Author Topic: My first shot at Haiku  (Read 210 times)

Offline tommy2

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My first shot at Haiku
« on: August 07, 2006, 11:10:29 PM »
Two-Feathered Haiku

“A Welcomed Prayer”

Mornings’ eyes are shut.
Her paint is now in raindrops.
Do you know her name?

Advance and retreat,
The middle will never meet.
Who knows about it?

Ghost of the earth dead.
A hogan of the living,
Burning to the ground.

Wolf and coyote.
Power repeated their night.
Will they come home now?

Futures free some pasts.
Nothing ever lives to last.
Day breaks into night.

Moon illuminates
Wherever, when the night goes.
Will its’ rivers stay?

Bury me in sand,
So at night there I can stand.
Paint my circle tall.

Moonwinds stole my soul,
Hung it on a wooden pole.
All these two were me.

Live in harmony.
Speak the language of the heart
In never alone.

Thunder woman speaks.
No tongue or mouth to say so.
Imparted spirit.

Torment turned to death
And asked him what his name was.
Only smile was whose?

Nighted shape of owl
Flew beside the lightning bolt.
Died there all alone.

Hawkweed, sorrel root,
Wild golden flower and rabbit.
Cook this meal for me.

Sacred corn pollen
For the firewood alone.
Raveled medicine.

Morning completed,
Once tethered to its horses.
All that’s lost is gained.

Yesterday is whole,
Departed spirit loving.
Paintings in the sand.

Pitch black form in gloom
Portends disaster coming.
Swallowed by a storm.

Ritual of song
Will heal whatevers’ roaming,
Clawing pain to death.

Fourteen stalks of corn
and foreskins of wolf and bear
sing lifes’ arrival.

Now we can go home.
Mother has the cradleboard
Full of you and me.

Send my dreams to where I go.
Great old age to know.

Black clouds are the night.
Rainbows hold my feet in place.
Both blankets for me.

Spirit in disguise.
Sand and pebbles on the ground.
Song and prayer as one.

Your soul possessions
In the bosom Mother Earth.
Something labored well.

Mountain clad rainment
Appearing spectacular.
Child inside this man.

Happily I hear
The wonders in the raindrops
Cleansing me again.

How I fall to sleep
Just again to waken me.
Life is especially good.

Happily I walk.
All my lives are born in me,
Thus I never die.

North, South, East and West
Each divine all days as now.
A ceremony.

Happiest cadence
Fingerpainting each morning.
Spirits’ in this song.

Painted pottery.
Precautions from our Mother.
Birth to happy life.

Chimneys are smoking.
Preparations are in place.
Decorated days.

Gives a delicate balance
To a ritual.

Our traditionals
Give us experience

This is my dreaming.
This is my awakening,
Painted buffalo!

He is audience.
He is in my memories.
Walk in him alone.

Tommy Two Feathers, 080706

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2006, 11:45:13 PM »
Beautiful Tommy! Keep up the writing  ;)
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2006, 02:03:31 AM »
Very cool shot, Tom! I'd say you nailed it! :)

Offline tommy2

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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2006, 10:51:43 PM »
Two-Feathered Haiku #2

What I am attempting to do is compose 30+ Haiku, with traditional 5-7-5 meter, which all flow into one individual theme.  Maybe my own art form.

“The Gem“

Discover yourself.
Experience uniqueness.
Imagine yourself.

What is your belief?
Are you true to this belief?
Why is your belief?

Whirlwind thoughts of thought.
Each days’ fear of dreading fear.
Thinking wayyyy too much.

What is your story?
A differentiation
Or just an old rut?

Don’t compromise you.
Find yourself being yourself.
Seek this Gem inside.

Make friends with yourself.
Don’t be hostile to ego.
Be kind to this self.

Don’t lie to yourself.
There’s no enemy within.
Find your Gem inside.

Devotion fires
Uncommon intensity.
Dedicate yourself.

In the helping sense of heart
Is the Gem of you.

It’s necessary
As an opportunity
For ones’ own greatness.

Finding good inside
Is profound transformation.
Finding truth within.

Highest potential
Cannot be found while sleeping.
Ego makes us drowse.

Sit in the back seat
To see your path more closely.
Waken to what you are.

Ego has no light,
But it somehow shines like gold.
It is not your Gem.

Enlighten darkness
With a candle to yourself.
Silence is your light.

