Author Topic: Don Juan's quotes  (Read 2822 times)


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Re: Don Juan's quotes
« Reply #135 on: July 11, 2008, 06:07:21 PM »
“Most of us,” don Juan Matus told, “face time as it recedes from us, repeating stories of an unexamined past, and projecting a future based on defense of the self. Shamans face the oncoming time—an active state of inner silence in which there are no antecedents.”
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 10:13:00 PM by 829th »
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Re: Don Juan's quotes
« Reply #136 on: July 14, 2008, 05:46:14 AM »
From 'The Art of Dreaming'

Dreaming is sustaining the position where the assemblage point has shifted in dreams. This act creates a distinctive energy charge which attracts their [inorganic beings'] attention. It's like bait to fish: They'll go for it. Sorcerers, by reaching and crossing the first two gates of dreaming, set bait for those beings and compel them to appear.
Dreamers, whether they like it or not, in their dreaming seek associations with other beings. This may come to you as a shock, but dreamers automatically seek groups of beings; nexuses [* nexuses- connected series or groups] of inorganic beings in this case. Dreamers seek them avidly.
The novelty for us is the inorganic beings. And the novelty for them is one of our kind crossing the boundaries of their realm. The thing you must bear in mind from now on is that inorganic beings, with their superb consciousness, exert a tremendous pull over dreamers and can easily transport them into worlds beyond description.
He did not answer me. Instead, he explained that the whole realm of inorganic beings is always poised to teach. Perhaps because inorganic beings have a deeper consciousness than ours, they feel compelled to take us under their wings.

"I didn't see any point in becoming their pupil," he added. "Their price is too high."

"What is their price?"

"Our lives, our energy, our devotion to them. In other words, our freedom."

"But what do they teach?"

"Things pertinent to their world. The same way we ourselves would teach them, if we were capable of teaching them, things pertinent to our world. Their method, however, is to take our basic self as a gauge of what we need and then teach us accordingly. A most dangerous affair!"

"I don't see why it would be dangerous."

"If someone was going to take your basic self as a gauge, with all your fears and greed and envy, et cetera, et cetera, and teach you what fulfills that horrible state of being, what do you think the result would be?"

I had no comeback. I thought I understood perfectly well the reasons for his rejection.

"The problem with the old sorcerers was that they learned wonderful things, but it was on the basis of their unadulterated lower selves," don Juan went on. "The inorganic beings became their allies, and by means of deliberate examples, their allies taught the old sorcerers marvels. Their allies performed the actions, and the old sorcerers were guided step by step to copy those actions; but the old sorcerers did so without changing anything about their basic nature."

"Do these relationships with inorganic beings exist today?"

"I can't answer that truthfully. All I can say is that I can't conceive of having a relationship like that myself. Involvements of this nature curtail our search for freedom by consuming all our available energy. In order to really follow their allies' example, the old sorcerers had to spend their lives in the realm of the inorganic beings. The amount of energy needed to accomplish such a sustained journey is staggering."
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 06:59:42 AM by 829th »


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Re: Don Juan's quotes
« Reply #137 on: July 14, 2008, 07:43:29 AM »
"Inorganic beings can't force anyone to stay with them," don Juan went on. "To live in their world is a voluntary affair. Yet they are capable of imprisoning any one of us by catering to our desires, by pampering and indulging us. Beware of awareness that is immobile. Awareness like that has to seek movement, and it does this, as I've told you, by creating projections, phantasmagorical projections at times."

I asked don Juan to explain what 'phantasmagorical projections' meant. He said that inorganic beings hook onto dreamers' innermost feelings and play them mercilessly. They create phantoms to please dreamers or frighten them. He reminded me that I had wrestled with one of those phantoms. He explained that inorganic beings are superb projectionists, who delight in projecting themselves like pictures on the wall.

"The old sorcerers were brought down by their inane trust in those projections," he continued. "The old sorcerers believed their allies had power. They overlooked the fact their allies were tenuous energy projected through worlds, like in a cosmic movie."


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Re: Don Juan's quotes
« Reply #138 on: July 15, 2008, 02:20:01 AM »
"Because both the old sorcerers fell prey and mankind in general falls prey to the position of the assemblage point: the old sorcerers because, although they knew all about the assemblage point, they fell for its facility to be manipulated; mankind in general, because by not knowing that the assemblage point exists, we are obliged to take the by-product of its habitual position as something final and indisputable.

"You must avoid falling into those traps," he continued. "It'd be really disgusting if you sided with mankind as if you didn't know about the existence of the assemblage point. But it'd be even more insidious if you sided with the old sorcerers and cynically manipulate the assemblage point for gain."

"Unless you know exactly what you are doing and what you want out of alien energy, you have to be content with a brief glance. Anything beyond a glance is as dangerous and as stupid as petting a rattlesnake."

"Scouts are always very aggressive and extremely daring," he said. "They have to be that way in order to prevail in their explorations. Sustaining our dreaming attention on them is tantamount to soliciting their awareness to focus on us. Once they focus their attention on us, we are compelled to go with them. And that, of course, is the danger. We may end up in worlds beyond our energetic possibilities."


