This popped up and I looked at this post again. I remember the Green Man showing up for me in 2023 it was nuts!
I have strongly considered, not necessarily the wilderness, but getting away to a rural area, live in a cabin somewhere in peace. But with having kids, and grandkids, I would miss out on all of that and hate life. I may have the benefit of detaching from the shit of the daily world, and I sometimes even think "save yourself!" But I just can't do that right now. The kids tie me down. Not in a bad way but I know my heart is with the family.
I worked way too hard to keep us together. They are my world.
It would be nice if you could come up with a post for us "urban shamans" who do not have the luxury of leaving in such a way, what they can do. Like, and this is not a criticism, but you or Steiner who say to the person "can't I walk the park" and say that's not good enough. I step back and say "there has to be a middle road here, for the many who do desire the path, but it's not feasible to walk totally away from the daily world."
I do think there is ways to unplug from The Matrix, even if they have to function in and out of it on occasion. There has to be a way.
I mean if I walk a park, vs walk the wilderness, isn't it the same earth?
Which I know, it's different with the human footprints all over it. It can be different but there are ways.
Now I notice something which has been coming in reads a lot. I am noticing in them, a call for folks to travel, and get away. I do get this, for folks to do. So I see the value in this.
Now, with all going on, I suspect communities are going to form, grow their own, get down to nature. I think we shall see this over the years, due to all this weird oligarchy that is surfacing. Folks looking for ways to survive beyond this.
Now what you said on food, that is one thing folks CAN take charge of. I have done this over last couple of years. I have only a handful of processed food in boxes in the house I rarely have. I do have cans, but of things with few ingredients other than soup or veggies. diced tomatoes. And tons of produce in the fridge. Getting away from "man's food" to "Gods food" is the way I designate it, is critical. I feel a huge difference energetically, cause I changed all of this. Once you stepped into eating naturally as much as possible, you have little to no desire to go back.
But I do think that folks should seek out areas where they can go. Even if to get away on the weekends at least. I think per the mental health epidemic that the daily world is causing, they need a place to return to sanity. But this can be hard to do when the human footprint has touched so many areas.