Author Topic: Soma Book Club?  (Read 666 times)


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Re: Soma Book Club?
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2007, 02:42:13 AM »

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Re: Soma Book Club?
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2007, 01:02:08 AM »
This sounds great. I'm thinking there are a few ways we could approach it.

We all pick the same book, one none of us have read yet, or at least most of us have not read yet.

We all pick the same book, doesn't matter how many times you have read it.

We all pick from a collection of similar book and cross compare them. This is a more difficult option but it could solve the problem of us all being in the process of reading something else. The problem is time constraints, currently being involved in one learning process or another while not wanting to break away form that book's process. Example: Someone is reading Meetings with Remarkable Men, another is reading The Mists of Dragon Lore by Theun Mares, another isn't reading it now but has in the past read Journey To Ixtlan by CC, and to make it even more complicated someone else is reading (As I am: Civil War Chronicals the Marvel Comicbook. Then we take this one concept at a time and discuss it. I.e. at first glance what do they all have in common. The comic book has super-hero's in it, super-beings could be equal to what we strive to develop in ourselves, what CC learned at the feet of Don Juan, what Theun teaches in Dragon Lore about becoming the myth, and Gurdjieff's remarkable men being archetypes of power like the superhero.
Okay, so it would require a bit of thinking, but it could work.

That is just a back up in case nothing else would work. 

I thinking the easiest option would be the first though. We all pick a book we are mutually interested in reading. Then we set a mutually agreed upon deadline for discussing that book. By setting a deadline for discussing it, we give each other the time we need to read it. Some of us like myself may need more time than others as I'm currently reading school books that don't relate to anything we are likely to discuss here (computer stuff). So I would read slower but I could say be finished reading in 3 weeks to a month depending on the book. Then at the end of the month ellen pops up with the starting discussion....which we might actually want to do in the chat room, is up to ellen though.

I'm psyched about it.

I'm not currently in process of reading anything but school books and this one comic book. When I hear other ideas I'm sure something will appeal to me.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2007, 01:09:11 AM by Dracohelix »
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism


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Re: Soma Book Club?
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2007, 03:12:44 AM »
No, not up to me, Ian. Totally up to you guys - Im game for anything.

The chat discussion, is a good idea, we could even do both ;), write here, or in chat discuss a certain book.


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Re: Soma Book Club?
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2007, 03:45:34 AM »
Ang gave a suggestion for a book which looks good, but I was thinking, maybe what we all should do, is put up some ideas in what we want to read about, or learn about.

Like, something about the 'warrior path?' There's other books with that theme.

Something geared toward a specific religion, or practice? Or animistic like shaman, or totems?

Energetic - like Law of Attraction? (I think The Secret touches on that).

Something on relationships? Anyway, toss in some suggestions what you want to learn/read about, and then maybe we can narrow it down.

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Re: Soma Book Club?
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2007, 03:48:24 AM »
I like this idea...

...We all pick the same book, doesn't matter how many times you have read it...

...We all pick a book we are mutually interested in reading. Then we set a mutually agreed upon deadline for discussing that book. By setting a deadline for discussing it, we give each other the time we need to read it.....
...Then at the end of the month ellen pops up with the starting discussion....which we might actually want to do in the chat room.

Lately, I've discovered in rereading books, I'll pick up on totally different/new ideas than when I first read the book.

"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."

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Re: Soma Book Club?
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2007, 05:38:34 AM »
Hey all....I found one...."The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep" by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche....any thoughts?
"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."

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Re: Soma Book Club?
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2007, 06:18:37 AM »
I like this idea...

Lately, I've discovered in rereading books, I'll pick up on totally different/new ideas than when I first read the book.


Good readers, like good books, do this, they evolve and change as newer and newer knowledge become part of their lifes' stance.  It is quite like building a compost pile;  it takes years before what you invested becomes a soil for planting and reaping.



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Re: Soma Book Club?
« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2007, 06:29:28 AM »
Hey all....I found one...."The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep" by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche....any thoughts?

This could be good! Ive always been fascinated by Tibetans and lucid dreaming (just posted something on that). May have to check into that.


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Re: Soma Book Club?
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2007, 05:55:37 PM »

Please count me out, I have stopped reading books and even long quotas from books seem to not interest me any more . It could be momentary, for the last two years and forward for some time. I don't know :-\.

But I have read a lot of books  ;D more than most.

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Re: Soma Book Club?
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2007, 07:01:22 PM »
Ang gave a suggestion for a book which looks good, but I was thinking, maybe what we all should do, is put up some ideas in what we want to read about, or learn about.

Like, something about the 'warrior path?' There's other books with that theme.

Something geared toward a specific religion, or practice? Or animistic like shaman, or totems?

