If you are in despair, disillusion, dismay, distaste, distain of the world as it presents to you, and are thus seeking egress through some magical doorway to a higher consciousness existence beyond the physical, then you have missed the point of life.
It is here, within the life we each crafted for ourselves, that our real battle is fought. The reason we came here, into visual-nature, is because we are, beneath all else, in a spiritual existential battle with ultimate death – the perishing of our spirit. Before we were born, we had exhausted our potential: physical birth was our only option of survival.
That physical world which was fashioned for us from our archive of evolutionary demands, landed us precisely into the very place we find ourselves – there has been no accident. How we process our existence in this life-world, equates exactly to the seeds required for that higher consciousness existence. There is no higher consciousness existence that is not founded upon the cauldron of earthly life: our very spiritual eyes must be formed right here in the mundane (Malkuth).
If you seek a portal of escape from what you feel as contaminated existence, because you want out of the battle, that portal leads into stagnation. Only by fully manifesting your pre-birth intent, are we able to complete the covenant of renewal that we committed to when choosing this physical life.
Only by accepting fate, stepping forth ahead of our life’s caravan, thrusting into the world our uncompromising spirit of the most profound aspiration and resilience, can we, by arriving ahead of time, at the moment of intersection of the two trajectories initiated from conception, will a doorway open. Forget the rest – that is the only doorway we seek, and it won’t appear until the last moment. Until then, all bets are off. Until then, our task is to plant seeds…