What’s inside your heart?
What has awakened in you?
Is it not your Gem?

Do practice daily
To be completely open
For transformation.

Get to know the Gem.
Inspire those around you
With confrontation.

Tell them of this Gem.
Follow the mystical ways.

To commodification:
Post modern trauma.

Pursuit of happiness.
Heart breakingly moot.

Avoid corruptions,
Encrusted cynicisms,
Sleeping computers.

Beat on a window,
Also scream at the morning.
Aimlessly descend.

Disenfranchisement will be.
It’s not substantial.

Will not resonate.

Sustain ambition
Invading your awareness.
One spring day you’ll see.

Be earth-shattering,
Totally inspiring,
To be convicted.

Concerned awakened,
Undeniably complete,
Always is this Gem.

Let discovery
Be so unforgettable.
Eloquence alive.

Know you are asleep
To awaken fresh and new.
Know you will wake up.

Live essentially,
And do it passionately,
For that Gem inside.

Simplify your life.
Draw from the depths of your mind.
Simplify that, too.

Completely present,
Bewilder your awareness
With empty spaces.

Become free, oh form!
Within form and free of form,
Shall we find our Gem.

Tommy Two Feathers, 081406

Offline tommy2

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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2006, 06:38:31 AM »
Two-Feathered Haiku # 3

Process “In-Self”

Reinvent the Self.
Redefine “to be human”.
A paradigm shift.

We must be called
To challenge significance,
Occurring human.

We are citizens
In infinite enfolding,
Creative process.

God and universe
Are reconciled and subsumed

Mine own existence;
A process of becoming
Matter and spirit.

An immensity,
Realizing existence;
Realizing self.

Deep time perspective
Espousing an enrichment.
A self-expansion.

Spirit of the past
Is spirit of the future.
There is, thusly, one.

What is to be next?
Comprehension not needed
Of new perspectives.

What and who are we,
Seen in entirely new light?
Is it a crisis?

Every now and then
Ends diversity of life.
An evolution.

Extinction at hand?
A backward intelligence?
A re-becoming?

It is beyond me
Of such ramifications
I can’t even glimpse.

What is needed now?
Enhancing relationships
With all Earths’ beings?

We must understand
Beyond an understanding
Of the root of things.

A sacred domain,
Within earth community,
To “within” movements.

Life is not just “stuff”,
An empty material,

Earth’s not a storehouse.
It is more of a matrix
In community.

A spirit inside,
In simple relatedness;

To re-invent our knowledge
Must now be our Work.

Each of our atoms,
Being hurled through outer space,
Make up our bodies.

Human consciousness
Is but a great enterprise
Of the universe.

We are colorless
Spiritual magnitude.
No dualism.

Much more than incredible.
That is what we are.

Hey! Do you know what?
The Earth revolves round the sun!
Who fails to see this?

Why can’t we “just see”?
The catalyst is knowledge
Of One direction.

Between man and universe
Is what is needed.

Let “us” be the change.
“Appearances” of compassion
are not compassion!

Care for all species
To surface in consciousness;
Passion unfurling.

Paying attention,
Which is uniquely human,
To motivation.

A means to caring,
As an action in itself,
To protect all life.

This means tradition
To be totally altered
Before it’s too late.

In a new cosmology
Of just who we are.

We are Creator
And also the destroyer
Of what we call “life”

Tommy Two Feathers, 082106

Offline tommy2

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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2006, 05:41:19 AM »
Two-Feathered Haiku # 4

“All There Is”

God is implicit;
Such as is form without form,
Thusly, explicit.

All self-reflexive,
Humans in evolution.
A “view” beyond view.

This is “universe”.
It is in our consciousness.
A great religion.

First is lithosphere.
Then atmosphere develops.
Next comes biosphere.

Where is thought in these?
Is it a captured layer
That’s not understood?

What is depth of time?
Does universe open up
So we see inside?

Do we just wake up
To find decisions waiting
About existence?

All is to explore
As another form of love,
Other forms of life.

Becoming aware;
Is that even near enough?
What else do we do?

A “being” type change,
One deeper within the heart.
Universe suffused.

This is what’s needed;
Spiritual practice,
Overwhelming self.

New capacities
In internal traditions.
An awakening.

Absolute moments;
Wake up to eternity.
Challenge the future.

