Author Topic: Recapitulate  (Read 704 times)

Offline Nick

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Re: Recapitulate (my reaction to recapping)
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2006, 01:13:12 PM »

On one hand, it is the way to empty rucksack and keep it empty. Hence, it is a daily practice, a must.

On the other hand, it has been a way to get deeper, to see deep connections, to start feeling energy at the layers behind and beyond the daily activities.

Thanks, you confirmed somethings for me.

Just now something else too, there is something in me that should know how to retrieve and release properly, I just have to remember it.
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism

Offline Nick

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Re: Recapitulate
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2006, 01:17:24 PM »
I like to recap stuff for my kids, but have also done so for my little brother.
And also, most recently, my dad.

Some people have said to me "Don't you have enough of your own stuff to recap?  Why would you want to do it for someone else?"
But I figure, if I can, I might as well, right?

Well, you figure we are all connected by these cords. If I recap bob whom I have known forever then I am just making my own work easier because in a sense we are sharing our shit until we are free from these cords. So it seems more efficient to me. Though I am the type to need proof of things  :P 
I think I would need to notice my own progress in recapping increase as I recap their stuff.

Still it seem best to only focus on self for a bit until somethings free up...advice for myself it is.
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism

Offline tommy2

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Re: Recapitulate
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2006, 02:30:17 PM »
I helped my Dad share his recapitulation with me, even iffen he didn't know what he was doing at the time.  For years I would sit down and ask him stuff I mostly knew the answer for and could recite the timeless story he would have for me again and again..  It was so much fun.  His stories never changed and I listened to them for all of my life.  Even his really neat card tricks.  One he never would reveal to me, even to his end.  Just weeks before he finally took off to that campground in the sky where Mom sat waiting for him, that rascal wouldn't tell me how he did that trick.  "Figure it out for yourself.", I heard him say for decades.  Ha.

My boy Bryan and I are doing our fourth Buffalo Ceremony smudge in Southern Minnesota where all Dad's people are buried.  For both of us to see gravestones with our last name on them will be a pause we'll never forget.  I have seen them before but he has not. 

Talk about recapping, huh?  Labor weekend.  I'll listen for some of you and watch the clouds. 



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Re: Recapitulate
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2006, 02:33:21 PM »

 I'll listen for some of you and watch the clouds. 




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Re: Recapitulate
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2007, 12:45:35 AM »
the recapitulation is often misunderstood within toltec circles
and not nearly discussed enough
it is an extremely magical act that is never finished
and can be applied to any point of reference we are given
with power

we forget so many aspects of our attention
so many perceptions and ideas
intents that we made throughout the years
have changed our attention into what it is
even time has sped up to what we were accustomed to as children
i remember walking to a friends house
that was just down the road
and it took seemingly hours to get there
and over an incredible distance
that has seemingly shrunken
and yet it has
the amount of 'minuttes' did not change
it was merely the attention that is the essence of time
this is not the only thing
we have forgotten where we have come from
and why we have chosen to come here
and yet when we were children
we knew
and we knew it was a dream
and we remembered what was before

the recapitulation is not merely remembering
it is actually experiencing the attention of being a child
it is experiencing, not necesarily within the moment of the memory
as if we traveled into our childhood
and relive the same experience
it is applying the attention we experienced in the moment
right now
it is to see our intent, that has changed and shaped us over the years
captivated our intent
and to reclaim it
so we can experience again, with our full attention
to travel down the looong long road with  our complete attention
our choice

not only do we reclaim our intent that has been shaped
but we learn that intent is our choice

with our intent reclaimed
and we learn to set our intent
we can now begin to reset it in appropriate ways

within this world is infinite possiblities
with incredible amounts of 'points of reference'
to recaptulate
what i mean is we have books upon books
and many other things as well
with detailed accounts of sorcery
from don Juan matus, Elias, Julian, the Tenant, Star Children, Carlitos
many many many dreams
that all offer us a valuable point of reference
to recapitulate
the moment is now
and so we recap their lives
and we actually live them
within our own moment
we experience their dreams, not as exact relicas, tho we can
but within our own moment, our own space and time
we develop their attentions
we learn their feats
we meet them


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Re: Recapitulate
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2007, 01:01:02 AM »
being around children
especially if we are unaccustomed to being around them
helps this a great deal
not to merely understand how they feel
or think we do
but to actually mirror their attention
or their perception
which is a magical process, absolutely
that can be applied to anyone

the other day i had this happen to me with some children
when they were getting in trouble
they began to whisper to each other
and i mirrored the feeling and perception
their attention, yet coupled within my own
the feeling of being 'against the adults'
like the adults were 'one side', in their own group
and the children were apart from them
on the other, opposing side, of 'enemy lines'
it was an awesome feeling to mirror
that aided in my recaptulatation of my childhood
in a way it offered me a catapult
into another world that i created as a child


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Re: Recapitulate
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2007, 01:22:13 AM »
tell me friend
have you dove into the Eagle's beak and retained awareness?
have you seen what this reality truely is?
it is controled folly
nothing more
you could say to live is the wound
i made my stand
and i succeeded in it
thank you.


