Author Topic: Interview  (Read 268 times)

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« on: May 24, 2024, 11:40:37 AM »
Here's a bit of fun. This is about my day job, and my association with the founder of our Foundation.
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Re: Interview
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2024, 12:29:00 PM »
Good to see you and n YouTube! Now have you ever considered sharing knowledge on YouTube like on India, Toltec, stuff like that? You should consider it one day. It would be cool to stick something out there like that. People do actually look for good videos. It’s funny. The older stuff app Al’s yo me more. Like Alan Watts, Wayne Dyer, Dolores Cannon. But some newer folks like Joe Dispenza are interesting too,
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

Offline Bornamber

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Re: Interview
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2024, 12:16:36 AM »
Regards to what the younger people are gravitating towards and community engagement … it makes me think of what these people are doing:

Fit for Service…Aubrey Marcus and Eric Godsey.  They play with Jungian threads, indigenous threads, psychedelic threads, art, emotional breath work release and dance.  As the interview mentioned there IS a huge movement towards embodied practices.

Here is what the young people know …

Growing up as a “digital native” the energy body has been pulled up up up into the mental sphere creating a disconnect from grounded physical embodiment. Also increasing mental chatter increased anxiety and fight or flight nervous system reactivity.

So to balance this the younger generations are looking to reconnect with the systems that have been severed by existing too much in a “digital” sphere.

People in my cohort (mid 40s to late twenties) are seeking embodied ways to reconnect to physical self, community and the earth. We also intuitively know we will have to develop systems to teach these programs to the younger generation who are even MORE involved in the mental sphere than we were and have not fully awoken to the disconnect and anxiety they feel but are “coming online” to it.

The generation after that … I have no idea.
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Offline Bornamber

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Re: Interview
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2024, 12:24:06 AM »
Oh here’s another challenge.  At least in North America. Not sure if it is like this in other places but when it comes to community building which the isolated younger generation desperately seeks we are ALL trying to build community THROUGH capitalism.  Our jobs. We are trying to turn our jobs INTO community.

Work and capitalism have permeated our identities so much we don’t know how to envision community outside of work so we are trying to create from within the work environment.

I imagine the generation under me will see this and rebel against creating community with capitalism. Perhaps they are already are….but my age cohort hasn’t imagining their way out of this issues yet and still are creating community systems within work systems. Basically trying to survive and connect at the same time within the same system.

It’s is interesting … family units and what “church” used to represent in community have broken down and left a void of connection we are seeking to replace that function/instinct but don’t know how yet in a healthy way….i imagine this will take priority as many people are lacking the nourishment this connection brings and it is having devastating consequences.

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Re: Interview
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2024, 01:07:04 AM »
Yes. Esp young men are looking for connection. Women too, but its really difficult on younger men. Like I was listening to this one young man on YouTube and how when they go out, to try to socialize and make friends, everyone has ear buds in, and is looking at phones. Sure can make it hard to talk to folks, plugged in the matrix not wanting to be disturbed. Also one young man I was reading for just this week said similar, he wished he had some good guy friends, and it's hard to make them, like where to go. Like even if you go to the gym they may have ear buds in. So it's a difficult phenomenon and more things need to be set up so people can commune. People are looking for such communities. I do feel there is an energy getting tired of the lack of socialization opportunities out there.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan
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Offline Michael

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Re: Interview
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2024, 10:43:28 AM »
I mentioned, in the interview, about 'youth', within the larger issue of a profound shift - an existential shift in human self-consciousness and self-image. But in the matter you refer to Bornamber, there are layers of youth. Because this major shift is upon us so soon, even now in fact, the only generation that will be in a position to assume leadership are the late-30s and 40s. Their formative years were still significantly physical - music venues, festivals, pubs, clubs or all kinds etc, where relationships were still formed from face-to-face engagements.

The latest generation to emerge from the tunnel of teenage, are those whose last years in the tunnel were during the pandemic, and during which they spent their time physically isolated in their bedrooms. The demise of music venues and festivals is now partially attributed to that this new emerging generation don't like going out - they interact socially in the digital world. But that's not relevant to the crisis that is crashing onto humanity, because they are too young to assume leadership roles.

It is older youth, or better called early middle-age, upon whom is falling the task of grasping what is really happening. But as always, although they will have to be the ones to act, they will nonetheless take their ideas from older thinkers, who are currently striving to penetrate into this profound shift.

Always keep in mind, the real thinkers are not the ones we hear about, online or in fashionable books - those are the populist 'amplifiers', but even they get their ideas from those behind the scene, that usually only academics know about. Unfortunately these populist amplifiers are most interested in prestige, so don't care too much about what ideas they pump out, as, like the music industry, they don't need high quality content as the art of promotion is the key to harvesting eyeballs and ears.

