Author Topic: Pluto Goes Into Aquarius  (Read 95 times)

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Pluto Goes Into Aquarius
« on: January 24, 2024, 04:32:11 AM »
This is from Marcas on his blog

January 23, 2024


In the celestial underworld, a dwarf planet stirs. Pluto, the god of transformation, is about to embark on a revolutionary journey through the rebellious sign of Aquarius, weaving a narrative of upheaval and rebirth that will span the next two decades. Forget the delicate touch of a feather – Pluto’s influence is a wrecking ball, shattering outdated structures and forging new paths toward a future unlike anything we’ve known.

For the past 15 years, Pluto has been simmering in the rigid confines of Capricorn, the sign of empires and corporations. We’ve witnessed this Plutonian pressure manifest in the widening chasm between the wealthy and the rest, a symptom of unchecked capitalism’s toxic grip. But the seeds of rebellion have been sown, hidden beneath the surface, waiting for the right moment to bloom.

That moment arrives on January 20, 2024. As Pluto crosses the threshold into Aquarius, a collective sigh of relief washes over the globe. Aquarius, the air sign of collective consciousness and technological leaps, injects a potent dose of revolution into the Plutonian equation. This isn’t about individual power grabs; it’s about dismantling archaic systems and reimagining the way we exist as a human family.

Imagine futuristic landscapes where technology serves all, not just the elite. Picture communities thriving thanks to radical shifts in governance and resource allocation. This is the utopian potential of Pluto in Aquarius, a future where innovation and collective care forge a new path forward.

But like a double-edged sword, Pluto’s transformative power can also wreak havoc. Expect societal institutions to buckle under the pressure, old paradigms crumbling as new ones struggle to emerge. Technological advancements, while promising, may carry unforeseen consequences. The line between a utopian dream and a dystopian nightmare remains stubbornly blurred.

This is a long game, played out over the next two decades. Pluto’s slow waltz through Aquarius will demand patience, discernment, and unwavering courage. We must hold fast to the Aquarian vision of a humanity united, while navigating the inevitable chaos that accompanies such profound change.

Think of it as a phoenix rising from the ashes. The old world burns, consumed by the Plutonian flames, but from its embers will spring a future forged in collective hope and revolutionary dreams. The question isn’t “Will it be utopia or dystopia?” but “What role will we play in shaping the outcome?” This is Pluto’s challenge, and the choice is ours to make.

So buckle up, dear reader. The next twenty years promise to be anything but ordinary. As Pluto rewrites the cosmic script, we are invited to become co-authors, our choices and actions shaping the chapters yet to be written. With courage, vision, and a united front, we can emerge from the flames, not singed and scarred, but transformed and empowered, ready to build a world worthy of the Aquarian dream.

Remember, the stars may guide us, but the future is ultimately in our hands. Let’s dance with the Phoenix, embrace the transformative power of Pluto, and together, build a future brighter than any imagined constellation.


In astrology, Pluto plays a unique and powerful role as a “transpersonal” or “generational” planet. Here’s a breakdown of its key functions:

Pluto represents profound, often radical change and transformation. It’s associated with death, the underworld, and all that exists beneath the surface, but not in a gloomy way. Pluto signifies the inevitable need for letting go of outdated structures and emerging reborn, stronger, and more authentic. Think of a caterpillar morphing into a butterfly – intense, but ultimately leading to a higher state of being.

As the god of the underworld, Pluto also governs power dynamics, both positive and negative. It can manifest as hidden agendas, manipulation, and even oppression, urging us to confront power imbalances and reclaim our own personal agency. But on the flip side, it can also empower us to take control of our lives and destinies, pushing us to overcome limitations and reach our full potential.

Pluto seeks to expose hidden truths and bring buried secrets to light. It shines a spotlight on our shadow selves, the aspects of ourselves we may prefer to keep hidden, but that ultimately need to be acknowledged and integrated for true healing and growth. This process can be painful, but it’s essential for achieving authenticity and living a life free from self-deception.

Pluto’s influence isn’t just personal; it also impacts society as a whole. Its slow movement through the zodiac often coincides with major societal shifts, revolutions, and upheavals. It pushes us to re-examine and overhaul outdated systems and institutions, fostering progress and evolution on a collective level.

The position of Pluto in your birth chart can reveal areas of your life where you are likely to experience intense transformation, power struggles, and profound revelations. Understanding Pluto’s influence can help you navigate these challenges with greater awareness and courage, ultimately emerging more empowered and whole.

Here are some additional points to consider:

Pluto takes a very long time to orbit the sun (approx. 248 years), meaning its effects are generational rather than individual.

It was only discovered in 1930, leading to ongoing interpretations and debates about its astrological significance.

Pluto’s current transit in Aquarius (2024-2043) is expected to bring major societal changes and technological advancements, alongside potential challenges related to power dynamics and collective shifts.

Ultimately, Pluto’s role in astrology is to challenge us, push us to evolve, and reveal our true potential. It’s a powerful force that can be both destructive and transformative, but by understanding its influence, we can harness its energy to navigate the currents of change and emerge stronger and more enlightened on the other side.

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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