Author Topic: Air In Motion  (Read 180 times)

Offline Jennifer-

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Air In Motion
« on: August 06, 2006, 09:27:45 AM »
Air In Motion
Spirituality Of Wind
Wind is air in motion. Many ancient cultures believed that the wind was a form of divine spirit. Like spirit, the wind is invisible, but it is what animates. The magnifence of the wind resides within each of us.

Wind isn't tangible yet it brings change with its breath. Sometimes these changes are barely perceivable. However, if you look carefully, you can see the wind - it is the swirl in a plume of smoke, it is the ripple across a lake, it is the lackadaisical sway in the branches. Recognize the small developments in yourself. You are growing all the time even when it seems like the wind is still.

A breeze can quickly become a gale, and a storm can swiftly be diffused. So too are you affected by your environment, who you interact with, what you expose yourself to, what you choose to put in your body and your mind. You can choose experiences that will either fuel your spirit or move you off course.

The wind is also a cleanser. It can drift away the hurt and pain with a soft puff of air. But it is also a quick-tempered destroyer; a raging hurricane. Sometimes change feels like an unsettling uproar that dramatically changes the scenery of your life. But as bleak as things feel, know that Wind Spirit is a messenger; movement against stagnation. To fight a gust only creates struggle. It takes time and practice, patience, trust, and faith to embrace the wind for we try to control everything and find answers. But at the end of a bluster lays new potential. Encompass this belief with your mind, hold it in your body and allow yourself to go with the flow. To be carried by the wind is to give things up to a higher power. There is no going wrong for the wind, like spirit, is uplifting and life giving. They are one in the same.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline TIOTIT

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Re: Air In Motion
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2006, 12:18:58 PM »
For the last three days here we have been experiencing what  we call
the "August Winds"continuous high level winds that just keep blowing.
today is a lot more settled....This type of wind can keep one one edge,
and for me thats how things have been this weekend(lots of broken sleep)
here is a part from a dream I had about two weeks ago....a group of Maori
People turn up at my house ....They disperse throughout the house...I walk into
my room...there is a large table with all kinds of food old man
sitting by the table begins to show me the significance and meaning of the food
stuffs...Then a strong wind appears he tells me the name of the wind in the Maori
dialect I instantly understand the significance...( I don't speak Maori)but in the dream
I was a special wind...and roughly interpreted it meant...the force or
rush that accompanies orgasam....Curious ....

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Air In Motion
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2006, 12:30:16 PM »
Interesting dream!

Id love to further hear your pondering on it. :)

Ive experienced a same sort of pushing force which seems to shift my awarness with both wind and the rush before orgasm. A trance sort of state.

Some of my deepest/furthest travels have been induced by the western winds.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: Air In Motion
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2006, 12:39:29 PM »
Cool vision, Tio!
Interesting about the orgasm ... confirming the notion that we are never alone and spiirt is everywhere!


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Re: Air In Motion
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2006, 12:49:35 PM »
-Jen, the heat wave here was beyond description, and it lasted for 2 weeks. There were days where it felt as if fire was coming from below and above. On one of those days, I called the wind. Got some! And it was the beginning of the break in the heat wave, finally. (That could be a coincidence, of course.)
I have trepidation  about doing it anymore, and I have forgotten whatever the ritual was. Intent was the ticket, and my passion to feel it drying my sweat.

 :o 8)

Offline TIOTIT

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Re: Air In Motion
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2006, 05:06:08 PM »
I'd love to further hear your pondering on it.

Well that was just a fragment from a lager I was being shown
various foods he held a small fruit in his right hand(looked like a grape
with the skin peeled off)he split the fruit with his fingers to reveal the
seeds inside,that's when the wind the dream my consciousness
was able to experience the moment...and what I understood went something
like>>>of all the seeds not all wiil reach their full potential(only one sperm to
fertalize the ova)as Nichi recognised the winds of truth are ever present... and with
the force or rush provided when one encounters truth(Seminal Wind) one gains another opportunity
to futher fullfill ones potential....I'm no interpreter of dreams but that's a couple of the
basic ideas or thoughts I was left with...feel free to interpret...

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Air In Motion
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2006, 08:49:15 PM »
Intent was the ticket

 :-* Im glad you finally got a break from that heat!
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Air In Motion
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2006, 08:56:50 PM »
I'd love to further hear your pondering on it.

Well that was just a fragment from a lager I was being shown
various foods he held a small fruit in his right hand(looked like a grape
with the skin peeled off)he split the fruit with his fingers to reveal the
seeds inside,that's when the wind the dream my consciousness
was able to experience the moment...and what I understood went something
like>>>of all the seeds not all wiil reach their full potential(only one sperm to
fertalize the ova)as Nichi recognised the winds of truth are ever present... and with
the force or rush provided when one encounters truth(Seminal Wind) one gains another opportunity
to futher fullfill ones potential....I'm no interpreter of dreams but that's a couple of the
basic ideas or thoughts I was left with...feel free to interpret...

Im not one to often even try to interpret anothers dream.. it feels like such a personal thing to me. Sometimes I offer my own experiences if something reminds me of them in hopes that it may spark further clarity for someone else. Like sharing/comparing notes.. :)

I think your thoughts on what happened seem very much in line with the experience. Its a very cool dream!

Thanks again for sharing!

 :-* Raven

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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