I have seen a number of popular and acclaimed speakers sprouting the American mantra: 'dumb it down and blow it up'. Take a cliche, and espouse it in tedious detail with video and images as if they were the first ones to think such deep and meaningful tripe. Always disengage from the dramatic delivery, and ask, just what is this person really saying? Is it actually anything new?

Back to youth, it is in their hands. The older ones for leadership, but the late-twenties especially are the troops, because they have the freedom from obligations and responsibilities, while having the passion to take risks. But the leadership is critical, or to be politically correct, the 'initiators'. (The word leadership is on the nose these days.)

PS - I'll look into that link you suggest later tonight.
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Re: Interview
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2024, 11:09:59 AM »
The challenge with youth is so many seem to feel powerless. They are not. They can educate themselves and vote. But there is odds against them. College education is insanely expensive. So many are opting out, until there is reform. It's ridiculous student loans. Like many graduate, and because of debt, don't qualify for a home. Can't buy one.

The only thing I slightly disagree is the problem with young people during and post pandemic, who are very isolated, even now. They have got comfortable living alone. I talked about the problem with young men, many single and isolated, no friends, and many are highly depressed (some becoming incels). That doesn't just extend to only teens or early 20s. That is even 30 and under. I agree we do need places to do more music venues and fun things for people to go and meet up. It's really important they do.

Now I think toward the end what you are saying is various influencers, regurgitating spiritual stuff. There is a lot of that. But they are learning at least. So I don't necessarily think that is all a bad thing. Tho there are certain ones who are looked up to who are bad news. Don't get me started about Teal Swan, for example. But there are still some half way decent folks out there saying  good things. They are trying. But the young need a break through movement, sure. They are doing things, like protesting on campuses right now. Something is surfacing with the youth for sure.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: Interview
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2024, 04:30:21 PM »
Regards to what the younger people are gravitating towards and community engagement … it makes me think of what these people are doing:

Fit for Service…Aubrey Marcus and Eric Godsey.  They play with Jungian threads, indigenous threads, psychedelic threads, art, emotional breath work release and dance.  As the interview mentioned there IS a huge movement towards embodied practices.

Here is what the young people know …

Growing up as a “digital native” the energy body has been pulled up up up into the mental sphere creating a disconnect from grounded physical embodiment. Also increasing mental chatter increased anxiety and fight or flight nervous system reactivity.

So to balance this the younger generations are looking to reconnect with the systems that have been severed by existing too much in a “digital” sphere.

People in my cohort (mid 40s to late twenties) are seeking embodied ways to reconnect to physical self, community and the earth. We also intuitively know we will have to develop systems to teach these programs to the younger generation who are even MORE involved in the mental sphere than we were and have not fully awoken to the disconnect and anxiety they feel but are “coming online” to it.

The generation after that … I have no idea.

The end of this post is interesting.

I do hope more spiritual communities pop up, and are productive. Unfortunately, many of them can get corrupted sadly, esp if they have an egoic or narcissistic leader. We have seen it time and time again. As I do suspect, forces come to test and disband such groups, as a phenomenon.

But I have wondered the famous 3D and 5D split. Will humanity be coexisting, but with people simply on different planes? Unsure. But like you I see the jury may be out for the young. But even tonight, I was having a discussion with a mod about the little kids here now, and coming. These kids are very gifted and aware. They see spirits. Recall past lives with detail. Have prophetic dreams. So they may break the mold so to speak. I suspect with the ones coming, the veil won’t close on them, like generations before them.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

Offline Michael

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Re: Interview
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2024, 09:11:24 PM »
"what the young people are doing" - indeed, a good reference for reflection on that.
Aubrey Marcus: another person without a Wikipedia page. Can't help feeling that bothers me a little.

I had look, and read numerous comments, but there is too little info to make an assessment. But outside that program and convener, this is the kind of activity I sense younger spiritually-inclined people are seeking.

Offline Bornamber

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Re: Interview
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2024, 07:39:27 AM »
I mentioned how i feel the anxiety mental crisis is what I have seen coming … bc it started in myself ….my first tattoo being the words “where is my mind??”  It’s in my heart there is a problem and the younger generation suffers more from it. And it’s in my knowing my cohort are the bridge builders OUT of that. I am aware. Maybe not moving fast enough. I’m still healing my own disconnect.

But we bring these things up and I receive this today in my email … the author is discussing a vision Jung had before he died and how he thinks it relates to mind sickness in humanity.

Once again this person is in my age cohort. The bridge builders. We do see it.

One thing I have been made aware of is to pay attention to the sense of “other”.

Other creatures. Other beings. And to build relationship with this without projecting “humannness” onto it.

I do also fear though that perhaps this lost sense … I am not so sure it can be regained in time. Particularly with my current lack of freedom in nature. I’m more machine than ever before now.  Or perhaps this awakens a sense of “other” in me I couldn’t understand before.

Anyhow.  These are the threads I see being tugged upon.  I do participate in trying to bring back connection and soothe the mental virus. No matter what direction my life turns this is always what takes lead.
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