Author Topic: Hindutva and the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya  (Read 273 times)

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Hindutva and the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya
« on: January 29, 2024, 03:28:36 AM »
I've not talked about this to any extent online, because it is too intricately complex for those who know little of Indian politics, and is futile to discuss with those Indians who are ensnared in the current political populism of India. But I've become aware that this matter is not going to pass by without a significant influence upon western liberal spirituality, as so much in that has Hindu roots, especially Advaita Vedanta.

I'm currently writing an extended treatise on how Advaita Vedanta inspired western spiritual beliefs for my next book, and I may post it here as everyone engaged in Soma now is infused with this stream. But it was in compiling this treatise that I've recognised how current politics in India are also now about to deeply colour new-age spiritual attitudes, so best those whose spiritual path is dictated by this influence, know ahead and prepare.

Pran Pratishtha means consecration, and Ram Lalla means the infant form of Ram, the hero of the Ramayana and an incarnation of Vishnu. Vishnu is essentially an imported god from the Aryan migration into India from central Asia (Hindutva followers vehemently oppose this now well-researched feature, even down to DNA studies, because it obviously contradicts their belief that Vedic tradition originated in India, and thus is 'essentially' Indian). His counterpart, Shiva tends to be ascribed as endogenous to the subcontinent. Ayodhya is where the new Ram temple is under construction after demolishing a Muslim mosque that stood on that spot.

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Re: Hindutva and the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2024, 03:53:27 AM »
Hindutva is a political ideology formulated by Vinayak Savarkar in 1922, that has nothing to do with religion, but means Indian national character, and specifically excludes Islam and Christianity. Hindutva-inspired organisations in India drew much from Nazism, yet there are differences, where Nazism is state and leader orientated, Hindutva is social, but the similarities reside in the critical element of extreme ethnic nationalism. There is much debate about whether Hindutva is fascist, and although it doesn't stand up under the older definition of that term, its use has changed more recently and under this broader definition, there are strong semblances. As I will explain later, the elements of state and leader have also now, with the pran pratishtha of the Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya, become emblematic of Hindutva - a disturbing turn of events.

The details however, are not necessary to know unless you are interested in political philosophy. Suffice to understand is that Hindutva does not mean Hindu in its religious reference. Hindutva means Hindu political identity. The majority of those who rally to the Hindutva ideology are not in the slightest spiritual or religious - their patronage of temples and Hindu pantheon is to demonstrate their belonging to collective identity. Now, I should say something about why this has found such fertile ground in Hindu mentality.

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Re: Hindutva and the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2024, 04:29:21 AM »
The origins of the surge in claims of Hindu Pride.

All communities who have been humiliated naturally resent that, and are thus highly receptive to the idea of their group-identity 'pride'. Americans have never, as an identity, been humiliated, unlike the Chinese, the Australian Aboriginals, the Germans, or Japanese. Nonetheless, Trumpism in the US is associated with MAGA, which appeals to sections of the American public who feel humiliated, and thus they aggressively promote their pride.

Hindus, as a community, once peopled the wealthiest land on the globe. As a religious identity, they were a mix of the old Indus Valley civilisation and the Arian migration. Modern research has opted to believe there was probably little broad conflict as these two streams merged thousands of years ago, as it happened over a long time. Nonetheless, even today there is a derogatory term which originates between the caste and non-caste, meaning those who could speak Sanskrit and those who couldn't. This is the only vestige of the rivalry between the two top Arian varnas (over-caste) and what are now called sudras. The tribals are another story altogether, but including them here would only complicate this unnecessarily - suffice to know they are extremely important in Indian social history.

The first major humiliation of Vedic Brahmanical religious identity, was when Buddhism swept across India. Hinduism reasserted itself especially from the extraordinary efforts of the long-lived Shankara, who out-debated everyone. Still, the two religions were relative brothers despite the ubiquitous sculptures of the Lion dominating the Elephant through India, when the Islamic invasion destroyed the fabulous wonders of both Hindu and Buddhist temples and centres across North India. (Muslims in South India tended to arrive through trade rather than violent invasion, and are integrated more harmoniously there still today, much to the annoyance of the current ruling central political party).

