Being on holidays gives me quite a bit of time to read. I'm now going through books analysing the changes world has been undergoing since 2001. There have been projects like
Pax Americana aka The New American Century,

, etc. Russia is definitely looking back at Soviet times when Soviet military might scared everybody.
American neo-cons were probably the only ones trying to move on, trying ot build something that has not been before, though, it was probably envisioned as a solutions to cope with growing Indian-Chinese might. However, the idea of
Pax Americana does not differ from ancient Rome that sought to comprehensively defeat every single enemy in order to feel safe (and thus enlarge their empire).
Radical Islam seeks going back no less than by one millenium. They want
Pax Islam and return of the prospering Caliphate.
Russians want back the honour and power of their lost Czarist-Communist empire. They hark back from few decades to one century.
There were some German soccer fans that raised the slogan 'Ein Folk, Ein Team, Ein Goal' at the European soccer championships that suspiciously reminded a bit older 'Ein Folk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer'.
Where is this glorious past, where are these nice times we could play with our world and play World Wars? Why the hell is the world so screwed up?
not that the answer is unknown