Author Topic: Driving Music Compilation  (Read 93 times)

Offline Michael

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Driving Music Compilation
« on: December 08, 2023, 09:45:39 PM »
Over many decades now I have been compiling a USB set of music for listening to while driving. In Australia, it is common for people to drive for many hours just to reach another town, for medical, shopping, entertainment, education etc, let alone travel for vacations which Australians do often, as it's a big tradition for inlanders to drive to a coastal beach for a few days on holiday. So having some pleasant, and calming, though musically interesting music to accompany the trip is essential.

This selection is designed for the kind of mood one requires on long trips, but it can also serve well for in-house, where the mood is mid-level. Not too relaxing and not hyper. It also sources from our vast range of multi-cultural musical traditions - there is no current nor past popular, radio-type music on it. Almost all the music included, most people would never have heard before.

There is A LOT of it - 1,278 tracks and some are long - and the format is Wav losslessly compressed to FLAC. FLAC will play directly on most modern players, so no need to convert back to Wav. I am increasingly resistant to MP3 and AAC formats, as there is something unhealthy in them.

Thus, I've broken it down to 9 large zip files, which are over 4GB each.

The mood evolves subtly over the selection, with the earlier pieces slower and more relaxing, while the energy picks up progressively, though I've left off any high-energy tracks as that tends to expire the listener's own energy too quickly... this selection is for the long haul.

Driving Music 1

Driving Music 2

Driving Music 3

Driving Music 4

Driving Music 5

Driving Music 6

Driving Music 7

Driving Music 8

Driving Music 9
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