Author Topic: Essenes  (Read 589 times)

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Essenes
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2007, 06:00:30 AM »
Karma / Kamma ~
The Laws of Cause and Effect

    Karma is the physical manifestation of the law of balance and harmony, as it applies to the results of decisions reached and attitudes held by beings capable of free will and choice. A karmic experience is a challenge to a individual to reconsider a choice that has been made, or an attitude that has been held, to see if these decisions were founded upon a misunderstanding of The Laws of the System. You are bound karmically to anything that you accept, or misunderstand, until you understand it. Karma is merely a gap in your understanding. And, karma applies only to beings who have advanced to the level of experiencing in the forms of the human kingdom.

    Each individual creates their own karma by experiencing results, their ability to learn, and their disregard for experiencing. We creates our own capacities and limitations. Karma is the need to know more about a feeling, or an action, to make one's knowledge more complete and whole. It is the necessity to experience an action or thought  more fully, or from a different perspective, so that you understand it as completely as possible in order to maintain balance in your mental creations. You cannot project perfect creations unless you understand the materials, tools, and processes of creation completely, and have experienced the repercussions of your actions.

    A person exists to experience all forms of materiality, to understand each thoroughly, and to learn how to manipulate and maintain these forms in balance and harmony. As the individual evolves, studies his progress and finds there is a gap in his understanding, at some point in time the gap must be filled with the appropriate experience to balance it out. Karma is, therefore, the need to experience, and to fill gaps in the understanding of the experiences gained. It is a lack of understanding of all the points of view that apply, that must be changed, and an awareness that is necessary to be gained.

In full --->
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: Essenes
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2007, 06:07:40 AM »
for the purpose of gaining understanding which will teach the fragment-entity how to create, maintain, and manipulate matter at will and in balance, as a co-creator with the Source.

       The Source evolves and experiences through Its creations. The purpose of material existence is to grow through experiences in all forms of materiality. A fragment cannot become a co-creator without understanding all of the materials, tools, techniques and processes of creation.

Remind me of the thread where we tried to differ between to create and to manifest. Here they use the term "fragment" for the individual as a physical existence of the Soul, while we use "fragment" as split parts of the whole individual.


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Re: Essenes
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2007, 06:18:19 AM »
Remind me of the thread where we tried to differ between to create and to manifest. Here they use the term "fragment" for the individual as a physical existence of the Soul, while we use "fragment" as split parts of the whole individual.


Yes, I remember that well...interesting how that jumped out at you... ;)

This jumped out at me:
<From Chapter 8>

   5. Creation signifies the necessity for man to use his creative powers, since his role on the planet is to continue the work of the Creator. He is therefore to try to do something original and creative, something new and different, as often as he can, whether it is an invention of some kind, a work of art, or anything which will benefit others.

"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."


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Re: Essenes
« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2007, 06:22:03 AM »
I was recently directed in vision to "Understand the way of the Essenes"

I had no idea what that meant until I started searching on the internet and found the connection with the Dead Sea Scrolls ect..  This may be old news to some of you.. but for me, being a 'woods girl' my studies have been greatly limited.

I still dont know what the study has for me in relation to the vision.. that will more then likely come in the dead of night in a whisper of clarity, like most things do.

I went into a short retreat/solitude/ceremony and met with the holy one who told me to "Understand the ways of the Essene."

I wouldnt dare guess the reason, I may never fully understand it myself.

Any thoughts?
Their "belief" system - or terminology is close to our western Christian with angels and such parts and it is right that Jesus studied with them and also John the Baptist. Father in Heaven and Mother Earth it is not that original but it explain the prayer. “Our father that are in heaven …”

What is less known is that the guy who asked for the crucified body of Jesus, Joseph from Arimathea, was also linked to the Essenes. The school was run like a monastery and many in the “ordinary world” was aligned to the school and some rich men as Joseph could contribute with funds and know how in business. This was dark ages and much was done in secret. To reveal what happened, to be able to say that this or that happened, Toltecs tap information from the ether.

