Author Topic: The Incarnations of Vishnu  (Read 245 times)

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The Incarnations of Vishnu
« on: December 13, 2007, 11:14:45 PM »
This follows on from my post in Healing about karma.

Vishnu is the Great God of Protection, Enhancement, Beauty, and Guardian of the Universe. When you wish to help another, that is Vishnu. Christ is Vishnu, Muhammad is Vishnu, Krishna is Vishnu. he is the God of the Good - all that seeks Nourishment and Perfection. He is in fact the Perfection of Manifestation. Thus he is a bit of dull chap - personally, being a Shavite at heart, I have always found Vishnu somewhat like a school prefect - the School Captain in fact .... type of person I always tried to avoid. Poopy and conventional. But nonetheless, I know he is an archetype that has enormous influence on who I am in this life, and what I seek to accomplish before I die.

OK, so I am a follower of Shiva, the guy who meditates on corpses in the cremation ground with long matted hair smoking ganga. Yum! That’s my stuff!

But do you know that Shiva thinks of nothing but Vishnu - he so loves Vishnu, that he has forsaken all material wealth and beauty - everything, he has given to Vishnu, and he sits with absolutely nothing - no clothes, no possessions, he sits in eternal meditation of absolute silence. But his great love is Vishnu.

Now, this post incorporates Buddha. You should know something of the historical events. Lets distinguish first Hinduism from Braminism. First let me clarify Braminism. You must know not everyone agrees on this spelling distinction, but I can say Julie in her research found this to be the most common standard. Also know the ‘Hindu’ is an English term to help them describe what they found - slim chance! Most orthodox refer to the Indian religion as Vedic - of the Vedas which were written by the Rishis, long ago.

Brahma: a god, the God of Creation. Very little is said or followed in India about him - I think there is only one temple to Brahma alone in all India - could be wrong there, but enough to say his worship is ultra minimal.

Brahman: the ultimate - Nagual, the entire or all, in its essence of unknowable - no way possible to comprehend - beyond all - in Hinduism it is called ‘without attributes’.

Brahmin: the priest, the cast that sits on the top of the social ladder. Those who control the Hindu religion and all its ceremonies.

The common historical version (not accepted by all) was that the brahmins came with the Aryan invasion, from Persia long ago. They then dominated early Indian Hindu world. Along came Buddha, who (long after his death) with the help of Ashoka (an historical character that is well worth researching) became the dominant religion in India - well esp northern India, and all the way from a vast centre in Afghanistan to Japan. The brahmins fought back, and largely due to the profound influence of Shankara, Hinduism regained control of India. This is why you will see all over India the image of a lion on top of an elephant - the Lion is Hinduism and the Elephant is Buddhism, so these images represent the domination if Buddhism by the brahmins - in Cambodia and South-East Asia - eg Anchor Wat - the brahmins cut off all the heads of the buddhas when they regained control.

On a philosophical level, Hinduism resolved its differences with Buddhism, as there was always a very close relationship, and Buddha was the reformer, just like Christ with Judaism. But more, Shankara’s belief system was basically Buddhist - Advaita Vedanta. The ultimate rejection of Maya as the only path to enlightenment.

Now, to my main topic. After they had digested and resolved Buddha, Hindu philosophical view incorporated him into their Grand Scheme, as an avatar of Vishnu, which no doubt he was - being a bringer of enlightenment to humanity. So in the following you will see his place, and what an interesting place that is!

The Ten Incarnations of Vishnu.

Hinduism talks in vast cycles, each one made up of three Yugas (aligned to the three Gunas). You will have heard that we are now in Kali Yuga. In each grand cycle, Vishnu incarnates in his ten variations. (I should point out that actually it’s the Rishis who incarnate as an avatar of Vishnu - nothing is simple in Hinduism.) Each incarnation has an esoteric meaning - and I’ll give a very brief account of that.

1. Matsya, the Fish. Lives completely in the ocean - the physical body with its senses, the pure identification with the physical life.

2. Kurma, the Tortoise. Lives in the sea and on the land. The navel. Emerging from physical identification to awareness of it’s possibilities out of the ocean of the senses.

3. Varaha, the Boar. Pigs are the one of the closest of animals to humans. Who dived deep into the ocean and retrieved the earth - the breath and awareness.

4. Narasimha, the Man-Lion. Half human half animal. This avatar rips out your physical identification and transforms it into spiritual identification - Narasimha is the one who presides over your true spiritual awakening.