The third major humiliation was the British conquering of India. This was as humiliating as the Islamic, but where the Muslims from Persia believed themselves to be superior (with some claim to that), they didn't overtly humiliate the Hindus in anywhere the same way as the British, who believed Hindus to be cowards, effeminate, children, and incapable of being civilised - worshipping bloodthirsty evil demons. They humiliated not just the community, but their religion, intelligence, masculinity, art and languages. To cement all that, they consistently defeated them in battle and tricked them whenever it was easier, then subsumed them into their army, administration and business, while murdering countless millions and stripping the land of its wealth. The only Indians who outwitted the British were the wealthy money lenders.

You can understand then, why the concept of Hindu identity pride would find such fertile embrace. It is a transition and evolution of a nation that was waiting to be exploited as soon as some politically savvy operatives could generate traction. What is amazing is how long it took, and how much effort was expended before the Hindutva social and political organisations could rally enough support to win elections. Now, of course, it's taking off like rocket fuel.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2024, 01:24:23 PM by Michael »

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Re: Hindutva and the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2024, 04:43:22 AM »
Ayodhya. I'm not going into details about this specific event, except to highlight a few facts, but if anyone wants to know the 'secular' history, this is a good documentary that will cover the main parts, at least until more recent events:

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Re: Hindutva and the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2024, 05:06:32 AM »
Did you see where I tagged you on Ayesha Sheeba post about the temple? Yes that was major apparently.

Have Americans been humiliated to the point they get this "pride?" This is very different. I hate to say it, but white people, with things like immigration and things occuring, feel "threatened" that they could become a minority in this country, due to things like immigration. This is part of it. Yes, we do have a crisis at the border. But I like what Marianne says. Our relationship with Latin countries like Mexico, South America, and Cuba, we have done things which impact and destabilize, thus these people run from violent or poor places to America for freedom and sanctuary. But others in this country fear the impact of immigrants and then here comes Trump and his rhetoric and the crowd goes wild.

So these folks arent dealing with humiliation. They are fearful of becoming a minority. Then for those who are christian. Because of things with women and abortion, this has always been a huge thing in this country pro-life vs pro-choice. Then also, the LGBTQIA issue and the pronouns and they are very weird about this too. These people have been programmed these issues are of the devil. Through deep seated programming. So things like "political correctness" or liberalism or progressive is shot down. They want to throw things back to a day and age these things werent allowed. They want to go backwards. Back in time.

So yes the only humiliation issue is anyone other than white anglo saxon protestant. If it aint that, its been humiliated.

But the nationalism. Yes we are dealing with this. Christian Nationalism. And its not real christianity, anymore than the stuff Modi is promoting is real Hinduism either. Now Hinduism that has come here, I am also guilty of it, many of us extract parts that work for us. Yoga is huge, and vegan or vegetarianism is kicking in. Meditation because of benefits folks are doing it. The spirituality is being picked up on esp by women who identify with the goddess. So its happening. That works with the "spiritual but not religious" crowd who are shunning dogma (Im in that camp), and looking more critically at religion than before.

Now taking down temples, see thats my concern in Israel. The Dome of the Rock. That huge rock stands in the way, of more than you realize. It prevents some deep christian prophecies from getting fulfilled that I know of. If that temple goes down, then certain things could take place. It has stood there, like this magical "thing" to prevent the worst. But the way shit going down in Israel right now. I dont know how far Netanyahu is gonna take it. But that temple needs to keep standing to prevent the worst of the worst.
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Re: Hindutva and the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2024, 03:40:23 AM »
The Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla. To summarise quickly, as a way to galvanise publicity, in 1992 an Hindutva organisation organised the destruction of the Babri mosque which was built in 1529. The ASI (Archaeological Survey of India) did a survey report which supported the claim the mosque was built on the site of an earlier Hindu temple (there is a lot of controversy surrounding the influential head of ASI at the time), and this report was critical to the Supreme Court of India's decision, that although the destruction of the mosque was illegal, nonetheless, the site should be given over to Hindus to build a temple dedicated to Ram. (There remains significant disagreement with this decision and its legal thinking, by leading lawyers and ex-SC judges - it is highly problematic legalistically.)

