dream I had
i was in the car w/ my ex driving when we arrived to our destination. disneyland, or what i thought was disneyland. it was a futuristic version of this theme park that looked nothing like the theme park as it is today.
The main attraction there was what appeared to be a ferris wheel but on a massive level. It was gigantic and did not function quite like a ferris wheel although it resembled one.
it had these long arms that would grab the carts and spin really fast upward taking you to another plane of existence.
when i got in i got queasy, i felt it in my waking self. but i did not wake up. i went upward in this ferris wheel type contraction where i landed in this jungle oasis type of place.
it was not a vast place but it was like an extension of the theme park, only different.
in the middle of the area was a "mesa" as they called it with a monkey statue on top of it. everyone was in awe of this mesa as that is how it was formed, not built, and it was sacred.
to the north was a cave type structure. it was the temple where the monkeys live and exhibits were.
i wound up leaving, donnie was with me and he couldnt handle the area. for whatever reason he couldnt come with me and he stayed on the ferris wheel.
i made my way to the front of the theme park after returning and i wanted coffee so i stopped at a coffee shop that was completely obliterated and messy, the barista was cleaning and when he looked up it was another ex of mine, vincent. only in my dream he was a stranger to me and i felt very strongly about him. what was weird is i knew his name and he knew mine. but we did not know eachother. just a strong gaze at eachother, a connection if you will.
and then i woke up.