5. Vamana, the dwarf. The human of not-full-stature. Symbolising the evolution to the future of humanity in its full mental-spiritual capacity.

6. Parashurama. The wild and primitive man who conquers the world with brute force.

7. Ramachandra - Rama. The perfect human. But with limitations - his shakti (Sita) is split off from him.

8. Krishna. Totally perfect human beyond all limitations. Nature and humanity reach their peak of perfection. None before or after can compare (like the Toltec race).

9. Buddha. After Krishna, Kali Yuga begins, and thus comes the Avatar of Discrimination, Buddha. This is the point I want to emphasise. Buddha represents to the Hindus, the perfection of the mental faculty - the perception of discrimination and discernment. But he is without the juice of the aesthetic. His enlightenment comes through rejection of the world.

10. Kalki, the last avatar. With Kalki, Kali Yuga ends, and a new cycle, a new Kalpa begins - we are currently in the White Boar Kalpa. He will destroy and save - those he saves he will gift some glimmer of their true selves.

I want to draw your attention to these last two avatars, as they speak of the situation/timing we are in. All these avatar are both representations of the outer evolution of human consciousness, plus of the inner evolution of our own journey on the Path.

There is something very different going on in the world of those aligned to the impulse of Spirit. Buddhism represents the previous solution - plus the preliminary stage. This is where we set aside the world, and devote ourselves exclusively to the achievement of our ultimate goal - especially with meditation in ultimate silence. There is no escape from this. It has to be done. But it is also only one last step. We still have to encompass the world of Maya, in its full manifestation of its inner truth and reality.

I have a friend who is serious with her meditation, and surrounds herself with statues of Buddha, and yet she confesses a deep resistance to Buddhism, because she says she is an artist. She longs for the flow of life and the juices of the world in all its beauty. Buddhism is asking her to turn her back on her heart, she feels.

Now Buddhists would see this very differently, but I want to use this Hindu arrangement to explain something about me and Kalki.... next.
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Re: The Incarnations of Vishnu
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2007, 12:16:20 AM »
There is something very different going on in the world of those aligned to the impulse of Spirit. Buddhism represents the previous solution - plus the preliminary stage. This is where we set aside the world, and devote ourselves exclusively to the achievement of our ultimate goal - especially with meditation in ultimate silence. There is no escape from this. It has to be done. But it is also only one last step. We still have to encompass the world of Maya, in its full manifestation of its inner truth and reality.

I have a friend who is serious with her meditation, and surrounds herself with statues of Buddha, and yet she confesses a deep resistance to Buddhism, because she says she is an artist. She longs for the flow of life and the juices of the world in all its beauty. Buddhism is asking her to turn her back on her heart, she feels.

Now Buddhists would see this very differently, but I want to use this Hindu arrangement to explain something about me and Kalki.... next.

Very interesting passage on Buddhism! When I was into Buddhism 24/7 it all seemed OK with the exception of the strict value-scale of right-wrong it set (I never came to terms with that as it suggested that my main area of interest was off-limits to work on).

But then in one meditation - when I was pinpointing my attention on Buddha's image in my mind - Buddha dissolved into emptiness and I felt that something changed. Later I realised it had changed for good. I tried to go on as before for several times, but my inner being just did not connect any more with the thing I used to do. Since then I have been moving on a different trajectory.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 12:18:33 AM by erik »

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« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2007, 01:44:00 AM »
This concept is of utmost importance for me. As one can see clearly by the way this forum is structured, that I am a lover of life.

Budder is the ultimate Toltec. The one who cuts through the bullshit - the one who takes the gauntlet of absolute silence. Donaldo mearly pointed - Castralto really did it - that’s the secret to the fast path, he didn’t become magical for nothing. But Buddha really did it, no shit - straight to the point!

I can’t see any other way around. Buddha and Shankara were similar, in the path of absolute. But Buddha went all the way - that’s what he stands for. Shankara was tainted by his prejudice to convention - he wished to interpret this secret from old pre-Buddhist viewing point - so he became entangled in religious struggle. The enlightened one who seeks to re-enter Maya.

At some point we must encounter death. We go for cutting a path way through the very psychic fabric of our world - the one given to us by our parents and early life. Cut through Maya to the secret behind. Only would that satisfy approval in Donaldo’s eyes. We all have to pass this gate. The knowledge of absolute silence is at the energetic heart of Donaldo’s Toltec. That is Buddha, in Hindu India.

The place of Buddha on the evolutionary path of Vishnu, in the Depths of Kali Yuga, is all symbolic for moksha. That experience, after which you know you are forever changed.

