So right now on youtube are countless videos per a showdown with Billy Carson, and this guy who is going Viral, Wes Huff.
I first came across Billy Carson this year. He has been on Joe Rogan. Now I do want to say, some things he has said are on point, but a lot of it, as I probed deeper, I really was like "Yeah I don't trust what he is putting down."
Like when he speaks of the Emerald tablets, yes there is a smaller version. But he supports an expanded version of them, which apparently link back to a cult leader who "discovered" missing tablets.
He has also made strong claims, the crucifixion of Jesus didn't happen, according to his research.
Then here comes an actual scholar and apologetic, who, I have to admit, was quite impressive in debate, and he took him apart, cleanly and politely. He won the debate.
But then, Billy fought to not have the debate aired! We even have him coming to the podcasters house, at 230AM, on door cam, trying to cease and desist them.
If you are credible you should not have to do it.
it was aired, and it got mainstream. But it really took off and went viral, when Billy did a three hour rant, how he was going to sue these folks, and he insulted his own audience, calling them poor and stupid.
This is how you go down in flames folks! I said, this is going to be a day and age of the Truth, vs lots of deception. Folks have to do their homework. did delete his three hour meltdown, but it was saved by podcasters, of course. is a shorter analysis of the deall as watching three hours of Billy ranting would be exhausting. but here we are.