On last Monday, the idol was consecrated. This act brings to conclusion a major endeavour by the Hindutva forces to cement the supremacy of Vaishnavi Hinduism as the primary state religion. It is strongly speculated that the next step will be to change the Indian constitution from secular to Hindu centred. This has been a huge deal across India, with saffron flags (the colour of Hinduism) flying all across the country, but especially in the North, where in numerous places, gangs of Hindu extremists smashed up any homes or businesses that didn't fly this flag - both Muslims and Hindus. You see, many Hindus are not happy with this consecration event.

To begin with, the consecration is a political event. It had to be done before the temple is complete, because if they waited, it would be too late as the government would be in caretaker mode for the next election. But more importantly, it was conducted not by a brahmin priest authorised for such an action, but by the Prime Minister of India - Modi. That caused all kinds of claims of merging the roles of state and religion. But most significantly, there are four Shankaracharyas who stand as the leaders of Hinduism in India, and all of them refused to attend the consecration.

But none of this matters to the majority of Hindu Indians, who perceive this consecration as the symbol of Hindu pride. More than pride, one could call it supremacy. It has come to symbolise the arrival of Indian vanity, but only for Hindu Indians. Now comes the tricky part, because this act is so communal in the multi-communal society of India, Modi went out of his way to promote the idea that Ram was for everyone - all religions should shed their differences and join in celebration of a unified Indian family. Many Indians are buying that spin, but, alas, not those who continue to suffer from violence at the hands of Hindutva gangs and governments.

The problem is that the Hindutva-driven political party in government, the BJP, under the leadership of Modi, is a political strategy based on hate. There is no doubt about this, as anti-Muslim and anti-Christian violence is ongoing and always promoted overtly before a major election. It is sheer hypocrisy for the sycophants and apologists of Modi to call for universal love and friendship under the flag of the Ram Lalla consecration in a temple built upon the destruction of a mosque!, when the intent is undisguised loathing for all non-Hindu Indians, as a deliberate political strategy.

So, why do I have concerns about how this development inside Indian politics will have ramifications from western liberal spiritual movements?
« Last Edit: March 15, 2024, 07:40:49 PM by Michael »

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Re: Hindutva and the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2024, 08:02:37 AM »
Wow, that is so similar to the energy rising up here. If christians could have it their way, Christianity would be deemed the nation's religion, prayer be brought back in schools, all sorts of things.

I was watching a youtube and its so...ridiculous. Some folks made AI images of Trump praying in a church. They were mocking it cause, in one, Trump had six fingers! Ok so like he will still share these images on Truth Social. But even if it could win the Christian vote hard, he wont go in a church and kneel. Oh he went outside the one church with a Bible after shooting up protesters and held it up, acting like he reads it, sending a message! But no, he wont go in a church, and he wont say what his favorite scripture is "Its too personal." I suspect Modi is the same, he doesnt care about religion, and he wants to be seen as a deity, just like Trump does.

Thats why when I say antichrist spirit, its not what people think. Netanyahu and Modi are that too. Its a kind of weird "like energy" they have. Trump has it of course.

Now is Modi voted in or does he just appoint himself at this point? He seems like Trump same deal, as Trump feeds the white christian nationalists what they want. Its amazing, he never really talks about policy or doing anything significant, except closing the border. Thats all he really says.
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Re: Hindutva and the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2024, 04:00:27 PM »
Modi has enormous support among NRIs (non-resident Indians... ie Indians living abroad), so one has to be careful what one says to Indians in the US about Modi. And remember, Indians have almost no sense of humour about themselves... irony or satire can land you in jail in India.
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Re: Hindutva and the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2024, 03:48:44 AM »
So that's the short history of Indian supremacist development. Why does this matter for western liberal spiritual aspirants? Because western spiritualism has become infused with Neo-Advaita. For better or worse, that is now the case. Western liberal spirituality has always had Hindu influences, but with the advent of Neo-Advaita teachers, it has been saturated to a new level. In essence, Neo-Advaita preaches that no guru, structure, effort or preparation is required for enlightenment. There are complexities in this, much of which is dangerous and much had to happen. Never mind, it is as it is.

