Author Topic: Full Moon  (Read 94 times)

Offline TIOTIT

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Full Moon
« on: June 28, 2007, 11:13:13 PM »
Read this on the net...just passing it on.

Eight Verses SoundArtwork

If you feel like you are pushing a huge boulder up a steep hill on this Full Moon in Capricorn, blame it on retrograde Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron. Ouch! Well, what other Full Moon could face this kind of struggle by shrugging its shoulders, and saying, "So what else is new?" Thank you Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, the great teacher of how to handle hardship, struggle and reality, with commitment, follow-through and guts. So though this is the Full Moon to celebrate goals and achievement, with this kind of planetary resistance to moving forward, we can also celebrate small steps, realistic goal-setting, and being successful when faced with tremendous limitations. Going forward has its right time and right place. This is the night to look within, connect with one's own sense of proper timing and trust the wisdom that arises from this kind of inquiry. Remember retrograde planets are ideal for inner work; especially retrograde Mercury.

When the Moon is full in Capricorn, the Sun is in Cancer, the sign that rules emotional connectedness, nurturance, compassion, and personal expressions of love. Because the Moon rules Cancer, when the Moon is posited in Capricorn (the sign opposite its natural zodiacal energy) this makes for a special energetic symbiosis between the Sun and Moon. Only at this time of year, can the Moon fully infuse the restrictive, withholding, structured, serious energy of Capricorn with its natural, energetic Cancerian open, flowing love and compassion. This is especially true with Mercury (mind) in Cancer (heart) conjunct the Sun and opposing the Moon. This is a celebration to enliven compassion for ourselves, especially in our toughest times. So use your ritual to bring compassion to bear upon your most critical, negative images and thoughts about yourself. Self-love is not a concept; it is active, and takes energy and time to develop.

This Full Moon in Capricorn calls upon each of us to find the appropriate structures to express love and connectedness in our lives. This is especially true when love is not our first response, or is drowned out by pain, fear and hatred (the domain of Capricorn/Saturn). Where Cancer feels almost childlike in its attachment to direct experience of emotive love, Capricorn knows that sacrifice and personal responsibility are the building blocks of true love, and realizes this goal with a special grace and maturity.

This is the Full Moon of tough love, facing the reality of love lost or denied. Don't underestimate the depth of understanding that a Capricorn Moon brings to the table, especially with all these retrograde planets. This is a huge invitation to look with depth at the suffering you create around love; Venus in Leo, the drama king/queen makes this Full Moon particularly suited for releasing our attachment to emotional wounding as a way to get love and attention. Use this Full Moon as a test of how selfless and openhearted you can be. Mercury and Sun in Cancer and Venus in Leo can make us all ultra-sensitive, teary-eyed and touchy. So do some self-care. Make sure to be in the company of people you feel good about and trust. The level of sentimentality will be high on this day.

Saturn/Capricorn forces us to come to terms with fear. I don't know about you, but I am so tired of fear mongering and war mongering. The old ways (Capricorn) steeped in solutions that arise from fear and war will not work. They are what got us here and will never lead to freedom from fear. The Full Moon in Capricorn is the one night of the year when we can truly see our fear for what it is: a distinct inability to transcend the human-made irrational divisions of race, religion, nationality, and gender. There is no separateness, only love. All matter is made of love and therefore can only be love at its most basic, as well its highest expression. We need to create societal and governmental structures that solve these problems from a core belief in love and connectedness.

This will of course require a complete shift in human consciousness. We must move away from identification with the small egoic, self, mired in the ignorance of separateness, to the full experience of the unbounded, transcendent divine Self, realizing love as the true nature of all existent life. When we change the Self, we change everything.

Do you think this goal is unrealistic? Not on this Full Moon. This is the Full Moon of hard work and accepting one's personal responsibility to heal the suffering of others. Did you know that most of the great spiritual teachers were born under the Sun sign of Capricorn? Why? To change human consciousness requires a Herculean commitment to achievement no matter how hard or how long the road. This is Capricorn at its best.

