Author Topic: The Problem With the Concept of Heaven  (Read 133 times)

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The Problem With the Concept of Heaven
« on: July 18, 2023, 02:04:14 PM »
Now first off I do believe when we die we go into another plane of existence. I’ve read of and watched many NDE tales. My Reiki teacher had an experience. I don’t do medium reads often but I have when called. I’ve had signs both from my mother and TONZE we continue on after death. But even with this knowledge, I still agree with him. Heaven has become a concept of a perfect place as reward after death. Hell if you were bad. So many don’t fully live lives now. Don’t feel they can connect. That comes later. This life is shit. You die happy ending. But human life is a gift it’s where we are to experience. So ignored is the Lord’s Prayer. On earth as it is in heaven. So what is that then? These two are obviously reflections if it is said on earth AS IT IS in heaven. It does not say earth is a bad place to be and heaven is good. I guess the Golden Dawn folks were correct. As Above So Below. So to me heaven is something we unite with earth if we can help it. But it takes a collective to consciously bring it. And yes I always saw insanity with doom prophecies. Are they somewhat self fulfilling? Revelation. Kali Yuga. Nostradamus and others had those who saw terrible visions. But why must those visions manifest and come to be? Because written in an old book? One or two or three peoples nightmare? Hey I get it. They saw timelines. But there are so many other ones. So many not seen by seers. So why must we make agreements with these visions? Why must I accept Kali Yuga says this or that. Or John predicted horrible things? Or Nostradamus scryed in water his? I guess it’s all madness. Now yes I do know it’s inside us. I know I see many hooked the attention and the flyers feed on fear. I’ve got my ideas as since I’m in a world many hooked and agreed how to refuse these things. I also am not blind earth - why would a god take us from here if we trash this home? So we could flower up another planet? But anyway. This video is correct heaven. If the concept of a perfect place were not a thing. Then folks would see earth is home and be kinder to it. But because they think an eternity in a better and perfect place is where they get to go. They don’t value earth or even this life. So it’s all messy and it’s poison to the mind. And there is a void before any light at the end of the tunnel is seen. So what if folks don’t find it? Just thoughts on it I don’t think we even have to agree to certain visions if we don’t want to.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Problem With the Concept of Heaven
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2023, 02:33:16 PM »
“There is nothing more lonely than eternity. And nothing is more cozy for us than to be a human being. This indeed is another contradiction-how can we keep the bonds of our humanness and still venture gladly and purposefully into the absolute loneliness of eternity?” -Carlos Castaneda

Good question. I suspect it’s part of the reason we do keep returning. We want connection. I don’t want to sit alone in eternity. What is the point? I’d rather hang with other souls I think. Course maybe that’s what warrior parties are for. We can get there. Very few will get there. But if I got there and it’s just me? I ain’t staying. It’s pointless. It really is. I know why it’s quiet but flower get there and no one found it? Pointless.  I’ve already got a glimmer of it so I guess I’ll drag a few I like with me into it. Then it won’t be so bad.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Problem With the Concept of Heaven
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2023, 02:42:23 PM »
“ Modern man has left the realm of the unknown and the mysterious, and has settled down in the realm of the functional. He is turned is back to the world of the foreboding and the exulting and has welcomed the world of boredom.” - CC

Yes. And they think it changes when they go to a heaven.

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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