Author Topic: Sacred Fire Ceremony Gathering  (Read 597 times)

Offline tommy2

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Re: Sacred Fire Ceremony Gathering
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2007, 02:42:01 AM »
I don't say much about dreams because they are just illusions, passing shadows for me, but last night I had one that has moved my sensing and made clearer many, many things for me in my life.   For some reason I know that it is our clan gathering, the energy, which drew it into focus for me.

I know my ceremony will bring clearer the details of it, so will keystroke of it this weekend.  I feel the many attentions now.


Offline daphne

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Re: Sacred Fire Ceremony Gathering
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2007, 03:26:26 AM »
My first dream was rather ordinary..  :)  I was taking food to the fire, tommy's fire. I was carrying chicken and chops in a large measuring bowl (one I have at home) for the meal - to cook on the fire (any vegetarians.. please forgive!) They were in rather a nice marinade!

Also, I had in my hand a small piece of smooth rock crystal - (clear quartz) - not sure where I got it from, it wasn't mine. Was about half the size of my thumb. It felt very warm and nice.

Tonight I hope to actually arrive at the festivities!   :)
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Offline Michael

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Re: Sacred Fire Ceremony Gathering
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2007, 04:01:56 AM »
I came upon a fire place, with no fire. It is in a field, dusk - I am looking at 'the elders', misty from the past, preparing the ground. I come to one of them, bend down and touch his feet. They get on with their business.

I am walking around the fire place - all of a sudden, fire bursts forth at the centre of the pit. I walk around although I see quite clearly my place to sit, but it is early, and circuiting the fire with the elders loading on more wood... it  is very pleasant.

I blow my conch.

I dance around the fire, and sit at my spot, then there is a gap. all of a sudden the night has come on, the fire is older and stronger. there are now a good few people around. We all reach out our hands to the fire. It is a wonderful feeling. I could see more people coming out of the darkness.

I am called away on other missions, and when I return it is really moving smoothly. Music and dance, people off to the sides in discussion, or just lying watching the stars. I join in the dancing and music - great fun! Some of the dancers were covered in perspiration.

I returned again later, and the night was older. We all came together, and sat - this is where we did some special ceremonies. A more serious mood. We were not tired, but of that strength one gets after a days steady activities, approaching the late hours and still full of shakti - ready for the deeper engagement with the older fire, with its intense heat, and vibrant glows of heat and colour. Then is another gap.

I am sitting here carrying the fire and the clan in my aura as I write these words. I am putting pictures to flows of unique energies. This ceremony has stirred the ancient in our soul.

Offline tommy2

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Re: Sacred Fire Ceremony Gathering
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2007, 06:00:55 AM »
My Commencement has enfolded.  Game hen is simmering as my fire settles down into the first two big logs.  More await the twilight.  My Ojibwa is well into her spring cleanup and offerings have been set in place.  A large smudge bundle awaits my walk of Power around an old ring on our Mother Earth.  My ceremonial Opening comes soon as I go into trance then.  The elders smile as the children bunch up for games.  Meats now begin to sizzle on their skewers as my smoke fills this small city's sky.
And as the murmur of the crone heightens I watch my clan partake of another glimpse of infinity.


Offline tommy2

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Re: Sacred Fire Ceremony Gathering
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2007, 08:03:49 AM »
The Opening of the Crack in the World.  I have laid the clan bundles to ashes long spent to embers remembering to remember.  The wind picks up my awareness and I see my acts, all the ceremonial movements as they were like a watching from a distance of a baseball game, all players intact and focusing.  Ha!  What a sight.

I pray that we know how to act, as I cry my thankfulness for my clan. 

Draw your weapons, warriors, and stomp on the ground and break your drums!  Now is not the time to be afraid, for, if there is no tomorrow for us, then we have all the time in the world this moment.  Now, don't we?

Ha!   Ha!   Ha!   Ha!   Ha!   Ha!


Offline tommy2

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Re: Sacred Fire Ceremony Gathering
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2007, 09:54:20 AM »
Before I shoot another arrow into Infinity, I think I will take a walk.