Call to the present;
Awaken your universe
Which you call yourself.

Spiritual traditions
Keep us in today.

See your own value
Which is in this universe
You awaken in.

What is the best point,
An exertion on the now?
Is this all there is?

Future’s now, right here,
Is evident in presence;

God is a process.
A billion years; a long time
To become right now.

Truth, love, compassion,
Zest for all these qualities;
Universal now.

God is embodied
Within the universes
As a mystery.

Essence omega.
Evolution isn’t cold.
An organism.

Us, all together,
Are evolutions’

An evocation
Of a divine personage
Is our mind spirit.

We are overwhelmed
By responsibility
Of this Mother Earth.

Intricate even
Is now somehow enfolding
In what we call “now”.

Destiny reflects
Our superiority
To be essential.

A glorious mode of life
As we can know it.

Extreme importance
To enduring this struggle
That we call our life.

Activate a zest!
Imagine this transition!
Love your existence.

Think at a level
Required to be human.
Enjoy the struggle.

This is how “the Work”
Sets you free to be alive
For once in your life.

Tommy Two Feathers, 082706

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2006, 10:55:33 PM »
I love this~

New capacities
In internal traditions.
An awakening.

Great writing Tommy, keep it up and thanks for sharing it!!
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline tommy2

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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2006, 10:41:24 PM »
Two-Feathered Haiku # 5

What and the Hell?!?

Timeless beingness;
Is there really such a thing
As manifested?

What is really “real”?
Enlightened relationships
Of a birth and death?

Time-bound mode of life;
Is the world of form sacred,
A pure consciousness?

Never born or died:
What and the hell is all that?
Is there such a thing?

What is real and not?
Or is that stupid to ask?
All is “real” that ends?

Is our true essence
To be totally birthless?
How can this all be?

Consciousness lit up
Continuously fights with
The unenlightened.

What and the hell can that be?
Only enlightment?

What arises from
Unenlightened consciousness,
Only what is not?

A connectedness,
Even if unenlightened;
Is that good enough?

Does the Earth just say,
“Who needs anymore of this?”
Then it goes to sleep?

A liberation;
Is it all just a dream
That cannot let go?

To avoid nothing,
Yes, to try to face it all,
Is “the everything”.

Do not deny it!
Do not run from anything
Or try not to look.

Welcome the moment.
Pick your state of surrender
But don’t become it.

What the hell is this
About caring but still not
Manifest or not?

Do I look within
Or do I renounce it all?
Or are both the same?

What do I do now?
How can I leave yet still stay?
Is this still the same?

Is escape insane
When I am not even home?
Or am I just mad?

“Come and follow me.
Let the dead bury the dead.”
What was meant by this?

Did Jesus say this
In a way to say, “Leave home!,
See the false as false”,?

View the mental noise,
The identity with “me”,
As what is so false!

This I wonder so.
This I recognize as true.
A relinquishment.

If all that there is
Is all that is meaningful,
Then what’s” enlightened”?

Leaving everything
Just to gain it back again;
What the hell is that?

Is it self-seeking
When one tries to just “let go”,
Just to find a peace?

Full life engagement,
Yes, with the entire world;
This is the Calling.

God stands to need us
So we can perfect the world
And finish the “work”.

This is what I mean
When I say, “enlightenment”,
When I talk alone.

Be alone but not.
Just don’t leave the world alone.
It needs you too much.

Tommy Two Feathers, 091006


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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2006, 12:58:04 AM »
Welcome the moment.
Pick your state of surrender
But don’t become it.....

/////The world needs you too much.

Thanks for these words, Tom!
I was able to use this jolt today!  :)


Offline tommy2

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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2006, 08:12:13 AM »
Two-Feathered Haiku # 6

“Uniting Complexities”

Somewhere deep inside
There is mystical longing
For meaningfulness.

“See” in this context
A force precisely present,
Grounded in today.

God self-expressing
Through all of evolution:
Hers and mine and ours.

Simple particles
In a self-creating world
Of consciousness.

This development
Is cosmic complexity
Understood and known.

We know what we’ve done
By choosing our own actions
In one consciousness.

But the great step now
Is a creative union
Existing not before.

Unity degrees
In conscious complexity
Of all elements.

Sharing of the self
In character energies
Of one connection.

Share one another!!
An energy-form bonding
In new element.

