Last night, with the help of my dog Maggie, I was introduced, real close up to a pretty little skunk. Whew! It's a good thing they are so cute! Because they sure smell awful!!!
Even though he smelled up my dog, my entire backyard, inside the House somewhat and the whole neighbourhood, I thanked the skunk for dropping by and for the wisdom he left with me.
I will not tolerate abuse in any form.
I have power!
I will not let others use me.
I am a divine child!
I will sift out friends, keeping the good.
That is my responsibility!
Like the skunk, I will learn when to be disagreeable.
That is my right!
(found this on the Net
But it's funny, I could hear what the skunk was saying, what his message was, before I looked it up on the internet. Felt like he was protecting somehow, keeping watch. He's been around the house for a few days, just waddling around. Last night he wanted to make himself known. Maggie had never met a skunk before. I don't think she'll be getting quite so close next time!