Energetic - like Law of Attraction? (I think The Secret touches on that).

Something on relationships? Anyway, toss in some suggestions what you want to learn/read about, and then maybe we can narrow it down.

I like this idea best, but careful not to break it down to far as then we are just doing what we already do. In other words someone starts a thread on Shamanism, well darn already have a section on that. Would have to b3 something we haven't already discussed much, least is how I see it.

Plus there is something else that a "Soma Book" group might consider during the design process. The title words Soma and Book. Both are very powerful words if you think about it. We know about Soma, it has been discussed a bit by Michael. What about the symbolic significance of "book"? According to the illustrated encyclopedia of traditional symbols, a book represents: The universe, the liber mundi and liber vitae. The book is connected to Tree symbolism and the tree and book can represent the whole cosmos. Islamic: 'The universe is a vast book'.

That is just a small snippet of what the encyclopedia had to say. From this we can gather that books may be more than meets the eye. Even Gurdjieff espoused the value of reading so long as you know how to read well.

There is so much that can be learned from a single book, in theory, all that you could ever need to know, mentally at least, could be learned from reading any one book if only you were patient enough to read or drain all the knowledge from every single word and letter and even empty space (As those spaces have meaning too.).

So on the choice of a subject I think it best we all at least read a book.....

I can agree with The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep" by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Just have to see if my library has it in stock.

I think for the chatroom and or discussion formate. A good way to arrange it would be to have an initial chat discussion. Then, if possible, save the chat discussion, copy/paste it to the discussion room to start a thread. Then those who couldn't make it in to the chat in time can still partake. Then the discussion of one book would end when the thread has grown cold. We pick a new book and enter a new word-world.
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism


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Re: Soma Book Club?
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2007, 03:45:21 AM »
I can agree with The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep" by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Just have to see if my library has it in stock.

Ill check this week and see if I can find it as well. Also, might be helpful to coordinate when we could do chat meets for those who might want to read it.

So so far we have these suggestions:

The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.

Naz suggested Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert:

I suggested The Secret by Rhonda Byrne:

Now, whats interesting, at the video store, I saw the DVD for The Secret rentable over there, too.

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Re: Soma Book Club?
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2007, 06:48:50 AM »
All three sound interesting. I'm fairly sure I can get the Secret in one way or another since it is currently so popular. We could choose to all read one of these then when we are finished with that one we move on to another of the three, then we all get to read what we want.

Personally I think we should have some constructive end aim for the reading of each book.

Here are some suggestions from eHow:

Here is my version of what eHow suggests, what I suggest for the Soma Book club:

Have a plan. The books will no doubt be "development" oriented. Will we intellectualize the concepts in these or use discussion to come up with an understanding that will better allow us to apply the concepts to our lives properly.
Step Two
Organize the details. Meet in chatroom or discussion forum or both.
Step Three
Create a reading list of 4 or more books that several of us can agree we would like to read. That way we can just move down the pre-agreed upon choices instead of re choosing every time we want to move to a new book.
Step four
Create an outline of what we hope to get out of each book. A map of what we hope to learn to do better, i.e. lucid dreaming or attracting abundance into our lives. Having chosen a definite aim perhaps the spirits will help us along the way.
Of course in the course of reading we may find something other than our aim.
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism


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Re: Soma Book Club?
« Reply #27 on: October 08, 2007, 07:15:59 AM »
Yeah, The Secret is easy, someone should be able to find it at the library or even a used bookstore. I thought about that. After seeing some of that on, im more curious about it. Kinda reminds me of the hype with What the Bleep, and a similar premise. However, there is some truth on the law of attraction and energy tho.

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Re: Soma Book Club?
« Reply #28 on: October 08, 2007, 07:32:56 AM »
Well the real secret about the Secret is that it isn't much of Secret. Calling the book the Secret is just a way of rehashing the same old thing but making it sound mysterious. That is what I figure or course I'm justing a book by it's cover as I have not read it yet myself. I did skim through it and found little that I hadn't read in Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill or on several websites about the law of attraction.
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism


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Re: Soma Book Club?
« Reply #29 on: October 08, 2007, 07:38:23 AM »
Yeah I dont think its much of a secret, lol, still tho, it is an interesting phenomenon what's occuring with the book, and also how like boo says 'our thoughts make our world.' Ive been thinking about that lately, like, when what we 'want' and what we 'think' in contrary, how much that can really affect us. Like it sends of certain energies. Like say, I get stressed on bills at times, I notice when I do, seems like they get to be a problem, so I try to align myself in more positive ways, even 'this too shall pass,' and then things can get better. But still makes me question how much power we do have, with the power of intention, because a lot of 'the secret' is really wrapped up in that. Intent.

I may check out the video tonight. If I do, let all know how it is.


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