My eyes walked on the wings of a blackbird
Mis ojos se pasearon,
and my voice walked on a song,
and now Nightingales sing with my tongue
My ears rode on the winds of a change
and my trust on the beak of a crow
My heart rests again on the softness of a pair of doves
And dwells in a place called forever
This ocean of awareness is filled with gifts of power
From the sorcerers of antiquity
Gems to fill my jewellery box and
Special stones to guard the gates
The possibility of flying on the wings of intent
To the secrets of the Eagle
Seems closer to me now
I can see starseed reflected
in the blink of an eye
And my eyes walk on
And my eyes
Walk on
Wrote this last Dec
after cool dreaming experience

Had forgotten about the poem and the dream.
I love remembering old dreams.
Seems like a good night to bring it up, full moon and all