Author Topic: Shining my own light  (Read 257 times)

tangerine dream

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Re: Bring her back to life
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2008, 02:55:49 AM »

Bring me back to life...

Wake me up inside

And then I got this in my email inbox this morning:
So perfect!


Real peace is born within each child, and that child is within you. Wake it up.

tangerine dream

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the mirror
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2008, 03:49:14 AM »

My daughter, Cassidee has a talking doll.  She talks a lot.  This morning she wanted to tell me a secret.  So the little dollie whispered in my ear, just now "Looking in the mirror is fun! Can we look together?  I think you’re really really pretty!'

Spooky hey?
lol Spirit  ::)

tangerine dream

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Re: Shining my own light
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2008, 04:51:20 AM »
Yes, that is how it felt, but is it a recap?
If it is reunion and introducing them to us, then let it be reunion and introducing.

I was in the shower contemplating, I do a lot of that in the shower, and trying to decide whether or not to reply to you, Juhani.  I considered not, figuring that I didn't want to offend anyone or seem like I was arguing with you.  Then I weighed the whole throat chakra issue and decided that I had better say something, you know.  And just then I heard a loud crash in my bathroom and realized something had fallen over.  So I took that as a sign to say something.   But what would I say.  I went over in my head several different ways to say what I felt I needed to say, but without getting offended or taking anything personally.  As I got out of the shower, I saw that what had fallen down was a bottle of room spray.  It had toppled over onto a candle which had upset some shells.  This caused The candle to fall on the floor and the shells in the toilet.  So i worked on the symbology of it all, trying to decide what to say and how.  Having figured that the candle represented fire and the shell, water which I equate to emotion I decided that my response should be un-emotional and that I should try not to let my emotions rule my life. Heh.
Just as I thought I had figured out what to say, I heard a loud voice say to me "Rules are for stalkers."

I had to laugh.
Thank you Spirit!


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Re: Shining my own light
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2008, 05:51:41 AM »
Don't get me wrong, Lori, I'm not disapproving your actions, nor criticising. You seek acceptance and confirmation that there is light in you, while you try to recover from these latest experiences. It is all fine and good. There is light in you and I have no problems with acceptance either. You are most welcome to share and exchange your thoughts here.

But you know yourself that knowledge and assurances that there is light in you are not quite enough.

You can say that 'rules are for stalkers'. Yet this statement does not undo the fact that growth processes can be very demanding.

tangerine dream

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Re: Shining my own light
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2008, 02:42:12 PM »
You seek acceptance and confirmation that there is light in you, while you try to recover from these latest experiences.

I do not seek confirmation or acceptance Juhani.  What I am doing is realising these things for myself and sharing these realisations with friends here at Soma who have been very big supports for me, both lately and in the past.

You can say that 'rules are for stalkers'. Yet this statement does not undo the fact that growth processes can be very demanding.

For the record, I didn't say "Rules are for Stalkers.  I believe it was Michael who originally said it, I just borrowed it. However, today when I heard it, it was a voice from somewhere out there. :P
I agree that growth processes can be very demanding.  I feel like the past year and a half has been a period of immense growth and learning for me.  Now I am relaxing, resting, healing and clearing.  Sitting back and letting the effects of the 'growth process' kick in.

Thanks for your input.


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Re: Shining my own light
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2008, 08:36:26 PM »
I agree that growth processes can be very demanding.  I feel like the past year and a half has been a period of immense growth and learning for me.  Now I am relaxing, resting, healing and clearing.  Sitting back and letting the effects of the 'growth process' kick in.

That is a natural step. In the old days I used to call that part of the cycle for "Solidification" and I don't even know if there is such a word but the meaning is clear. After a tough period of demanding work it is important to solidify our being.

Q'eros - The Incas in Peru - talk baout the cycle in terms of "Paaaa" and "Cha!"where Paaa is the passive part and Cha is the active part. After activity comes passitivity. Remember Castanedas ups and downs. He was very physical in the lessons, Don Juan pushed him like nobody else and the result was exhausting. Castaneda became almost lethargic for several days after the encounters with Don Juan and his Warriors. "It took months for me to fully come around" he said regarding the sessions with Mescalito. Not to mention his fight with Dona Soledad and the two little sisters.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2008, 08:38:18 PM by Jahn »

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Re: Shining my own light
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2008, 09:47:20 PM »
I like your mum's glasses.

tangerine dream

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Re: Shining my own light
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2008, 08:25:36 AM »
And thank you for the same ;D


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