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Re: Recapitulate
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2007, 01:26:52 AM »
why so sad Juhani?
why so pessimistic?
i mean that is a sad folly
yet your view has no bearing on me
no power over me whatsoever
i still smile and enjoy life
it is my choice to do so
and the beings i meet reciprocate
unless of course
i decide to go where they do not
and that to is my controlled folly
and my own reason
you are self-important that you pretend to know
as you try topush perceptions out there
calling everyone hurt and wounded
sad and depressed
and yet that is you Juhani
that is your controlled folly
and yet like you said
your intent is small
and for me my friend you are not even real
and that is my burden to bear
my aloneness to experience
within the many different versions
the twin positions of this one reality


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Re: Recapitulate
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2007, 01:30:05 AM »
straight question eh?
well tell me Juhani
how can i explain the Nagual to you?
how can i explain controlled folly to you?
it can only be experienced
and tho i have shown many people
you have never been one of them i am afraid


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Re: Recapitulate
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2007, 01:36:07 AM »
Hey guys, what's up?



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Re: Recapitulate
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2007, 01:37:55 AM »
Why should you explain them to me?

listen, don't argue
you asked me for an answer
and the answer was given
yet you do not understand it
because it can only be seen
circle games, seem rather childish to me
and i do not involve myself in pissing contests

the joy tht permeates me
as i sing as loud as i can in the streets
makes the birds sing along with me
and makes the clouds respond
and everything around me
untill the allies sing in my voice
calling out to me
my sadness, my aloneness, is also my joy
it amplifies it
and i love it
because i choose to
i have to
there is no other way
not for me!

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Recapitulate
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2007, 01:38:24 AM »
the recapitulation is often misunderstood within toltec circles
and not nearly discussed enough
it is an extremely magical act that is never finished
and can be applied to any point of reference we are given
with power

we forget so many aspects of our attention
so many perceptions and ideas
intents that we made throughout the years
have changed our attention into what it is
even time has sped up to what we were accustomed to as children
i remember walking to a friends house
that was just down the road
and it took seemingly hours to get there
and over an incredible distance
that has seemingly shrunken
and yet it has
the amount of 'minuttes' did not change
it was merely the attention that is the essence of time
this is not the only thing
we have forgotten where we have come from
and why we have chosen to come here
and yet when we were children
we knew
and we knew it was a dream
and we remembered what was before

the recapitulation is not merely remembering
it is actually experiencing the attention of being a child
it is experiencing, not necesarily within the moment of the memory
as if we traveled into our childhood
and relive the same experience
it is applying the attention we experienced in the moment
right now
it is to see our intent, that has changed and shaped us over the years
captivated our intent
and to reclaim it
so we can experience again, with our full attention
to travel down the looong long road with  our complete attention
our choice

not only do we reclaim our intent that has been shaped
but we learn that intent is our choice

with our intent reclaimed
and we learn to set our intent
we can now begin to reset it in appropriate ways

within this world is infinite possiblities
with incredible amounts of 'points of reference'
to recaptulate
what i mean is we have books upon books
and many other things as well
with detailed accounts of sorcery
from don Juan matus, Elias, Julian, the Tenant, Star Children, Carlitos
many many many dreams
that all offer us a valuable point of reference
to recapitulate
the moment is now
and so we recap their lives
and we actually live them
within our own moment
we experience their dreams, not as exact relicas, tho we can
but within our own moment, our own space and time
we develop their attentions
we learn their feats
we meet them

:) Nice post, recapulation has been a big part of my selfwork.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Recapitulate
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2007, 01:40:26 AM »
Hey guys, what's up?



Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: Recapitulate
« Reply #28 on: May 24, 2007, 01:41:31 AM »
 ;D ;D



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Re: Recapitulate
« Reply #29 on: May 24, 2007, 01:44:49 AM »



Pass it on!

 :-* :-* :-* :-*


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