I mentioned, in the interview, about 'youth', within the larger issue of a profound shift - an existential shift in human self-consciousness and self-image. But in the matter you refer to Bornamber, there are layers of youth. Because this major shift is upon us so soon, even now in fact, the only generation that will be in a position to assume leadership are the late-30s and 40s. Their formative years were still significantly physical - music venues, festivals, pubs, clubs or all kinds etc, where relationships were still formed from face-to-face engagements.
The latest generation to emerge from the tunnel of teenage, are those whose last years in the tunnel were during the pandemic, and during which they spent their time physically isolated in their bedrooms. The demise of music venues and festivals is now partially attributed to that this new emerging generation don't like going out - they interact socially in the digital world. But that's not relevant to the crisis that is crashing onto humanity, because they are too young to assume leadership roles.
It is older youth, or better called early middle-age, upon whom is falling the task of grasping what is really happening. But as always, although they will have to be the ones to act, they will nonetheless take their ideas from older thinkers, who are currently striving to penetrate into this profound shift.
Always keep in mind, the real thinkers are not the ones we hear about, online or in fashionable books - those are the populist 'amplifiers', but even they get their ideas from those behind the scene, that usually only academics know about. Unfortunately these populist amplifiers are most interested in prestige, so don't care too much about what ideas they pump out, as, like the music industry, they don't need high quality content as the art of promotion is the key to harvesting eyeballs and ears.
I have seen a number of popular and acclaimed speakers sprouting the American mantra: 'dumb it down and blow it up'. Take a cliche, and espouse it in tedious detail with video and images as if they were the first ones to think such deep and meaningful tripe. Always disengage from the dramatic delivery, and ask, just what is this person really saying? Is it actually anything new?
Back to youth, it is in their hands. The older ones for leadership, but the late-twenties especially are the troops, because they have the freedom from obligations and responsibilities, while having the passion to take risks. But the leadership is critical, or to be politically correct, the 'initiators'. (The word leadership is on the nose these days.)
PS - I'll look into that link you suggest later tonight.