Author Topic: Food and Why We Are Sick  (Read 120 times)

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Food and Why We Are Sick
« on: March 26, 2024, 04:08:35 PM »
No im not going to load this section with conspiracy theories. I really dont have to. If you walk in your local grocery store and look around, you can see it for yourself. The majority of the food in all supermarkets, is processed foods. Its boxed or maybe frozen stuff. Its loaded with sugar galore or corn syrup. Its very unhealthy. And healthy foods like produce, vegetables, fruits, or grass fed meats and things, are much smaller sections.

So the last few months ive spent lots of time watching food documentaries and reading stuff, how the govt is basically bought by lobbyists to keep certain food charts the way they do. Even The American Heart Association, or Diabetes Foundation, has meals on their website which are actually contradictory to what is "healthy."

It’s estimated that a little over 42%Trusted Source of American adults have obesity, while about 30.7% are overweight. Overall, more than two-thirds of U.S. adults in the United States are overweight or have obesity.

Adults between ages of 40 and 59 are more likely to have obesity. In fact, more than 44%Trusted Source of adults between these ages have obesity. Meanwhile, obesity affects 39.8% of adults ages 20 to 39 and 41.5% of adults above age 60.

Obesity in children and adolescents

Nearly 20%Trusted Source of children ages 2 to 19 in the United States also have obesity, which is more than 14.7 million children and adolescents.
Additionally, 1 in 8Trusted Source preschoolers have obesity. However, the CDC reports that obesity rates among preschool children have fallen in recent years.

Children who are overweight or have obesity are five times more likely to have obesity or develop overweight as adults. This can increase their risk of many chronic diseases and health complications.



Total Diabetes
From 2001 to 2021, diabetes prevalence significantly increased among US adults 18 or older.

38.4 million people have diabetes—that’s 11.6% of the US population.
29.7 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes.
8.7 million people who have diabetes have not been diagnosed and do not know they have it.
Total Prediabetes
97.6 million US adults have prediabetes.
27.2 million adults 65 or older have prediabetes.


Heart attacks:

Heart Disease, Stroke, and other Cardiovascular Diseases
• Cardiovascular disease (CVD), listed as the underlying cause of death, accounted for
931,578 deaths in the United States in 2021.
• Heart disease and stroke claimed more lives in 2021 in the United States than all forms
of cancer and chronic lower respiratory disease combined.
• Between 2017 and 2020, 127.9 million US adults (48.6%) had some form of CVD.
Between 2019 and 2020, direct and indirect costs of total CVD were $422.3 billion
($254.3 billion in direct costs and $168.0 billion in lost productivity/mortality).
• In 2017 to 2020 in the United States, 59.0% of non-Hispanic Black females and 58.9% of
non-Hispanic Black males had some form of CVD. This race category had the highest
prevalence of CVD.
• In 2021 in the United States, coronary heart disease (CHD) was the leading cause of
deaths (40.3%) attributable to CVD in the United States, followed by stroke (17.5%),
other CVD (17.1%), high blood pressure (13.4%), heart failure (9.1%), diseases of the
arteries (2.6%).
• CVD accounted for 12% of total US health expenditures in 2019 to 2020, more than any
major diagnostic group.
• CVD accounted for approximately 19.91 million global deaths in 2021


Its the diet. There are fast food restaurants all over. They are even serving fast food in schools. The govt actually deemed ketchup a vegetable cause of tomatoes in it. Due to pressure of lobbyists. And doctors get very, very little education on nutrition in medical school.

But the thing is, if people do end up unhealthy, they are pointed to it is "their fault." No, its not. It is not when in our face is all this unhealthy food, and very little healthy food options.

By going vegan this year, I definitely feel a HUGE difference energetically. I mean even my skin is changing. Prior when I would eat whatever, I got very unhealthy and was continually tired. I do think diet impacted my thyroid. But now I definitely feel the difference within, after giving up meat and dairy. I also do my best to avoid sugar. Now thats a hard one, its in so many things. But im fine if I get it from fruit.

But Im sure itss going to be a long time before say, govt does something about this. There are other countries like say Africa, where heart disease or attacks is practically  unheard of, cause they dont eat like we do. But folks need to be proactive and very educated and careful what they eat.

BUT the appeal for America families which are forced to budget food, is that unhealthier food IS considerably cheaper and they dont necessarily have the luxury of eating healthy. Thats the hard part.

And not everyone wants to spend the time how to do a lifestyle change, or investigate the livestock industury, to see what they are injecting into the meat, or coloring it with.

Ill write more on this. But the stats are breathtaking. And it aint "hereditary" these causes. its food. The cheap and fast food, American diet.

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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