Author Topic: The Eagle and the void........  (Read 129 times)

Offline nikos

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The Eagle and the void........
« on: December 12, 2023, 08:28:18 PM »

I didn't know where to place this writing so I picked the journey as where I am, where we are and where I will die.

So, speaking about the Eagle, what do you think it really stands for ?

It was mentioned in my other topic the word void... but I tend to view my life as a path I 'm walking and that at some time the walk will be over.... In other words, I 'll die (being on Earth, on the road) and I will transit to the other world.. So I can't contemplate the void as I find it having to do more with perception than what I expressed me being 'on the road' leaving my final breath....

Hope this makes sense...
« Last Edit: December 13, 2023, 03:25:43 AM by nikos »

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Re: The Eagle and the void........
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2023, 06:43:17 AM »
Ive read and watched many cases on NDEs as they fascinate me. I had one myself this year. It was bizarre. But "the void" that people experienced. Im kinda torn. Like, folks will hit the void before they see the light. And they do say it feels very peaceful and loving, for some, others, its terrifying. Its interesting how this is different for the person. But then the light comes, somehow they call it, follow it. And go in and meet maybe guides, or loved ones. My experience wasnt like that. I saw tons of warriors, of all tribes, all over the world. That image was peaceful, I had no energy. But I think I saw them "before" I would hit the void itself. Its almost like they stood in the way of it being like "not your time, we need you on earth." Tho my soul, was seriously in this "in between state." On one end, I wanted to leave, real flowering bad. But another, my kids and grandkids tied me here, wanting to stay. Wanting to see the grandkids grow up. But also, the Mission so to speak. What I was meant to be here for, and do. That also, is a reason they all looked on and I was looking up rising up out of body. They were very intent and serious. I know they gave me the option to join them. But they also, wanted me to stay. It was odd. I could have, and they would have welcomed me. But if I stayed, I could be of use. It was an odd experience.

Now of course then should we go into the light when we have our time in the void. I suspect we have to. Unless Michael knows a better plan. He says he wants to return to earth. Now later, earth may be great - there is lots of channelers and prophets who have had good visions of this. But then others who did not. I am just aiming "home" eventually, when its my time. I dont think I wanna come back, cause of the prison nature of this place. I mean "gravity." That should be evident its prison like, there alone.

The eagle, wants our experiences. The eagle is spirit yes, that which controls it all really, got its own, "all seeing eye." We want the "GIFT" of course to dark past. There is no way possible to outwit the eagle. The only thing we can do, to get the gift, is be impeccable in our actions, words, which aint easy, but its the only strategy to get the GIFT.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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