The point of Hindu influence in new-age spirituality is that up until now, it has predominantly focused on the profound philosophies of India, be they Buddhist, Jaina or Vedanta. Also, much of the attraction is the bizarre gods and goddesses - so different to Abrahamic religious traditions like Christianity and Islam. The western spiritual aspirant has, until now, been fed on a diet of Indian religious 'content', not on personalities.

The Hindu stream of this is changing. Buddha forbade worship of personalities, so despite the human desire to do so, there has been a systemic injunction against it. Hindu influences had plenty to share in their philosophy and divine flamboyance, though there has been a marginal worship of certain Indian gurus by a small dedicated contingent.

Now, seeping into and increasingly energising this Hindu influence in the western spiritual movement, you are going to see Indian Pride taking a more confident, if not adamant, role. Those who seek out 'authentic' Indian Hindu voices, will get their spiritual food permeated with vainglorious Indian conceit. Supplanting the impenetrable wisdom of India will be a reverence for the culture of Hinduism and the dominant personalities.

Hindutva will do to western spirituality what it has done to Hindu religion - turn it away from the private path of moksha to the collective ego of Indian supremacy. Spiritual teachers in the west will be increasing preaching devotion to Hindu culture instead of philosophic content, and the change will be not only imperceptible but irresistible.

This will divert the trajectory of wisdom that has been transferring to the West from the East, into a version of western populism - Hindutva is essentially a western political concept of national identity. This will sabotage whatever value remains after Neo-Advaita degraded the instinctive aspirations of those in the West towards fast-food spirituality.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2024, 07:46:06 PM by Michael »
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Re: Hindutva and the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2024, 11:29:30 AM »
Its true it could potentially sabotage some things. But one thing about the west, is shunning dogma and folks truly seeking the Truth, there are those that are doing that. I think thats the main thing which will keep anyone on track - seeking the truth/dharma and not just what is comfortable.

But fast food spirituality. Yes, folks in the west want what they want with immediate results, like NOW. So that is the hard part. But still, I know how spirit has their way of getting through, they can do it with people in their own way. Like even folks in my group, they can be very in tune with synchronicities. They do pay attention and follow those.

The teacher or guru thing is hard. I know there is a thing in the spiritual not religious folks to shun teachers. Its because they have seen so many misled is why. But no matter. When one ultimately hits a wall, and pushes to go past that wall, a teacher will probably present themselves to them. They will. And they will change their mind. Itll happen. But course, what is worse than no teacher? A BAD one. And there are tons and tons of them all over, esp online. Tons of them. I remember as a kid seeing Jim Jones and the Guyana tragedy - that has always been enough for me to be careful I always was careful on that, esp cause I saw that.

I still worry about that - with the Trumpers.

But it will be interesting how all this evolves and changes. But even if some negative things form, I do trust positives will come about as well. I dont think it will ruin it totally, not for everyone, not all.
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Re: Hindutva and the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2024, 03:31:35 AM »
I read an interesting article just recently on this subject, and the author emphasised that Hindus have never suffered from 'religious inferiority'. They suffered from Hindu-community identity inferiority, but the religion has been as strong since a thousand years as it is today. He said the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya has nothing to do with religion, as is claimed by Modi - 'revival' of Hinduism that was 'lost' - but solely a political propaganda event.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2024, 08:07:11 PM by Michael »
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Re: Hindutva and the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2024, 06:02:49 PM »
Did you read what Ayesha Sheeba wrote on the temple? I tagged you, but I know you dont always check that stuff. Let me bring it here. Since she is the goddess of facebook (she really IS):


I feel very compelled this morning, to say this today.

It's the official inauguration of the Ram Mandir (temple) in Ayodhya today. A 500 year old earthly Hindu dream come true.

Now, whatever be the reasons behind it all, the temple has been erected and is open.

The point is not if there are more temples, churches or mosques. The point is if there is love, peace and happiness amongst all.

If the erection of a building separates humanity, no Ascended Being/God would want to be a part of it. No God or messenger ever said you must believe in me. None said I am creating religion. All, instead said - love one another. Love thy neighbor as thyself.

Hinduism is understandably one of the oldest religions and cultures of this realm. Yes, my husband, Sri Vishnu and I, among my other family members have played major roles in history related to its foundation but none of us claimed this to be the only and most superior of faiths. We never persecuted or hated others.