Meet you in a little bit where you are at and we'll do just that.


Offline tommy2

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Re: Sacred Fire Ceremony Gathering
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2007, 01:34:54 PM »
Fire's bright good night
It was fun

Offline tommy2

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Re: Sacred Fire Ceremony Gathering
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2007, 02:39:27 PM »
As I soon try to close my eyes
a Full Moon
a blue set of flames
will call and call
for me to add more logs
to her hearted pit
as I dream again
of what I may not remember
to remember
'til another fire like this one.

Goodnight, my Friends, for tomorrows fire.


Offline Michael

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Re: Sacred Fire Ceremony Gathering
« Reply #23 on: June 02, 2007, 07:20:18 PM »
i'm lucky in Aus as i get two shots at this - i'm going to visit again tonight.

just remember time does not exist in astral, at least not like in physical, but the closer we can coincide the more we can draw on our physical power to reach the same place.

Offline Shamaya

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Re: Sacred Fire Ceremony Gathering
« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2007, 01:22:53 AM »
I had a few visions last nite as I went to sleep, which is good for me as dreaming in general is something that I continue to work on.

The first was the face of a large tiger, orange and white and black stripes.  It was silent at first - not moving.  As I came closer to him he snarled a bit.  It was almost like moving past fear.  I ended up being able to touch the tiger.

The second was a vision of a young woman knealing infront of a small pond.  I could see her reflection in the water.  I watched her and her reflection only to see her reflection change into an antelope.

The last vision was one of a circle of fire,  as I looked futher at it I realized that it was really all of us making up our own little fires all arranged in a circle.

Then deep into sleep.
More to come later  :D
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Offline Nick

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Re: Sacred Fire Ceremony Gathering
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2007, 06:50:53 PM »
I'm doing mine this morning. Will go to my special place and invoke(call) some friends...

Since I'm leaving my house and have no matches to light a candle, I most likely go without physical fire. Yet, I'll be lighting one through visualization. I meditate on the candle light now and think of you all and of the deepest center of my being that I can remember and the spark of spirit in there. I envision this spark growing to encompass my being then I chant certain special words... I then enter silence focused only on the candle, no thought. I close my eyes to see the candle in my mind, and when I am ready I blow out the candle in my house and walk out my door to begin the real ceremony.

I perform the ceremony in the darkness but about an hour before sunlight illumines the world. I aim to unite my little fire with the big ball of fire in the sky and bring that power back with me into my home and day to day life.
I have also fasted since yesterday morning and will eat only when the sun is almost completely over the horizon. 

maybe I am not too late, hope not.

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Offline Michael

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Re: Sacred Fire Ceremony Gathering
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2007, 08:42:11 PM »
Ian, that sounds very focused.
you can't be late, because all we are doing is periodically linking into something that is ongoing.


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Re: Sacred Fire Ceremony Gathering
« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2007, 09:26:33 PM »

I use to help my parents with their house on the countryside, this Saturday (June 2) the major project was to burn all the branches left from previous season. So I really had a great fire going on for some hours. It got very hot I can tell and the sun was shining. These kind of great fires do better in the evening dusk but anyway, I am happy to have contributed with a fire.

I heard the raven on a distance and the sky was high, meaning no trouble with bees or mosquitos that day.

Offline tommy2

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Re: Sacred Fire Ceremony Gathering
« Reply #28 on: June 04, 2007, 03:48:05 PM »
This post started with my writing about a dream but then it became connected, I think, with our ceremony.

1st part of the "dream";

Picture the earth from a satellite in its orbit.  Next picture a circle 4 or 5 times the circumference of the earth and locate it next to the earth, close enough so that one side of the circle will pass through the earths magnetic poles.  Now draw many circles side by side each other, all acting like that first circle, equadistant apart and intensely vibrating aglow, pulsating with a seeming universal life energy.  All colors united into one brilliance which gave off a magnificent high to low pitch in a ringing hummm as the rings colors changed in hue again and again.  Inside of me I felt like exploding yet my mind sensatiions were tranquil and almost all-reaching.  It was actually a little dizzying in its energy. 