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Essenes
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2007, 06:27:34 AM »
The Three Paths of Truth ~

    There are three paths leading to Truth. The first is the path of the consciousness, the second that of nature, and the third is the accumulated experience of past generations, which we receive in the shape of the great masterpieces of all ages. From time immemorial, man and humanity have followed all three paths.

    The first path to Truth, the path of the consciousness, is that followed by the great mystics. They consider that the consciousness is the most immediate reality for us and is the key to the universe. it is something which is in us, which is us. And throughout the ages the mystics have made the discovery that the laws of human consciousness contain an aspect not found in the laws governing the material universe.

    A certain dynamic unity exists in our consciousness, where one is at the same time many. it is possible for us to have simultaneously different thoughts, ideas, associations, images, memories and intuitions occupying our consciousness within fragments of a minute or a second, yet all this multiplicity will still constitute only a single dynamic unity. Therefore the laws of mathematics, which are valid for the material universe and are a key to its understanding, will not be valid in the field of consciousness, a realm where two and two do not necessarily make four. The mystics also found that measurements of space, time and weight, universally valid in nature and throughout the material universe, are not applicable to the consciousness, where sometimes a few seconds seem like hours, or hours like a minute.

    Our consciousness does not exist in space and therefore cannot be measured in spatial terms. It has its own time, which is very often timelessness, so temporal measurements cannot be applied to Truth reached by this path. The great mystics discovered that the human consciousness, besides being the most immediate and the inmost reality for us, is at the same time our closest source of energy, harmony and knowledge. The path to Truth leading to and through the consciousness produced the great teachings of humanity, the great intuitions and the great masterpieces throughout the ages. Such then is the first path to or source of Truth, as the Essene traditions understand and interpret it.

    Unfortunately, the magnificent original intuitions of the great masters often lose their vitality as they pass down the generations. They are very often modified, distorted and turned into dogmas, and all too frequently their values become petrified in institutions and organized hierarchies. The pure intuitions are choked by the sands of time, and eventually have to be dug out by seekers of Truth able to penetrate into their essence.

    Another danger is that persons following this path to Truth, the path of the consciousness-may fall into exaggerations. They come to think that this is the only path to Truth and disregard all others. Very often, too, they apply the specific laws of the human consciousness to the material universe where they lack validity, and ignore the laws proper to the latter sphere. The mystic often creates for himself an artificial universe, farther and farther removed from reality, till he ends by living in an ivory tower, having lost all contact with reality and life.

    The second of the three paths is the path of nature. While the first path of the consciousness starts from within and penetrates thence into the totality of things, the second path takes the opposite way. Its starting point is the external world. it is the path of the scientist, and has been followed in all ages through experience and through experiment, through the use of inductive and deductive methods.

    The scientist, working with exact quantitative measurements, measures everything in space and time, and makes all possible correlations.

    With his telescope he penetrates into far-distant cosmic space, into the various solar and galactic systems; through spectrum analysis he measures the constituents of the different planets in cosmic space; and by mathematical calculation he establishes in advance the movements of celestial bodies. Applying the law of cause and effect, the scientist establishes a long chain of causes and effects which help him to explain and measure the universe, as well as life.

    But the scientist, like the mystic, sometimes falls into exaggerations. While science has transformed the life of mankind and has created great values, for man in all ages, it has failed to give entire satisfaction in the solution of the final problems of existence, life and the universe. The scientist has the long chain of causes and effects secure in all its particles, but he has no idea what to do with the end of the chain. He has no solid point to which he may attach the end of the chain, and so by the path to Truth through nature and the material universe he is unable to answer the great and eternal questions concerning the beginning and end of all things.

    The greatest scientists recognize that in the metaphysical field beyond the scientific chain there is something else - continuing from the end of that chain. However, there are also the dogmatic scientists who deny any other approach to Truth than their own, who refuse to attribute reality to the facts and phenomena which they cannot fit neatly into their own categories and classifications.