Listen up men! Saturn/Capricorn symbolizes the responsible, hardened male, and Saturn also rules depression. Though most people would agree that patriarchy has been detrimental for women, many don't consider how wounding it has been for men. Think of all the men you know who find it hard to talk about their feelings; particularly feelings of loss, vulnerability, sadness, and confusion. Violence, irritability, isolation and anger are often used by men to cover up emotions and feelings that require vulnerability. Interestingly, along with substance abuse, violence, irritability, isolation and anger are often symptoms of male depression. Our society requires that men always have it together, or at least give off the appearance of being fine. Few men admit to depression and even fewer go get therapeutic help. Consequently the highest rate of suicide in America is among men 55-70 years old. So guys, admitting you have depressive feelings is the first step, and right after that comes sharing it with a spouse or friend or adult child. Believe me they already know it and will be more than happy to support you and your journey to wellness. This is the Full Moon to reach out and get help. Find a therapist and a men's group in your area. Take responsibility for your own healing.

This is the night to reach deep into your well of strength and decide that achieving your own inner peace is the only goal worth attaining at this moment in our human evolution. This Full Moon simultaneously uncovers our fear and reflects the solution to our fear: acting only from love, compassion, and doing the hard work of relieving the suffering of all sentient beings by achieving enlightenment and inner peace.

This is a very powerful and serious Full Moon-don't waste it! 

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Full Moon
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2007, 12:25:30 AM »
 :-*  Thank you
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline TIOTIT

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Re: Full Moon-Guru Purnima
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2007, 04:52:48 PM »
Lifted this off the web

This is the Full Moon of the Guru: Guru Purnima. A night dedicated to thanking all our teachers, in every walk of life. An Aquarius Full Moon asks us to especially honor unique and revolutionary teachers: those who vision far out beyond the rest of us. Those dedicated to upliftment, freedom, utopianism and humanitarianism.

Aquarius rules the global community and also the global nervous system. Our global community has become pathological in its need to cling to aggression as the only tool to get, maintain, or defend power. It seems we have condoned losing touch with our basic humanity in name of security. This is Saturn winding up its last month in Leo; diligently making it clear that power in the hands of those with little compassion, narrow vision, and a mindless attachment to hatred and victimology, brings only massive death and destruction. I am beyond disbelief at this point with the senseless violence on all sides of every conflict.

With the crazed level of negative thoughts, emotions and actions exploding around the world, you might be wondering what can I-one small person-possibly do to have a positive effect on the precarious situation of the world? A very Aquarian thing: radicalize your relationship to the world by accepting the power you have to change your own mind, and through this, affect change on a global scale. Become a teacher of peacefulness.

This is a night to step into your own sense of teaching and service by breaking down the attraction to focusing only on your own life. Selfless giving to others is a true Aquarian vision of working for the collective upliftment of all sentient beings. Resist the seductive, narcissistic impulses of Sun in Leo and take a step into the reality-based ego-deflating world of Saturn in Leo. This is the Full Moon for involvement in something larger than you. The Aquarian Full Moon, Neptune (Bodhisattvic intention) in Aquarius, Venus (love) in Virgo (service), Pluto and Jupiter in Sagittarius (probing the deeper meaning of our existence), and Uranus in Pisces (awakened consciousness) will help us rest deeply in the realization that our individual egos are not the center of the universe. We are part and parcel of something so much deeper.

The Dalai Lama says, "The belief that there is a substantially real self, and the cherishing of one's own interest at the expense of others, are the two main thoughts and emotions we have nurtured within us through our many lives. But what is the result of this? We are continually suffering and experiencing negative thoughts and emotions, so our self-cherishing hasn't really got us very far. Also, if we shift our focus from ourselves to others and to the wider world, and if we turn our attention to all the crises in the world, all the difficulties and the sufferings and so on, we will see that many of these problems are direct or indirect consequences of undisciplined negative states of mind," 2003, Transforming the Mind, Thorsons Publishing.

