Raqs Sharqi translates from Arabic as "dance of the Orient" or "Oriental Dance". This is the oldest dance in the world. Bellydance is a misnomer as the all parts of the body are involved in the dance, and the most important part is the hips. It derives from Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization. Artifacts of ancient dancers have been found in Anatolia (modern Turkey) dating back to 10,000 B.C. This Middle Eastern dance form was found in the goddess cults of Inanna, Ishtar, Tiamet, and Astarte. In Egypt this dance was part of rituals to the Goddess Isis, Hathor, Neith and Maat.
The ancient ritual of dancing at the social occasions of an engagement, wedding, and birth of a child has found expression in every culture of the Middle East. Egypt, Iraq (Babalonia), Turkey, Iran (Persia), Lebanon (Phoenicia), Syria (Assyria), Morroco, Tunisia, Algeria, Greece and the rest of Arabia have styles of this dance richly represented in their cultural history. It thrives to this day only being restricted by Islam.