    The path to Truth through nature is not that of the dogmatic scientist, just as the first path is not that of the one-sided mystic. Nature is a great open book in which everything can be found, if we learn to draw from it the inspiration which it has given to the great thinkers of all ages. if we learn her language, nature will reveal to us all the laws of life and the universe.

    It is for this reason that all the great masters of humanity from time to time withdrew into nature: Zarathustra and Moses into the mountains, Buddha to the forest, Jesus and the Essenes to the desert-and thus followed this second path as well as that of the consciousness. The two paths do not contradict one another, but harmoniously complete one another in full knowledge of the laws of both. It was thus that the great teachers reached wonderful and deeply profound truths which have given inspiration to millions through thousands of years.

    The third path to Truth, is the wisdom, knowledge and experience acquired by the great thinkers of all ages and transmitted to us in the form of great teachings, the great sacred books or scriptures, and the great masterpieces of universal literature which together form what today we would call universal culture.

    In brief, therefore, our approach to Truth is a threefold one: through consciousness, nature and culture.

    There are different ways of studying these great writings. One way-the way of all theologians and of the organized Churches-is to consider each text literally. This is the dogmatic way resulting from a long process of petrification, by which truths are inevitably transformed into dogmas.

    When the theologian follows this most easy but one-sided path, he runs into endless contradictions and complications, and he reaches a conclusion as far removed from the truth as that of the scientific interpreter of these texts who rejects them as entirely valueless and without validity. The approaches of the dogmatic theologian and the exclusivist scientist represent two extremes.

    A third error is to believe, as do certain symbolists, that these books have no more than a symbolic content and are nothing more than parables. With their own particular way of exaggeration these symbolists make thousands of different and quite contradictory interpretations of these great texts.

    The spirit of the Essene traditions is opposed to all three of these ways of interpreting these ageless writings and follows an entirely different approach.

    The Essene method of interpretation is, on the one hand, to place them in harmonious correlation with the laws of the human consciousness and of nature, and, on the other, to consider the facts and circumstances of the age and environment in which they were written. This approach also takes into account the degree of evolution and understanding of the people to whom the particular master was addressing his message.

    Since all the great masters had to adapt their teaching to the level of their audience, they found it necessary to formulate both an exoteric and esoteric teaching. The exoteric message was one comprehensible to the people at large and was expressed in terms of various rules, forms and rituals corresponding to the basic needs of the people and the age concerned. Parallel with this, the esoteric teachings have survived through the ages partly as written and partly as unwritten living traditions, free from forms, rituals, rules and dogmas, and in all periods have been kept alive and practiced by a small minority.

    Compiled from The Essene Gospel of Peace Book Two
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Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Essenes
« Reply #20 on: December 28, 2007, 06:32:48 AM »

Into the innermost circle have you come, into the mystery of mysteries, that which was old when our father Enoch was young and walked the earth. Around and around have you come on your journey of many years, always following the path of righteousness, living according to the Holy Law and the sacred vows of our Brotherhood, and you have made of your body a holy temple wherein dwell the angels of God. Many years have you shared the daylight hours with the angels of the Earthly Mother; many years have you slept in the arms of the Heavenly Father, taught by his unknown angels. You have learned that the laws of the Son of Man are seven, of the angels three, and of God, one. Now you shall know of the three laws of the angels, the mystery of the three Holy Streams and the ancient way to traverse them; so shall you bathe in the light of heaven and at last behold the revelation of the mystery of mysteries: the law of God, which is One.

