There are gradations of all aspects of nonduality. One can gain a piercing insight - a scouts perspective. One can step into it unwillingly without losing the easy path back. And one can experience complete submergence, from which it is nearly impossible to return as that saps completely one's life force - the energy to do. It is best to have snippets of nonduality, because there is so much work to be done in duality.
I'm not of the view that the goal should be nonduality. That is the landscape, and it is good to know the landscape - how to utilise effectively the known, unknown and unknowable. As such, there are different gradations of stopping the world. In essence stopping the world is the experience of nonduality, but I also not happy to describe this as a negative - a 'non'. Much like negentropy.
Along the path, we need occasional glimpses of the infinite, but we still need to tread the path of our destiny.