To do this we use a technique. This is not a moral technique, but a strategy. In essence (although the full deal is to be studied) it is the silencing of our full machine - physical stillness/relaxed, with emotional stillness/relaxed, with mental stillness/OK, then, with each of these relaxed, we step aside from our personality. You hold that for as long as you can, and you practice it through your life till it can be suspended - that is the main task. Donaldo said, it was cumulative, it was just a matter of storing enough silence, till one day, a woopie-do event arises.

You can argue if this is masculine or feminine or both, but it just is. Buddha is in the next but final spot. Buddha is very serious - sit, he said, and switch it off, then wait... see how Toltec he is?

I am a follower of Kalki. Kalki accepts the world, but more than just using it skilfully - the Tantric way, the Stalker’s way, which I should say is also what I personally see as absolutely critical - I use the world as a tool for magic - for achieving moksha. That is just being intelligent about my surroundings. But more than this:

Kalki loves the world.

This is my path. I am a post Buddhic-experience survivor, who has discovered the beauty of gardening. Now I have cleverly devised a secret plan to conquer the world - my the-world. If it helps you also, then that is in perfect alignment with Kalki. Kalki stands ahead, at the end of evil days. He is the complete synthesis or Brahman and Maya, of Nagual and Tonal, of Death and Life, of absolute silence and the joy of creating beauty in this world.

Everything fascinates me, and I am always looking for the secret thread in everything. My whiskers have grown rather long, I’m afraid. They pick up the subtlest of nuances of possibilities, of aroma, of touch, of sensation, of perception. I love the world.

But now I also love death - that was how I got here. So it is very exciting to love them both.

I see that a love of the knowledge of things, can be a true companion in the direction we have offered up our own life for, in the Buddha period. I recommend people look at everything around them, which only takes a little effort - just do something different, that’s all. It’s always there - keep learning, and don’t become a bumble. Always keep learning, till you no longer need to be told - its pull is sufficient.

Look for quality in everything you do - both meditation and art, work and laughter. This is why our cult of Kalki, worships sun rise and sun set.

Never be satisfied that you know it all, rather be satisfied that you are learning it all - be open.

My belief, the one I choose, is that the world can become a true heaven, a place of the highest beauty and meaning - that is my belief I stand for, from a choice of many - my ticket to join the Vishnu club. I will always be a Shavite first - that’s just how it goes with people like me, I’m an extremist. And now I lie down in fields of green, when I slip into Mythic.

I still have to suffer the usual lot of slings and arrows, but in my Shavite days, my Toltec days, I learned a few tricks. These tricks now enable me to face off the future with an edge.... thanks, that has been very useful guru whoever. Thus I can secretly store energy, whilst in the pitch of battle. Then that energy can be channelled into the Mythical layer, the artistic layer - life as a creative act.

I admit sometimes I have to go on long journeys into the physical struggle, and my mythic self is left to wander the hills and fields - he does his own thing. We get back together, always.

Kalki is the finale of Kali Yuga, and the birth of Heaven on Earth, The full glory of Vishnu manifested on the physical plane. Although these days I wonder how many days we have left for all this on a grand scale. But on my personal scale it simply means I must pass a crucial test before death lowers the boom.

The spirit that brings a threaded basket - one thread of Death and one of Life.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2021, 03:24:47 AM by Michael »

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Re: Kalki
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2023, 03:40:50 PM »
This concept is of utmost importance for me. As one can see clearly by the way this forum is structured, that I am a lover of life.

Budder is the ultimate Toltec. The one who cuts through the bullshit - the one who takes the gauntlet of absolute silence. Donaldo mearly pointed - Castralto really did it - that’s the secret to the fast path, he didn’t become magical for nothing. But Buddha really did it, no shit - straight to the point!

I can’t see any other way around. Buddha and Shankara were similar, in the path of absolute. But Buddha went all the way - that’s what he stands for. Shankara was tainted by his prejudice to convention - he wished to interpret this secret from old pre-Buddhist viewing point - so he became entangled in religious struggle. The enlightened one who seeks to re-enter Maya.

At some point we must encounter death. We go for cutting a path way through the very psychic fabric of our world - the one given to us by our parents and early life. Cut through Maya to the secret behind. Only would that satisfy approval in Donaldo’s eyes. We all have to pass this gate. The knowledge of absolute silence is at the energetic heart of Donaldo’s Toltec. That is Buddha, in Hindu India.

The place of Buddha on the evolutionary path of Vishnu, in the Depths of Kali Yuga, is all symbolic for moksha. That experience, after which you know you are forever changed.