Now in the hour before the rising of the sun, just before the angels of the Earthly Mother breathe life into the still sleeping earth, then do you enter into the Holy Stream of Life. It is your Brother Tree who holds the mystery of this Holy Stream, and it is your Brother Tree that you will embrace in your thought, even as by day you embrace him in greeting when you walk along the lake shore. And you shall be one with the tree, for in the beginning of the times so did we all share in the Holy Stream of Life that gave birth to all creation. And as you embrace your Brother Tree, the power of the Holy Stream of Life will fill your whole body, and you will tremble before its might. Then breathe deeply of the angel of air, and say the word "Life" with the outgiving of breath. Then you will become in truth the Tree of Life which sinks its roots deep into the Holy Stream of Life from an eternal source. And as the angel of sun warms the earth, and all the creatures of land and water and ai r rejoice in the new day, so will your body and spirit rejoice in the Holy Stream of life that flows to you through your Brother Tree.

And when the sun is high in the heavens, then shall you seek the Holy Stream of Sound. in the heat of noontide, all creatures are still and seek the shade; the angels of the Earthly Mother are silent for a space. Then it is that you shall let into your ears the Holy Stream of Sound; for it can only be heard in the silence. Think on the streams that are born in the desert after a sudden storm, and the roaring sound of the waters as they rush past. Truly, this is the voice of God, if you did but know it. For as it is written, in the beginning was the Sound, and the Sound was with God, and the Sound was God. I tell you truly, when we are born, we enter the world with the sound of God in our ears, even the singing of the vast chorus of the sky, and the holy chant of the stars in their fixed rounds; it is the Holy Stream of Sound that traverses the vault of stars and crosses the endless kingdom of the Heavenly Father. It is ever in our ears, so do we hear it not. Listen for it, then, in the silence of noontide; bathe in it, and let the rhythm of the music of God beat in your ears untfl you are one with the Holy Stream of Sound. It was this Sound which formed the earth and the world, and brought forth the mountains, and set the stars in their thrones of glory in the highest heavens.

And you shall bathe in the Stream of Sound, and the music of its waters shall flow over you; for in the beginning of the times so did we all share in the Holy Stream of Sound that gave birth to all creation. And the mighty roaring of the Stream of Sound will fill your whole body, and you will tremble before its might. Then breathe deeply of the angel of air, and become the sound itself, that the Holy Stream of Sound may carry you to the endless kingdom of the Heavenly Father, there where the rhythm of the world rises and falls.

And when darkness gently closes the eyes of the angels of the Earthly Mother, then shall you also sleep, that your spirit may join the unknown angels of the Heavenly Father. And in the moments before you sleep, then shall you think of the bright and glorious stars, the white, shining, far-seen and far-piercing stars. For your thoughts before sleep are as the bow of the skillful archer, that sends the arrow where he wills. Let your thoughts before sleep be with the stars; for the stars are Light, and the Heavenly Father is Light, even that Light which is a thousand times brighter than the brightness of a thousand suns. Enter the Holy Stream of Light, that the shackles of death may loose their hold for ever, and breaking free from the bonds of earth, ascend the Holy Stream of Light through the blazing radiance of the stars, into the endless kingdom of the Heavenly Father.

Unfold your wings of light, and in the eye of your thought, soar with the stars into the farthest reaches of heaven, where untold suns blaze with light. For at the beginning of the times, the Holy Law said, let there be Light, and there was Light. And you shall be one with it, and the power of the Holy Light Stream will fill your whole body, and you will tremble before its might. Say the word "Light," as you breathe deeply of the angel of air, and you will become the Light itself; and the Holy Stream will carry you to the endless kingdom of the Heavenly Father, there losing itself in the eternal Sea of Light which gives birth to all creation. And you shall be one with the Holy Stream of Light, always before you sleep in the arms of the Heavenly Father.

I tell you truly, your body was made not only to breathe, and eat, and think, but it was also made to enter the Holy Stream of Life. And your ears were made not only to hear the words of men, the song of birds, and the music of falling rain, but they were also made to hear the Holy Stream of Sound. And your eyes were made not only to see the rising and setting of the sun, the ripple of sheaves of grain, and the words of the Holy Scrolls, but they were also made to see the Holy Stream of Light. One day your body will return to the Earthly Mother; even also your ears and your eyes. But the Holy Stream of Life, the Holy Stream of Sound, and the Holy Stream of Light, these were never born, and can never die. Enter the Holy Streams, even that Life, that Sound, and that Light which gave you birth; that you may reach the kingdom of the Heavenly Father and become one with him even as the river empties into the far-distant sea.

