Author Topic: Bedouin  (Read 981 times)

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Bedouin
« Reply #30 on: May 23, 2008, 10:48:06 PM »

    [2:269] He [Allah] grants wisdom to whom He pleases; and he to whom wisdom is granted indeed receives a benefit overflowing. But none will grasp the Message except men of understanding.

    [20:114] High above all is Allah, the King, the Truth. Do not be in haste with the Qur'an before its revelation to you is completed, but say, "O my Sustainer! Increase my knowledge."

    [3:190-191] Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day - there are indeed signs for men of understanding; Men who remember Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the creation of the heavens and the earth (with the thought) "Our Lord! Not for nothing have You created (all) this. Glory to You! Give us salvation from the suffering of the Fire."

    [39:9] ...Say: Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? It is those who are endued with understanding that remember (Allah's Message).

    [58:11] ...Allah will raise up to (suitable) ranks (and degrees) those of you who believe and who have been granted knowledge.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Bedouin
« Reply #31 on: May 23, 2008, 11:02:21 PM »
The origin of the words 'Belly Dance'

The origin of the name 'belly dance' comes from the French ''Dance du ventre' , which translates as "dance of the stomach". Belly dance is also often referred to as "oriental dance" and also sometimes raks sharqui. This is Arabic for "Dance of the east".
Origins of Belly Dance

The type and style of dancing which we now call belly dance, can be traced back over 6000 plus years. The early pagan communities often worshipped a matriarchal deity and extolled the magic and fascination of the ability of women to create life. There is a lot of historical evidence which links the ritual of fertility dances at that time, with symbolic re-creations of giving birth, to modern belly dancing. The sharp hip movements, deliberate muscular contractions and spasms, as well as sinewy undulations, demonstrate strong connections to the body's responses during labour and delivery. The dances spread from Mesopotamia to North Africa, Rome, Spain and India. It is thought gypsies travelled and spread belly dance. This blending can be seen in the use of the neck slides introduced from India and the transformation of hip shimmy to foot stamping in flamenco dance.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

  • Rishi
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Re: Bedouin
« Reply #32 on: May 23, 2008, 11:08:24 PM »
Arabian Faces

12 watercolors by Ali Zhang

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

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Re: Bedouin
« Reply #33 on: May 25, 2008, 01:03:31 PM »
Arabian Faces

There is something I find fascinatingly beautiful about these pictures, masks.


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