2nd part of the "dream";

My sister and I were galloping on horses, dragging these large and long grey bags which were giving off a glowing dust which immediately turned into lines which rose into the sky.  We were riding across a desert and drawing these lines in perfectly straight rows which formed arcs into the air and then vanished as they turned the sky into all these colors.  It all was totally breath-taking with colors I have not seen before and sounds like I've never heard but cannot describe now.  The horses were very large and grey and puffed their breath which echoed and vibrated in a sound like, "Yow, Yow, Yow.", over and over.  The horses' muscles under me made me feel larger then myself and very strong and young.  Sis and I never looked at each other but were almost out of breath with glee, laughing and crying.  When I tried to look around it made me feel sick so I just rode off into the endless sand with my sister as the sounds of the rising lines and horses continued on.

I woke up feeling very cold and alone.  Whenever I tried to think of the dream vision I would get dizzy, so I just quieted my mind.  I got up a few minutes later because my back really hurt and I almost fell from that same strange dizzyness.  All day long (yesterday) until right now, I have this acute clearness of mind, fully energized, alert and not wanting to eat so, since then, I have just lightly snacked. 

Saturday night (the night before last) we went to a street dance and I couldn't get over how all the other folk there were numb and hollow, except for one man who was leaning against this old pickup truck, watching the crowd intensely.  When he saw me staring at him, he shook his head quickly and walked away into the semi-darkness where he was joined by this short woman in an old, long grey dress that was too big for her.  I suddenly felt totally out of place and asked the WJ if we could leave because the rock music really wasn't something we liked to dance to.  She said she was chilly, anyway, so we left.

I can't really describe clearly how I feel now.  Just different.  I don't know if this "dream" was brought to me by our fire but it is important for us here to remember to remember that a ceremony, in and of itself, is a point of return.  It takes us toward a specific place of balance, our place in the community of all things.  It is an event to, once again, set us upright.  It is never a finished thing.  Our real ceremony begins where the formal one ends, when we take up a new way, our minds and hearts filled with the vision of earth and fire that holds us within them, in compassionate relationship to and with our world. 

I spoke.  I sang.  I beat my drum.  I swallowed water and breathed smoke for over 48 hours.  When I walked away from my circle of power, it was as if my skin contained the wind and rain, the birds and trees which were around me in my small little back yard world for that brief time out of time.

Something alive moved in my body, maybe a lot like the sun and how it moves through the seasons.  The solitude and nurturing I received was a silent relationship with myself and clan members, but also a part of something much, much bigger and older than all of us. 

My fire is quiet now as the last remnants of ember and smoke curl away into the spring Iowa breezes.  I have started packing up my bowls and baskets, my caches and shields and will leave my prayer ties for a good strong wind to scatter them from the trees.  I went back to work yesterday afternoon and everyting in my life returns again to the best form of "normal" which I can muster until another of our fires this Fall.


And a loon sits off in the distance from my lodge right now, as I type this, and longingly calls another nght home.

Two Feathers

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Re: Sacred Fire Ceremony Gathering
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2007, 08:10:30 PM »
walked away into the semi-darkness where he was joined by this short woman in an old, long grey dress that was too big for her. 


it is important for us here to remember to remember that a ceremony, in and of itself, is a point of return.

that was a most thoughtful post tom, with much to ponder. wonderful dreams!

always look close when a woman wears a dress that is too long. Women on this forum, you should try wearing such a dress. I have practiced for years to wear a lungy that is too long - there is a special technique to walking and moving when your dress is too long. I once watched a Kathak dancer doing one dance with a very long dress - she was marvelous! an expert in footwork. but there really is something in too-long dresses.

yes the ceremony is a point of return - well said tom. and it is where the real ceremony begins, the one we walk away into.

the ceremonial fire was equally poignant for me. I would like to do this more often, as i feel we are like rangers in a wide world hostile to knowledge, where we strive to bring some beauty. we come together as a clan of such rangers, and nourish our deepest desires once again - refuel to head out into the world again.


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