More than this cannot be told, for the Holy Streams will take you to that place where words are no more, and even the Holy Scrolls cannot record the mysteries therein.
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Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Essenes
« Reply #21 on: December 28, 2007, 06:36:38 AM »
Essenic Theosophy ~
"There is no religion higher than truth"

    Theosophy is a body of ideas which holds that all religions are attempts by man to ascertain "the Divine", and as such, each religion has a valid perspective of the truth.

    A more formal definition from the Concise Oxford Dictionary describes Theosophy as "any of various philosophies professing to achieve a knowledge of God by spiritual means, direct intuition, or special individual relations, esp. a modern movement following Hindu and Buddhist teachings and seeking universal brotherhood." Christian Theosophy is a branch that strives for the knowledge of God and Jesus obtained by the direct intuition of the Divine essence.

    Adherents of Theosophy maintain that it is a "body of truth" that forms the basis of all religions. Theosophy represents a modern face of Sanatana Dharma, "the Eternal Truth", as the proper religion.

In Full ---->
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: Essenes
« Reply #22 on: December 28, 2007, 07:13:32 AM »
I went into a short retreat/solitude/ceremony and met with the holy one who told me to "Understand the ways of the Essene."

I wouldnt dare guess the reason, I may never fully understand it myself.

Any thoughts?

Do you know what 'cross' means in terms of Essenes? (I have not read all texts you posted - so if it is there, sorry for that!)

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Re: Essenes
« Reply #24 on: December 28, 2007, 11:00:14 AM »
Yes, I remember that well...interesting how that jumped out at you... ;)

This jumped out at me: :)

My thoughts exactly!  It's one of those things I want to post on my

I haven't read all of the things posted here but as I skim over them so many things, Jen, remind me of different things that you have experienced  ;)  Kind of like it's tie-ing it together for you -- Just a thought..........................
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Re: Essenes
« Reply #25 on: December 28, 2007, 11:13:00 AM »
Do you know what 'cross' means in terms of Essenes? (I have not read all texts you posted - so if it is there, sorry for that!)

I don't but I added that to my list of questions.. lol  ;D

I'll let you know what I find out.
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Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Essenes
« Reply #26 on: December 28, 2007, 11:14:28 AM »

I haven't read all of the things posted here but as I skim over them so many things, Jen, remind me of different things that you have experienced  ;)  Kind of like it's tie-ing it together for you -- Just a thought..........................

Yes, its almost spooky.. spooky in a good sense of course..  ;)
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Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Essenes
« Reply #27 on: December 28, 2007, 11:23:28 AM »
« Last Edit: December 28, 2007, 11:53:10 AM by Raven »
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

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Re: Essenes
« Reply #28 on: December 28, 2007, 11:40:30 AM »
Wow!  I don't read books often anymore, I prefer to let experience lead the way.

And then every few years or so experience leads the way to reading something that lines it all up so exquisitely. 

This is doing that lining up now.  And to me it feels like it's drawing on my nature connection and the Angels - both very important to me.  Thanks, Jenn. 

I intend to do more looking into this - then maybe I can pop back in and say something more than Wow!!   But for now - that's really all that fits.

Luv, K
The journey becomes an adventure only when the baggage gets lost.

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Essenes
« Reply #29 on: December 28, 2007, 11:50:25 AM »
Wow!  I don't read books often anymore, I prefer to let experience lead the way.

And then every few years or so experience leads the way to reading something that lines it all up so exquisitely. 

This is doing that lining up now.  And to me it feels like it's drawing on my nature connection and the Angels - both very important to me.  Thanks, Jenn. 

I intend to do more looking into this - then maybe I can pop back in and say something more than Wow!!   But for now - that's really all that fits.

Luv, K

May you walk in beauty.  :-*
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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