To do this we use a technique. This is not a moral technique, but a strategy. In essence (although the full deal is to be studied) it is the silencing of our full machine - physical stillness/relaxed, with emotional stillness/relaxed, with mental stillness/OK, then, with each of these relaxed, we step aside from our personality. You hold that for as long as you can, and you practice it through your life till it can be suspended - that is the main task. Donaldo said, it was cumulative, it was just a matter of storing enough silence, till one day, a woopie-do event arises.

You can argue if this is masculine or feminine or both, but it just is. Buddha is in the next but final spot. Buddha is very serious - sit, he said, and switch it off, then wait... see how Toltec he is?

I am a follower of Kalki. Kalki accepts the world, but more than just using it skilfully - the Tantric way, the Stalker’s way, which I should say is also what I personally see as absolutely critical - I use the world as a tool for magic - for achieving moksha. That is just being intelligent about my surroundings. But more than this:

Kalki loves the world.

This is my path. I am a post Buddhic-experience survivor, who has discovered the beauty of gardening. Now I have cleverly devised a secret plan to conquer the world - my the-world. If it helps you also, then that is in perfect alignment with Kalki. Kalki stands ahead, at the end of evil days. He is the complete synthesis or Brahman and Maya, of Nagual and Tonal, of Death and Life, of absolute silence and the joy of creating beauty in this world.

Everything fascinates me, and I am always looking for the secret thread in everything. My whiskers have grown rather long, I’m afraid. They pick up the subtlest of nuances of possibilities, of aroma, of touch, of sensation, of perception. I love the world.

But now I also love death - that was how I got here. So it is very exciting to love them both.

I see that a love of the knowledge of things, can be a true companion in the direction we have offered up our own life for, in the Buddha period. I recommend people look at everything around them, which only takes a little effort - just do something different, that’s all. It’s always there - keep learning, and don’t become a bumble. Always keep learning, till you no longer need to be told - its pull is sufficient.

Look for quality in everything you do - both meditation and art, work and laughter. This is why our cult of Kalki, worships sun rise and sun set.

Never be satisfied that you know it all, rather be satisfied that you are learning it all - be open.

My belief, the one I choose, is that the world can become a true heaven, a place of the highest beauty and meaning - that is my belief I stand for, from a choice of many - my ticket to join the Vishnu club. I will always be a Shavite first - that’s just how it goes with people like me, I’m an extremist. And now I lie down in fields of green, when I slip into Mythic.

I still have to suffer the usual lot of slings and arrows, but in my Shavite days, my Toltec days, I learned a few tricks. These tricks now enable me to face off the future with an edge.... thanks, that has been very useful guru whoever. Thus I can secretly store energy, whilst in the pitch of battle. Then that energy can be channelled into the Mythical layer, the artistic layer - life as a creative act.

I admit sometimes I have to go on long journeys into the physical struggle, and my mythic self is left to wander the hills and fields - he does his own thing. We get back together, always.

Kalki is the finale of Kali Yuga, and the birth of Heaven on Earth, The full glory of Vishnu manifested on the physical plane. Although these days I wonder how many days we have left for all this on a grand scale. But on my personal scale it simply means I must pass a crucial test before death lowers the boom.

The spirit that brings a threaded basket - one thread of Death and one of Life.


You edited this November 19, 2021

What did you edit?

"He" Helter Skelter died on that day in 2017....

Sooooo..... what did you edit?

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Incarnations of Vishnu
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2023, 04:49:03 PM »
You may find it silly but....

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Incarnations of Vishnu
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2023, 09:11:39 PM »
That’s why..holding…

Day he died

Sorry I was slow. Marcas my astrologer got me to look.

We have a drumming circle June 14 at church this week. My drum is fairly basic. But it will work. I’ll be sure to attend it.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Incarnations of Vishnu
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2023, 12:34:38 PM »
Kalki is the finale of Kali Yuga, and the birth of Heaven on Earth, The full glory of Vishnu manifested on the physical plane. Although these days I wonder how many days we have left for all this on a grand scale. But on my personal scale it simply means I must pass a crucial test before death lowers the boom.

The spirit that brings a threaded basket - one thread of Death and one of Life.

Not in all realities tho - the one we are aiming for yes. But there is another.

Oh im sure many parallel ones but...3D vs 5D - im certain. There are those who want...the yucky stuff. Or they "think" they do.

Im aiming for the same thing you are. Im taking the folks in my group with me. Period.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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