We are free agents
With many proposed unions
Which need to advance.

Will humans do this,
If asked to sacrifice “self”
For a greater cause?

Energy exchange
In a cosmic enterprise,
If we can evolve.

Unique positions
Of responsibility
For a human Kind.

Of unity performance

Of a human vocation
In vital juncture.

All further Beings’
Volunteer togetherness,
Being borne again !

Ability to choose
A natural selection:
Concert intention.

Ego keeps at bay
An evolutions’ motive
To assimilate.

We must grasp the good,
Realize it as true self
To not endanger.

Creative unions
Intentionally sharing
Energy currents.

There is no option
But to form a new Being.
Intentions sharing.

Becoming aware:
Unburied and unhidden
Within most of us.

Drop away limits
To what we experience
As a deeper Self.

Hard to realize
Without introducing self
To a brand new way.

Redefine the self!
Liberate identity
With your energy.

Radiate good will
With your knowing “I Am !”
In this full being.

Love seeks this Being
Without being reaction
To a beloved.

A radiation
Of dynamic out-flowing:
Energies’ action.

Sharing of Being
Brings something new to being:
Willing a goodness.

Agape is love.
Creative, future-seeking
In this new “being”.

Energy with “no limit”
Nature of this gift.

Expand and radiate
In a participation
Of glory with God.

This hidden goodness
Will come forth and show itself
Truth of its Being.

Binding-human energy
In inventiveness:

All will interchange
Into human energy
And bind with all good.

This is what to do.
This is now the new Being
That we now must be.

Tommy Two Feathers, 091106

Offline Michael

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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2006, 11:56:34 AM »
that's great t2f - you're really going for it...

Offline daphne

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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2006, 02:00:39 PM »
I'm awed by this haiku style, tommy!! It's so cool and exploding out of you!!   :D

I've been reading a bit about it on the net..  yours is great!!!
"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift

Offline tommy2

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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2006, 02:57:32 PM »
Thanx, Guys and Dolls.  I've always been the one, in all that I do, to be original.  Staying in the 5 - 7 - 5 rhythm ain't as hard as I thought it might be.  I write something first and then re-do it in the TFH style.    Being a Nagual means constantly pushing the envelope, right, M !

Ha.  2


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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2006, 02:58:18 PM »
Tommy, these are very, very good! I think my favorite part was, which resonated:

Creative unions
Intentionally sharing
Energy currents.

There is no option
But to form a new Being.
Intentions sharing.

Very ripe for the moment, thank you!

Offline tommy2

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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2006, 10:49:20 PM »
Two-Feathered Haiku # 7

= Deep Self

Diversity is
Essential to unity =
Greater relations.

Composed unity =
An orchestral instrument
In evolution.

Non-duality =
Pinnacle of potential
In the human beast.

One more dimension
Of human interaction =
A surface of space.

Energy merging
Or submerging in the Whole
Must be uncomplexed.

Can we unbecome
Without us conceiving it?

An ever-higher
Expression of love
In evolution.

I am the center
Which brings us all together
Without a ceasing.

Higher expressions,
Ever-higher progressions
Of my potential.

Bringing together
Intent toward becoming
Without becoming?

A discovery:
Wake up in experience
Of no-illusion.

Each of our deepself
Will find our own absolute
As the relative.

Both are somehow real.
Both are also somehow not.

Are we the Divine
In this now human being?
AUM evolving?

Intrinsic value =
Complex non-dualism
In manifest phase.

Perfect positions
In nature of agape =
Aimed enlightenment.

Our spiritual
Practices in all our lives =

A culmination
Of a finite expression
Is infinity?

This the goal, itself
Nevercoming to an end,
Except in the mind?

Precise finitude
Without its own novelty
Would bring “all” to end.

To participate
In the “all what’s going on” =
“I’ experience.

One reality
To experience ourself
Within the present.

As an absolute,
Everyone is essential
In the infinite.

Everyone so consciously
Must be Intending.

As the new Being
In an energy exchange?
A god-expression.

Every little thing
Is a part of the picture.
Nothing can escape.

Everyone making
A part of the God-process
As it moves forward.

Do not wait to change!
The world will keep on turning
As it waits for you!

Time to change is now
For a new state of Being
Exactly what we are.

We have a future
With waking up in present
To find self again.

Tommy Two Feathers, 091706


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