Author Topic: What is the purpose of Toltecs?  (Read 208 times)


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What is the purpose of Toltecs?
« on: August 27, 2006, 11:20:25 PM »
Classic answer - to expand the awareness of man kind by mastering as many different AP positions as possible. To expand awareness of human kind about themselves.

CC said that DJs party mastered around 600 different AP positions - that extensive was their contribution to expanding awareness of human kind.

Theun Mares has said it in different words - to master as many different AP positions as possible, yet he sets limitations to AP shifts 'down the cocooon' - to animal world. One might or even must know them, but not practice more than absolutely necessary.

Any other ideas?


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Re: What is the purpose of Toltecs?
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2006, 11:27:10 PM »
Classic answer - to expand the awareness of man kind by mastering as many different AP positions as possible. To expand awareness of human kind about themselves.

CC said that DJs party mastered around 600 different AP positions - that extensive was their contribution to expanding awareness of human kind.

Theun Mares has said it in different words - to master as many different AP positions as possible, yet he sets limitations to AP shifts 'down the cocooon' - to animal world. One might or even must know them, but not practice more than absolutely necessary.

Any other ideas?

To have retained power and awareness in the face of genocide and linear conquerors -- mastery indeed!

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Re: What is the purpose of Toltecs?
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2006, 11:37:23 PM »
Pablito (Second Ring of Power)

"The Nagual told us that we are Toltecs. All of us are Toltecs. He said that a Toltec is the receiver and holder of mysteries. The Nagual and Genaro are Toltecs. They gave us their special luminosity and their mysteries. We received their mysteries and now we hold them."

His usage of the word Toltec baffled me. I was familiar only with its anthropological meaning. In that context, it always refers to a culture of
Nahuatl-speaking people in central and southern Mexico which was already extinct at the time of the Conquest.

"Why did he call us Toltecs?" I asked, not knowing what else to say.

"Because that's what we are. Instead of saying that we are sorcerers or witches, he said that we are Toltecs."

"If that's the case, why do you call the little sisters witches?"

"Oh, that's because I hate them. That has nothing to do with what we are."

"Did the Nagual tell that to everyone?"

"Why, certainly. Everyone knows."

"But he never told me that."

"Oh, that's because you are a very educated man and are always discussing stupid things."

He laughed in a forced, high-pitched tone and patted me on the back.

"Did the Nagual by any chance tell you that the Toltecs were ancient people that lived in this part of Mexico?" I asked.

"See, there you go. That's why he didn't tell you. The old crow probably didn't know that they were ancient people."

He rocked in his chair as he laughed. His laughter was very pleasing and very contagious.

"We are the Toltecs, Maestro," he said. "Rest assured that we are. That's all I know. But you can ask the Witness. He knows. I lost my interest a long time ago."
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: What is the purpose of Toltecs?
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2006, 11:45:52 PM »
Raven, that is about tuning in and gaining skills. I try to peek farther: what to do with these skills? What is the ultimate crystallized purpose beyond the various aspects of 'Toltecism'?

Sheer curiosity this topic is.

Might not be even a right moment to ask the question as I might not under-stand the answer.

Hence, maybe you gave me the answer and I'm looking for something that does not exist!  :D
« Last Edit: August 27, 2006, 11:51:15 PM by gangster »


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Re: What is the purpose of Toltecs?
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2006, 12:02:23 AM »
But then again - even if I don't under-stand the full purpose, as a true believer, I can still set my intent in that direction.


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Re: What is the purpose of Toltecs?
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2006, 12:08:06 AM »
But then again - even if I don't under-stand the full purpose, as a true believer, I can still set my intent in that direction.

I sure would think so!
When I think of metaphysics as a great pyramid, built brick by brick by all the spiritual masters, it surely is a point of interest where the toltecs fit. (Hmmm .. maybe that is where the Toltecs fit .. the builders of the pyramid!)

Then ... there are the Toltecs of Castaneda's work, and the Toltecs of history. The world-view was so different of the historical Toltecs, with realities of death and going underwater and a very short life-span to go with, I really wonder sometimes if we in modern times can grasp where they were coming from.

They were experts in a sub-world, though... but I can hardly put that into words!
« Last Edit: August 28, 2006, 12:38:06 AM by nichi »


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Re: What is the purpose of Toltecs?
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2006, 03:37:40 AM »
Pablito (Second Ring of Power)
"Did the Nagual tell that to everyone?"

"Why, certainly. Everyone knows."

"But he never told me that."

"Oh, that's because you are a very educated man and are always discussing stupid things."

He laughed in a forced, high-pitched tone and patted me on the back.

"Did the Nagual by any chance tell you that the Toltecs were ancient people that lived in this part of Mexico?" I asked.

"See, there you go. That's why he didn't tell you. The old crow probably didn't know that they were ancient people."

This is very funnny.

To the serious part I have found out the meaning of being a Toltec through dreaming. However Toltec is a label. No one would come up with the idea to say that Jesus was Toltec or that the White King or Odin was Toltec. But it all depends on how we set the definition.

Offline tommy2

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Re: What is the purpose of Toltecs?
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2006, 04:21:15 AM »
I'll be happy just learning to walk backwards, twiddle my fingers and chew gum

all at the same time.

THAT'S what I call a Toltec undertaking!



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Re: What is the purpose of Toltecs?
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2006, 06:15:01 AM »
T2F, in your avatar-pic is one of my favorite pics... the Tiwanaku Doorway!! Totally aside the topic (or is it?), but I was excited to spot it!
Like this close-up of ya!
Carry on ... chewing gum, thinking, yeah!



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Re: What is the purpose of Toltecs?
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2006, 01:49:11 PM »
Classic answer - to expand the awareness of man kind by mastering as many different AP positions as possible. To expand awareness of human kind about themselves.

CC said that DJs party mastered around 600 different AP positions - that extensive was their contribution to expanding awareness of human kind.

Theun Mares has said it in different words - to master as many different AP positions as possible, yet he sets limitations to AP shifts 'down the cocooon' - to animal world. One might or even must know them, but not practice more than absolutely necessary.

Any other ideas?

Juhani, I found this article by Kris. Remembered reading it awhile back:

"Your purpose is specific to you. Some schools and spiritual paths will try to divide people’s purposes into a set number of categories. There is nothing wrong with this, and it is necessary for those not yet ready for a School of Direct Knowledge. In a School of Direct Knowledge, one gains the ability to communicate directly with the larger Self that they are. To do so they must be able to negotiate what Toltecs call the 2nd attention, or the world of energy. The bigger Self that you are, loosely called the Higher Self, communicates first through deep urgings that manifest as deep desires. Then, as sensations and essences of energy.

Your purpose or Intent for this lifetime is ‘personal’ for you. No one else will have the exact same purpose you do. Purpose is not something you can put into a word or two. It is a specific energy sensation that comes directly from your Dreamer or Soul."

Pertaining to my bridge dream I had long ago, I don't know if it's the ultimate purpose, but I do believe I'm to build a bridge, between something. That something may be called the tonal/nagual, or self to higher self. Think of how many groups have had some theme like this before. Della on Shaman Rattle, connecting with the double, to the Nagual. Double is the bridge, and so forth.


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