, 2022, 03:31:03 AM »
I put it in ALL CAPS as if its important, and its not.


Its all folly.


Folly - derives from the word "The Fool." Now, anyone who knows tarot, knows that fella looking up and we have all studied him, as readers. Hes looking up. Perhaps he has shifted the assemblage point in the image. We know as readers somewhere in the Fool he is teaching us some wisdom. He is confusing.

At times he does simply represent straight up foolishness. But yet, he is the key piece in tarot - the journey is endless. He has so much experience.

Lets sort it out.

"A Warrior MUST know he is unimportant, but act as if he is important. That's a shaman's controlled folly. Nothing being more important than anything else, a warrior CHOOSES to act, and acts it out as if it matters to him." - CC/DJ

When I first met Vicki, and that was when we travelled with Marcus, Brian, and interacted with others. The internet, a new endeavor for many, Vicki and I were smart enough to know tho this world was unusual, we were to travel this labrynith and it somehow led us here to SOMA. We are similar we feel out and go by our wits.

Flash forward. We would have adventures in the magical community and the magical community had drama - esp light and dark drama. Ill keep it very short. Once we were in this battle in many ways, many people being chaotic, and she went into a small private place and did a post began with:


Declared and tho I didnt totally understand what she was saying - it made sense at least to my very clever double who even led me to all this. The drama, the folly. For example, have you ever seen folks get into a debate somewhere on facebook, not knowing each other, and they feel puffed up and important over some political issue, and just doing this whole battle back and forth, insulting each other, trying to defeat an opponent, wasting time, arguing, being petty.

Its all folly.

Its not only folly for those two clowns engaging in this. But I suspect its folly for me to even be remotely engaged or fascinated that I keep reading this dumpster fire. But if I do bother to read it - I am very stepped back not engaged with one side, or the other. But how ridiculous two grown people can throw down hands, yet tap ferociously behind a screen, engaging in this battle of wits to who is the smarter MF and more RIGHT and think they are important. I know its folly and I read it, not engaging or even agreeing with one side or another, but perhaps utilizing the moment to "see" what they dont see. That is my "controlled folly."

I see the folly of it all.

Della Van Hise, I have all her books, but even better I was able to meet this woman and see how skillfully she handled it. Now yes she could get caught up and we arent perfect. But she was keen enough know when to get caught up, and then when to simply not give a damn about something. Every experience, no matter, if she were to engage, was a lesson, was something she could utilize on her own warrior path. She could even use the ridiculousness to her advantage to shift the assemblage point, with skill, and even gain power. Not from others, but from a shift in awareness, perhaps by see-ing what was REALLY happening when others could not see it themselves.

Now I think when Michael and I met, as really Vicki found him first. She told me of this interesting character she met in the Toltec Nagual place. I was her tag along I suppose. But im sure that me coming in with my very capricorn, warrior, cool 'Art of War" energy he noticed. Now while I could look like any other ordinary individual who may engage in various things. I would hopefully have some honor and integrity in it. Honor honor. But anyway - folks with integrity are hard to find. And also, those who can traverse this world and other worlds with that ability to shift into art of war mode well....I can do it well.

But anyway point is, ITS ALL FOLLY.

This last week I had to deal with that. I know people are making meaning out of shit that is meaningless. I could potentially get frustrated with folks wasting time in drama. But yet I also deal with it, with some level of importance and yet - I know its meaningless in the end.

Does it matter to me?

Its all FOLLY.

When Im dead and gone, will any of these battles in my life mean anything to me, or another? "Nothing [is] more important than anything else." Thsi popped up right now:

"Controlled folly is the art of controlled deception or the art of pretending to be thoroughly immersed in the action at hand - pretending  so well no one could tell it from the rea thing. Controlled folly is not an outright deception but a sophisticated, artistic way of being separated from everything while remaining an integral part of everything. Controlled folly is an art."

In this massive universe, is a planet, earth. And I, a speck on a speck of the blue dot. I could step back and realize how meaningless it all is or that my own acts could be significant enough.

But yet - its not that nothing matters at all in the end...

"I am happy you finally asked me about my controlled folly after so many years, and yet it wouldnt have mattered to me in the least if you had never asked. Yet I have chosen to feel happey as if I cared, that you asked, as if it would matter that I care. Thats controlled folly!"

This is what another warrior said:

"Controlled folly does not mean that nothing matters to a warrior. On the contrary, it means that a warrior acknowledges that he does not know all the questions, much less all the answers to all of life's complexities and mysteries.

He honors the unknown and unknowable, remaining open and fluid instead of pretending that he knows everything. He never exhausts his power building and trying to maintain castles made of sand. He realizes that he cannot anticipate the workings of the Spirit (MY ADD: TRUE TRUE!)

A warrior gathers power by acting impeccably. He chooses what to be and what to do, according to a set of values and principles that defines him, just as I have chosen to make impeccability the focal point of my value system."

