Author Topic: Shri Vallabhacharya  (Read 79 times)

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Shri Vallabhacharya
« on: September 24, 2007, 01:26:46 AM »
I am reading a book now, where this Acharya was mentioned as the Marga of the guru by family birth. I had not been aware of him before, and it is interesting that we always ascribe Advaita Vedanta to Shankaracharya, the most famous of the Adviata proponents. But not the only one.

It is strange to me and Julie that no matter how much we know about Hinduism, the more we discover, the more it opens up vast areas and interlinkages we had no idea existed. It is truly the most amazing religion I have ever found. Everything you ever desired is there in buckets - nay, oceans. I wish I had explored it earlier.

Notice the point below - 'it is the love after realising God's true nature.'
and, 'the knowledge gained is not a means of liberation.'

This is an esoteric Marga - there are hidden understandings.

the following i snaffled from Wikipedia:

    * It (Pushtimarg) is spontaneous, selfless & motiveless love for God.
    * It is based on pure love for God.
    * It is expressed only through service of God - "Seva".
    * It is love after realising God's true nature.
    * The knowledge gained is not a means of liberation.
    * Liberation, is considered secondary to the enjoyment of God's bliss.
    * Its aim is God's happiness.
    * No caste, creed, color, sex or age prevents one from attaining God's Grace.
    * It does not know any boundaries, be it time, place or anything else.
    * It does not require a devotee to give up a householder's life. In fact, one can serve Him better, by being a householder. This is different from other philosophies that require a life of contemplation as a monk.
    * All the worldly desires are diverted towards God, they are then not required to be suppressed.
    * World is not looked down upon but is treated as God's creation and thus as real as God himself.
    * Shri Krishna is the supreme God, all the other deities reside in his form. Therefore total faith is placed in Shri Krishna alone.
    * In the state of liberation the entity of the devotee merges into God's blissful form, but in Bhakti (especially Pushti bhakti) the devotee does not seek liberation but he enjoys God's bliss by participating in it as a separate divine entity.


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