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Re: Don Juan's quotes
« Reply #139 on: July 15, 2008, 02:21:50 AM »
Don Juan explained that there are many more types of scouts than the two I had classified, but that at my present level of energy I could only focus on three. He described the first two types as the easiest to spot. Their disguises in our dreams are so outlandish, he said, that they immediately attract our dreaming attention. He depicted the scouts of the third type as the most dangerous in terms of aggressiveness and power- and because they hide behind subtle disguises.

"You have again fallen prey to words; this time the culprit word is 'items', which you have taken to mean only things, objects. Well, the most ferocious scout hides behind people in our dreams. A formidable surprise was in store for me in my dreaming when I focused my gaze on the dream image of my mother. After I voiced my intent to see, she turned into a ferocious, frightening bubble of sizzling energy."

"It's annoying that they are always associated with the dream images of our parents or close friends," he went on. "Perhaps that's why we often feel ill at ease when we dream of them." His grin gave me the impression that he was enjoying my turmoil. "A rule of thumb for dreamers is to assume that the third type of scout is present whenever they feel perturbed by their parents or friends in a dream. Sound advice is to avoid those dream images. They are sheer poison."


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Re: Don Juan's quotes
« Reply #140 on: July 15, 2008, 02:24:44 AM »
"And this brings us to something we've never talked about. What color were the scouts you've seen so far?"

Until the moment he mentioned it, I had never thought about this. I told don Juan that the scouts I had seen were either pink or reddish. And he said that the deadly scouts of the third type were bright orange.

I found out myself that the third type of scout is outright scary. Every time I found one of them, it was behind the dream images of my parents, especially of my mother. Seeing it always reminded me of the blob of energy that had attacked me in my first deliberate seeing dream. Every time I found it, the alien exploring energy actually seemed about to jump on me. My energy body used to react with horror even before I saw it.

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Re: Don Juan's quotes
« Reply #141 on: January 14, 2009, 02:40:53 PM »
"To seek freedom is the only driving force i know. Freedom to fly off into that infinity out there. Freedom to dissolve; to lift off; to be like the flame of a candle, which, in spite of being up against the light of a billion stars, remains intact, because it never pretended to be more than what it is: a mere candle." ~DJ

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: Don Juan's quotes
« Reply #142 on: January 14, 2009, 02:48:47 PM »
"The concealed advantage of luminous beings is that they have something which is never used: “intent.” The maneuver of shamans is the same as the maneuver of the average man. Both have a description of the world. The average man upholds it with his reason; the shaman upholds it with his “intent.” Both descriptions have their rules; but the advantage of the shaman is that “intent” is more engulfing than reason." ~DJ
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: Don Juan's quotes
« Reply #143 on: January 18, 2009, 06:37:20 PM »
“Your state only seems to be final,” she said to me, “but it isn’t. A moment will come when you will change venues. Perhaps you will chuck every thought about the shamans of ancient Mexico. Perhaps you may even chuck the thoughts and views of the very shamans you worked with so closely, like the nagual Juan Matus. You might refuse his being. You’ll see.

The warrior has no limits. His sense of improvisation is so acute that he will make constructs out of nothing, but not just mere empty constructs; rather, something workable, pragmatic. You’ll see. It is not that you’ll forget about them, but at one moment, before you plunge into the abyss, if you have the gall to walk along its edge, if you have the daring not to deviate from it, you will the arrive at warriors’ conclusions of an order and stability infinitely more suited to you than the fixation of the shamans of ancient Mexico.” ~PoS
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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Re: Don Juan's quotes
« Reply #144 on: August 22, 2010, 09:07:20 PM »
Be impeccable. I have told you this over dozen times. To be impeccable means to order your life to make all your decisions firm and unwavering, and then give more than everything to implement these decisions. If you do not decide, you will blindly play roulette with your own life.

The Art of Dreaming
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 05:12:24 AM by Builder »

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Re: Don Juan's quotes
« Reply #145 on: August 28, 2010, 11:02:02 PM »
"To seek freedom is the only driving force i know. Freedom to fly off into that infinity out there. Freedom to dissolve; to lift off; to be like the flame of a candle, which, in spite of being up against the light of a billion stars, remains intact, because it never pretended to be more than what it is: a mere candle." ~DJ

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

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Re: Don Juan's quotes
« Reply #146 on: March 03, 2024, 05:31:40 PM »
Repost. One of my favs:

"It's not the people around you who are at fault," he said.  "They cannot help themselves.  The fault is with you, because you can help yourself, but you are bent on judging them, at a deep level of silence.  Any idiot can judge.  If you judge them, you will only get the worst out of them.  All of us human beings are prisoners, and it is that prison that makes us act in such a miserable way.  Your challenge is to take people as they are!  Leave people alone."

The Clear View
Carlos Castaneda
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: Don Juan's quotes
« Reply #147 on: March 26, 2024, 03:11:01 PM »
“If a warrior is to succeed at anything, the success must come gently, with a great deal of effort but with no stress or obsession.”

— Carlos Castaneda
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan
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Re: Don Juan's quotes
« Reply #148 on: March 26, 2024, 03:12:32 PM »
 “Whenever the internal dialogue stops, the world collapses, and extraordinary facets of ourselves surface, as though they had been kept heavily guarded by our words.”

— Carlos Castaneda
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: Don Juan's quotes
« Reply #149 on: March 26, 2024, 03:13:14 PM »
“Forget the self and you will fear nothing, in whatever level or awareness you find yourself to be.”

— Carlos Castaneda
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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