Author Topic: Some Shamanic Concepts Defined  (Read 63 times)

Offline Jennifer-

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Some Shamanic Concepts Defined
« on: January 09, 2008, 10:55:49 PM »
  Some Shamanic Concepts Defined

Core Shamanism: the fundamental defining elements of shamanistic belief and practice as they occur almost universally across cultures, a term created by anthropologist Michael Harner.

Ecstasy: The experience of being outside one's self, often joyously.  Found in shamanic journeying, skiing, and sex.

Lower World: One of the shamanic realities.  To enter it involves an experience of going down, often through a tunnel.  It has many levels.  In it reside Power Animals and other healing and instructive forces. It is not a negative place like Hell.

Middle World: Ordinary reality experienced shamanically and therefore perceived in the spiritual sense.  Divination, extraction and other forms of healing are done as Middle World journeys.

Upper World: To enter the upper world one journeys up from the Middle World. It can be a positive place but is not synonymous with Heaven.

Non Ordinary Reality: the reality that the shaman journeys into. It does not follow the rules of Aristotelian logic.

Ordinary reality: Reality as we experience it in our usual state of awareness.  It adheres to the rules of logic.

Power:  Fullness of life and immunity against negative spiritual influences.  It is gained by right relationship with the other realms.

Power Animal: A guardian spirit or familiar manifesting itself as an animal who has compassion for a person and agrees to act as a guide, advisor, and healer.

Shaman: (the word is derived from the Siberian Tungus tribe): A person who contacts other realities for healing and wisdom in the service of his or her community. "Shaman" is a title conferred by the community, not a self-proclaimed one.

Shamanic Drum: The sound of the shamanic drum is the “horse” on which the shaman rides to the other realms.  It is typically a one-headed hand drum, beaten in a monotonous rhythm with a soft mallet.  The drum contains much power and symbolism. Any painting on the drums is typically a “map of the universe” or some representation of spiritual power.

Shamanic Rattle: Rattles are used for communicating with spirits and for healing work.

Shamanic State of Consciousness: An altered state of consciousness, not well understood neurologically, which provides the ecstatic experience of journeying to other realities which have a consistency and coherence of their own.  It is attained most commonly through the use of a Sonic Driver (q.v.) or in some cultures through the use of mind-altering herbs.

Shamanism:  The belief system and practices of those who use an altered state of consciousness (the Shamanic State of Consciousness) in contacting other realities.  It is a method of gaining knowledge and is not in itself a religion, though the two tend to merge in tribal cultures.

Sonic Driver: Use of repetitive sound to alter consciousness, most typically with drums and rattles, but also through other repetitious sounds.

World Tree: The axis mundi, the interconnection between the worlds, used by some as a route in journeying to gain access to the other worlds.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Rattles
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2008, 11:10:08 PM »


Rattles are one of the most ancient of musical instruments and occur naturally in such forms as dried seed pods. Human ingenuity insures that rattles come in all size, shapes, and sounds and have many uses. Over the years rattles and drums have become virtually inseparable and have different but complementary powers.  The mood of a rattle can vary considerably from the sound of soft gentle rain to the angry buzz of a rattlesnake.  Soft or loud, the stones or grains inside the rattle determine the sound.

Spiritually, rattles help control, guide and regularize the relationship between humans and the spirit realm.  When used ritually the spiritual meaning of the contents of the rattle are important. When making a rattle certain shamans journey to each one of the stones they put in it, infusing the spirit of a different animal helper, guide or ancestor in each separate pebble or seed.

While I don't journey to the contents of each rattle (that is left to the new owner), I am careful to use stones and seeds with special meaning, such as anthill pebbles or gravel found is special areas near sacred sites such as Chaco Canyon (It is illegal to collect even pebbles within the sites proper..  Other rattles may have crystals, Apache tears, turquoise, rice, beans, etc. according to the sound needed and my intuition.

At the Shamanic Arts Studio I make rattles principally from rawhide, but also work with other materials, such as gourds, deer toes, and turtle shells. The creative possibilities are endless. My “Coyote” rattle is made from a copper toilet bowl float with rice inside and a handle created from a deer shank bone.  Whatever the construction, each is a unique piece and a work of art.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: rattles.. making your own
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2008, 11:24:11 PM »
Ive made and purchased many rattles over the years, some have special purpose.. others havnt been awake yet.. some dance in our drum circles with sprite or intense soft flickers.

I use all sorts of material as discribed above, sometimes the contents of the rattle can contain more then a bit of rice (yet dont dishonour the rice! you might be surprised)

Goards, clay, skulls... all sorts of ways to create your own..

I often attend a sweatlodge/sauna where we like to leave these sort of objects year round, letting them 'live' within the area of working.  In a sauna there is intense heat often in the company of wet steam.. snow and water often join us.. so the conditions arnt the best for a fancy sacred object..

I created a rattle for this lodge during the summerland... using objects already there and worthy of the extreme conditions of the inside lodge as well as the colds of winter.

A small clear plastic water bottle with small shards of shell, inside.

Not very pretty.. but.... very effective.  ;)

« Last Edit: January 09, 2008, 11:29:19 PM by Raven »
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Shamaya

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Re: Some Shamanic Concepts Defined
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2008, 12:07:38 AM »
.. but.... very effective.  ;)

 :D   :-*   :D

The body is an instrument played by the Divine; listen to its music.
Reflect not, but respond to it with spontaneous right action in the moment.
Be the uninhibited dancer and move to the rhythm of Spirit.
© Barbara Atkinson

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Some Shamanic Concepts Defined
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2008, 12:10:17 AM »
 ;) :-*
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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