The unending conflicts around the world have made it even more apparent that compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, patience, virtue, equanimity, determination, and wisdom are essential qualities for cultivating peace. Can you imagine if everyone committed to practicing these humble, heart-opening, mind-transforming ways of being in the world? So much would change. It's time we stopped convincing ourselves of our own importance and preciousness. Our failure to care about anything outside of our own little lives lies at the heart of our cultural acceptance of the two most aberrant expressions of Leo: greed and a lust for power. So let's all use this Aquarius Full Moon to transform our minds and get really involved in something bigger than our own personal stories.

With Saturn and Sun in Leo we really have to work hard to hold the Aquarian side of the Aquarius/Leo polarity. This Full Moon is the time to actively integrate these two opposing energies. You cannot have one without the other. Though Leo is the sign with the greatest attachment to knowing and creatively expressing the self, many astrologers call Aquarius the sign of individuation. This is due to the fact that Aquarian individuation goes past the Leo recognition of self to oneself: it proclaims self-knowledge to the community in the hope that this will awaken in others an awareness of their own condition. Remember that Aquarius rules the breakdown of the old ways by questioning the status quo. Those who create revolutionary change in societies are always the ones who can vision far beyond accepted beliefs and structures. In these troubled times, we all need to practice this kind of farsightedness.

This is the Full Moon to honor freedom, idealism, humanitarianism, egalitarianism, and the revolutionary impulse toward reform, without causing harm to anyone. Aquarius is the impulse to raise-up everyone and leave no one behind. So in service to these calls to action, become responsible and find out what is really happening around you. Get involved in your community, volunteer your time, and raise awareness in your neighborhood. It's summer, have a block party and raise funds for a good cause.

This is the Full Moon to wake up, and get politically/spiritually active (two of the most powerful expressions of Uranus/Aquarius!) Remember "a government of the people, by the people and for the people"? I can hear the shouts that we have no real power. Well, we abdicated our power by clinging to a complacency that has become so common it is almost expected. Free yourselves from the lies of the spin-doctors. Let go of your complacency and urge your family and friends to join you in speaking out against injustice, impoverishment and war. Get involved in working to fix our broken healthcare system, our outdated air/rail transportation industries, our dependence upon oil and our ever-worsening economic situation. Wake up everyone: our nation is in deep debt! Worst of all our government has a compulsion toward dictatorial use of power. We need to question the authority of our government to make war upon any nation without due cause or direct threat. We need to question the authority of our government to spend billions on "security" while each day so many of its own citizens join the swelling ranks of the working poor; strapped to the max, struggling to make ends meet, and unable to afford medical care. America continues to be complacent and it has made our nation suffer.

Speaking spiritually, the Aquarius/Leo polarity is a bridge to enlightenment. The Leo desire to seek, to grow, to be wise and all knowing, leads us to do the hard work that is necessary to evolve our consciousness in order to achieve enlightenment. Uranus represents the enlivenment of kundalini, the life force that resides, curled up like a snake at the base of the spine. The awakening and rising of kundalini is the source of the powerful waves of ecstasy we experience during orgasm. Imagine the intensity of that force flowing all the way up the spine and searing skyward from the top of your head, awakening you to the ultimate orgasmic experience of pure consciousness, Buddha Mind: "I am that, thou art that, all this is that". Without this Uranian bridge there is no awakening to the Neptunian/Piscean nirvanic state of enlightenment.

This is especially true with the North Node in Pisces/South node in Virgo. The North Node in Pisces is calling humanity to abandon religious beliefs based upon ignorance and intolerance such as; my God is the only God, or this land is mine because God gave it to us, or I am holy because I have accepted God as my savior and everyone else is going to hell, or I am chosen by God, or any other spiritual belief that separates, berates, and causes hate. Pisces represents spiritual practices based in enlivening compassion, selflessness, a commitment to non-violence, and the attainment of enlightenment in this life, for the benefit of all beings.

Here's an Aquarian vision: creating a nation of enlightened individuals is the only means to real security. It is time to make group meditation mandatory practice in our schools and workplaces. Get ready for the next Full Moon in Pisces and start making group meditation part of your Full Moon celebration. Now more than ever, the world needs our attention and care. This is, after all, a Full Moon; a time of gathering in groups to celebrate, teach, share, and most of all enlighten.


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