See The Fool card?

The Fool does not have all the answers. And yet, by acknowledging he does not - that alone he graps his power.

"A spiritual warrior chooses to live his life on the abyss and he laughs as he leaps into the unknown."

See The Fool card?


Now see for myself even. This is not an easy one for me at times cause I can fall in and it would seem important to manuever on that chessboard like I got to win and so forth. But I must know going in, its rather useless. And I feel the Double helps me to - maybe even forget that fact? But then when I pull back, I am back to where I need to be with that said knowledge.

Now as I went in with this honor attitude tho deep down:

"A warrior has no honor, no dignity, no family, no name, no country, he has only life to be lived, and under these circumstances, his only tie to his fellow men is his controlled folly, in order to become a wo/man (edit cause DJ hmmm) one must be a warrior. One must strive without giving up, without a complaint, without flinching, until one sees, only to realize that nothing matters."

Now I know that all this would feel meaningless - would it? And yet:

"Our lot as wo/men is to learn, and as Ive said, one goes to knowledge as one goes to war: with fear, with respect, aware that one is going to war, and with absolute confidence in oneself. Put your trust in yourself. There is no emptiness in the life of a wo/man of knowledge, everything is filled to the brim and everything is equal. For me there is not victory, or defeat, or emptiness. Everything is filled to the brim and everything is equal and my struggle is worth my while."

Now with that said:

I made statements in Journey, that NO ONE can win with this, and against this. That is because I have this keen sense of perception which I have demonstrated time and time again. This connection to Spirit which folks cant deny. This "bullshit detector" I can spot other peoples bullshit and when I point out their own idiocy and folly they will react and try to cover it up, and yet they expose it even moreso when I do and spin and spin. And I can even sit here and it can seem important and yet, I am trying to point out in my own way, the waste of time in even messing with me. It would be like facing the Spirit and trying to confuse Spirit and one up that force too. That is why i6t never works when folks try, or even in the days of long ago and folks tried to fight to budge Michael he just didnt care at all and maybe might be amused but no one could shake it cause he IS SPIRIT and so it was always futile.

And so this AM Im up and tho perhaps nothing matters, is not true totally. But what it is is that, "nothing matters, or is more important" than any other thing.

For a warriors sanity we have to see it. Della saw it and wrote about the walmart phantoms quite often and I would laugh. Occasionally I pop up a youtube on Karens. And I see Karens trying to stand in their power cause some black people used a barbeque at the park, and while they know they are being racist, tried to make it about the barbequeing an illegal activity, and spend hours calling the cops trying to defend some "park" from what... charcoal fumes?

Or the Karen who came upon some nice young men grilling lobster rolls and they were pleasant. Now they actually, tho very young men, who were quite cheery, used controlled folly and were keen to know what they were dealing with. When she puffed up it was illegal to park and grill where they were. They broke out the camera, and were polite young men, and did say they would pack up to make her happy, while offering her a lobster roll. She apparently realized this, and knocked over all the lobster rolls they spent an hour or so grilling in spite because she could not handle what she was seeing. But they laughed and laughed and uploaded the old lady to youtube and now it makes a nice memory...the experience. Now she can be internet  famous for all the wrong reason.

Those who may say 'Its the principle of the matter." Now anytime I have faced one who says it (unless it is reasonable). But often not. I will exercise controlled folly and focus and engage little this is important when I know this engagement, this energy one puts to the whole thing, is meaningless. They make it matter. The difference is I know its meaningless tho, and they sadly, cant see that truth be told, its insignificant as hell.

Like say someone takes someone to court to sue them over a $20 issue to win back the money, and is so hell bent on proving the point and in being right, they wasted $150 filing a small claims case to get the $20 back from someone on "principle."

My point being.

I sat with this as I had to cut two folks out of my life. Does it mean I dont care I did? Oh I do. But how it got so ridiculous out of a whole lot of nothing. I will move on the chessboard and tip the King over with my Queen piece in the end. But I am well aware he engagement may mean nothing in the end. But yet, the lesson is there - and my goal is they can see its all folly.

I suppose it was folly to even mess with "this" as I have tried to express before. But when folks flower around and find out, well, here we are.

My life tho, I dont want to engage in "drama." But like Della, I only bother with it, knowing its meaningless in the end, to either learn a lesson, or be one.

A warrior likes who he likes, or doesnt like who he doesnt like. Thats all.

Say more later. But The Fool? Is the Shaman, and the Wise man, or really, do we know who he is or what is on his mind or what he is doing?

We dont know, we cant know.

Thats the point.

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

Doubting Thomas

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« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2023, 08:34:48 PM »
Our life is finite, and what we do has only spiritual significance after the end of life. It is what remains within us. The rest disappears and exists in the world only as long as someone remembers it.

Is it all folly? It is and it isn't. There are no single answers in this world and most things sound like paradoxes when explained. Yet paradoxes can be negotiated.
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