Interesting spread of votes by age groups in the UK:

Oldies said that youngsters should live outside the EU.
However, in general, we have as of now:
1) Syria's death mill is picking up speed and churning out dead and refugees
2) Russia is still sabotaging Ukraine
3) Russia is trying to split the EU and NATO - UK exit is a fulfilment of a most sincere and wet dream of Putin.
4) EU and NATO are being short of unanimity and solidarity
5) World's climate going more and more unpredictable
For this part of Europe, it all looks quite ominous. But worst might be yet to come. The main failure of mankind remains the same: to develop mutual understanding, choose and undergo change consciously. Resistance to change within oneself and within societies means that change and pain will come crashing through the borders of states and through the walls of individual's mind - regardless.
Similar process of halting openness and locking borders happened before World War I.
Good luck to all of us!