Ok per his 'success' you dont see him being talked about much in the 'outside world' anymore, if you want to put it that way.
Precisely. This is exactly what he intended. His influence sustains without him being 'worshipped' personally. This is what he sought, because he identified what he saw almost as a kind of substance which is generated when people place another 'on a pedestal' in some way - especially in spiritual fields. This substance retards the growth of not just the worshipper, but the worshipped, and he was having none of that.
The primary manifestation which is easily observable, is when the devotee becomes dependant, and transfers some vital element across to their 'hero', which then blocks any development efforts on both sides. Dependence for the devotee robs them of the self-reliance to generate their own journey.
Gurdjieff was assiduous in this, as he persistently did not want his followers using him as a flag for their endeavours - he wanted them to do their own thing. To take his impulses, his 'efforts' and his shakti, then to go off and show what they could do, what they could see - to create their own independent reality-identity.
He wanted them to activate their own essence, instead of using his essence as a surrogate.
But this idea is actually embedded in intuitive knowledge. All spiritual teachers worth their salt have their own way of doing this. How often do you hear someone say about one of their teachers, that they learnt a lot from that person, who may have had some knowledge, but actually they also 'had a lot of personal problems', and in the end was a hypocrite in some way. That's how it works - that's the protective measure kicking in.
Each teacher in their own unique style, has some way to distance their students from themselves - to help them crawl out from beneath the weight of their personal power.
Some may be blunt, some subtle and others devious, but the result is the same. Any spiritually advanced person immediately recognises they don't want a lot of vacant goons hanging around their aura, and also immediately recognises the danger of robbing another's rights to their own essence. While positive growth is happening, the relationship is super-strong, but when the time comes for the fledgling to fly, if it doesn't, then something vital dies inside.
This does represent a real problem for the student, who also requires a strong measure of devotion to open the channels for learning and the receipt of shakti, without which no progress is possible. So when the natural protective measures kick in, the students are commonly devastated. They may express disdainful disaffection, but underneath they are crying to be allowed back to the cosy comfort of the teacher's aura. They always say it is they who walked away, but in fact it is the natural protective forces which pushed them away.
At this point, the student has a major crisis, from which many do not escape healthily. They have to know the truth, that always they were living on borrowed energy, and now it is up to them to show what they have learnt. To stake the flag of their own being and claim full rights to their own essence.
Once they can do that, only then can they look back and appreciate their teacher.
The same happens with children - how often do you see the classic 'rebellion' from the parents, and also the classic return to appreciation once they have their own children. This is a natural law.