Instead, we peacefully co- existed with everyone.

Sitting here in some obscure corner of India today, I am disturbed by the lack of peace behind the event. The outrage and secular conflicts over this between religious communities is appalling.
Why not live and let live? I speak for both sides and not one.

I am no muslim, if you are to go by my name.

I am not hindu, if you're to go by the aesthetics alone. I was born a hindu but I found more peace in just loving my Vishnu, Shiva and my entire parivar (family). Vishnu never told me that I must be a hindu. He never said I should hate others.

Religion is a game of the powerful on Earth. A business to separate and conquer. If you want to connect to the souls of these amazing Ascended Masters/Gods, do so with all your heart. Look at every face the same way.

Why does faith matter now, over a religious building when millions fought for their lives just years ago due to a virus? Were not these same religious buildings shut down during COVID?

Did that virus only affect a certain faith? Did hospitals turn people down over faith? Did we not all, collectively pray for relief?

As for the muslims and other communities in India and is my take on this issue.
India is as much a land of Gods Ram and Shiva as Mecca is the land of the Islamic Prophet Mohammed. When Saudi Arabia demands that Islamic rules are followed and given great importance in their land, why should India be expected to do otherwise? Since when have we developed phobias over faith?

I understand that over time India became a country that has embraced people of all faiths and somewhere down the line it also created division. One must stop focusing on that and get to the root of the problem. It is not the Gods that did it. However, it is the sole responsibility of the government to ensure that peace prevails among all.

Neither Ram nor I are comfortable with the intentions on either side of the situation. India is at the verge of exploding into an inter religious war zone and we can be absolutely sure that it would be the public who would be losing lives and not the wealthy and powerful who will either fly out of the country or hide behind their mansions.

Gods do not reside in temples, churches or mosques. They reside in the hearts of those who love unconditionally.

The aesthetics don't matter because all of that can get shut down over just a virus.

If your hearts are shut tight, it doesn't matter how many buildings are erected.

The open hearts will always matter more than doors to religious buildings.

To worship, you need to go within and find the soul. To love, you need to go within. To evolve, you need to go within. The answer always has, is and will be, to go within.

No God said there need be a declaration of how powerful any religion is by erecting billion dollar structures and statues when there are starving and poor across the world.

Vishnu and Shiva do not need massive temples for themselves. They do not require that to love. Every home can be a temple, church or mosque.

Pause. Think. Ram and I lived in a forest and we found more love and peace there than in the grand palace.

Krishna and I found more peace and love in Vrindavan than in Dwaraka.

As Meera, I found more peace in wandering while in deep bliss with Krishna, than in any posh temple.

Every single time it's never a building. It's the heart and soul. Think about it.

Whatever your faith may be, it's never going to be about anything materialistic.

It's not about the aesthetics. Never was. Never will be.

Millions gather today to celebrate the inauguration of this temple today. Yes, we appreciate the love but when none of you can even intuitively tap into the spirit you are! I speak for every religion. You don't even know for sure just by your own senses and without any external influence, if the Gods you are worshipping are here now!

Think about it. Don't be quick to argue or persecute me. We are not afraid of persecution. The max you can even do is end my existence here and that is something I would do with great pride because I stand by truth.

I speak for my Vishnu. My Krishna. My Ram.

Vishnu's Anuradhe.

Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya.
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Re: Hindutva and the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2024, 10:02:02 PM »
This blog is public, so I'm not sure it is ethical to repost her words here, nor do I think it's productive to be providing a platform for this. Yes, I did read it, and it contains the tone of what my posts refer to as ascendency of context over content.

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Re: Hindutva and the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2024, 07:29:12 AM »
This blog is public, so I'm not sure it is ethical to repost her words here, nor do I think it's productive to be providing a platform for this. Yes, I did read it, and it contains the tone of what my posts refer to as ascendency of context over content.

Yes it is public so I am pretty sure in here, she would not mind putting this here. This was a public message for all. And its well done what she said.
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Re: Hindutva and the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla temple at Ayodhya
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2024, 11:01:24 AM »
Didn’t take long … on my normal social media perusing I saw a stranger in the comments to another stranger “are you a Modi supporter?”. 


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