You seek acceptance and confirmation that there is light in you, while you try to recover from these latest experiences.
I do not seek confirmation or acceptance Juhani. What I am doing is realising these things for myself and sharing these realisations with friends here at Soma who have been very big supports for me, both lately and in the past.
You can say that 'rules are for stalkers'. Yet this statement does not undo the fact that growth processes can be very demanding.
For the record, I didn't say "Rules are for Stalkers. I believe it was Michael who originally said it, I just borrowed it. However, today when I heard it, it was a voice from somewhere out there.

I agree that growth processes can be very demanding. I feel like the past year and a half has been a period of immense growth and learning for me. Now I am relaxing, resting, healing and clearing. Sitting back and letting the effects of the 'growth process' kick in.
Thanks for your input.