Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34569 times)

Offline Michael

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« Reply #1110 on: June 08, 2009, 12:09:20 PM »
The reason I am saying Obama's approach is more than a good feeling of trying to do the right thing, that it is in fact a very clever strategy, is as follows.

In the last few days, an interesting development occurred in the North-Western Provinces of Pakistan. After a Taliban attack on a mosque, the local villagers mobilised, travelled to a Taliban stronghold and attacked them, killing a number of Taliban. This is a new turn of events. There are organised Taliban resistance groups supported by the Pak Govt, but this is a new turn,  a spontaneous reaction from villagers.

I would say, that if it were not for the current military assault against the Taliban by the Pak army, these villagers would not have dared react this way.

I use this as an indicator that there are attitudes and forces all across the world which are only waiting for the tide to turn generally in the direction of sanity and moderation. They have not dared to act to date for two reasons. Firstly, because the great powers, esp USA, have been noticeably on the side of insanity and extremism.

Secondly because there had been a strong willingness by the general populations, to support aggressive and intolerant solutions. But this approach is now reaching its natural satiation point, and across many of the troubled countries, there is real desire to stop the killing and return to negotiated peace where people can just get on with building prosperity.

It all hinges now on one man. The world is ready, the time is right, but without that one man in the central cog of the USA Government, it would have a far more troubled path, and very likely go the opposite direction.

This can be seen state by state, but here are a few examples.

Iran: an election is brewing, and Dinner Jacket is seriously under threat from numerous moderate candidates. plus the economy has been in a dive, which is added fuel for change of President. Again the time is right - Iranians are generally fed up with being the pariah. they are a very intelligent people, and want acceptance in the modern world. Obama's initiatives are giving a huge impetus to political change in Iran.

Israel: Binyamin Netanyahu is under serious pressure, and is about to reveal a new peace initiative with the Palestinians. What has caught them off guard, is that Obama is holding out a carrot they have dearly sought ever since the founding of modern Israel: recognition and acceptance by all their Arab neighbours. For this, they are, albeit reluctantly, ready to agonise over the issues of Palestine, and settlement constructions. The return of the refugees in Lebanon is still a huge thorn in everyone's political ambitions, plus Iran's nuclear moves, but those aside (not easy), I expect you will now see major debates and even violent arguments within Israel between those who always wanted peaceful coexistence, and those who always wanted the Palestinians to clear out completely.

But also for Israelis there is another growing concern - the damage done to the world's attitude to all Jews has taken a disastrous dive in the last ten years or so. And increasingly so. There is growing pressure from the Jews everywhere, who send in so much money to Israel, to come up with some face-saving and effective solution to their Palestinian problems, and their image problems.

Palestine (dare I use that word?): there is now a real impetus to give up violence against Israelis, if only they will finally get their own state. Somehow I doubt they will so easily give up violence against themselves.

India: just to paint a different picture - for about a week, there was no mention of Obama's speech in Cairo, on the front page of the Times of India. All they were concerned about was anti-Indian racism in Australia. Conveniently ignoring their own anti-Muslim racism.

USA: what Obama is holding out to Americans for support of his policy, is for the more moderate demography, at last a sane and intelligent person in charge. But for the others, there is a the carrot that perhaps once again the USA may regain their dearly desired profile of being admired across the globe. Americans have been deeply shocked at the hate directed at them during the Bush years, and that this would be turned around, and the world would once again see them as the shining light of Democracy and a 'Force for Good' (dare I say it?), is just too much to hope for. They may be willing to just give him a little time to see if he can pull that one off.

In so many countries, the possibility that internal forces will rally to the call for a change to sanity and the cherished desire to get down to the serious business of making money, is higher now than ever before. The time is with Obama. Even China may now step in and tell the North Koreans to stop their idiocy, as the last thing they want is trouble up there, with their own economic recovery so delicately poised, and the political implications of mishandling that.

So I am saying it is actually a clever strategy. You may even soon see a big push against Wahhabism from within Islam itself, but that would have to come from Saudi Arabia, and it isn't showing any signs of happening yet. That will be a hard nut to crack.

However, across the globe, the forces against any shift from belligerence and violence are overwhelmingly strong. Even within the USA, the self-interest of the Military and Weapons industry is ready to pull all the nasty tricks it can to not lose it's power over Government funding. But the other big business industries are severely weakened, and now looking for a peaceful world economic domain, to relaunch their teetering empires.

Interesting times...

Offline Jennifer-

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« Reply #1111 on: June 08, 2009, 12:19:12 PM »
Interesting times...

indeed they are
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Offline Nichi

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« Reply #1112 on: June 09, 2009, 01:42:35 AM »
The 'other mentality' in the US...

'Global warming is baloney' signs put the heat on Burger King

A row between the fast food giant Burger King and one of its major franchise owners has erupted over roadside signs proclaiming "global warming is baloney".

The franchisee, a Memphis-based company called the Mirabile Investment Corporation (MIC) that owns more than 40 Burger Kings across Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi, has described Burger King as acting "kinda like cockroaches" over the controversy. MIC says it does not believe Burger King has the authority to make it take the signs down.

The dispute began to sizzle last week, when a local newspaper reporter in Memphis, Tennessee, noticed the signs outside two restaurants in the city and contacted the corporation to establish if the message represented its official viewpoint. Burger King's headquarters in Miami said it did not, adding that it had ordered MIC to take the signs down.

But a few days later readers of the Memphis paper said they had seen about a dozen Burger King restaurants across the state displaying the signs and that some had yet to be taken down. Media attempts to contact MIC to establish why it was taking an apparently defiant stance were rebuffed, but the Guardian managed to grill MIC's marketing president, John McNelis.

"I would think [Burger King] would run from any form of controversy kinda like cockroaches when the lights get turned on," said Mr McNelis. "I'm not aware of any direction that they gave the franchisee and I don't think they have the authority to do it."

McNelis added: "The [restaurant] management team can put the message up there if they want to. It is private property and here in the US we do have some rights. Notwithstanding a franchise agreement, I could load a Brinks vehicle with [rights] I've got so many of them. By the time the Burger King lawyers work out how to make that stick we'd be in the year 2020."

He continued: "Burger King can bluster all they want about what they can tell the franchisee to do, but we have free-speech rights in this country so I don't think there's any concerns."

The Guardian sent a transcript of the interview to Susan Robison, Burger King's vice-president of corporate communications.

She responded: "The statement that was posted on several restaurants' reader boards in the Memphis area, and the view expressed by the franchisee on this issue does not reflect Burger King Corp's opinion … BKC has guidelines for signage used by franchisees [which] were not followed. We have asked the franchisee to remove the signage and have been told that the franchisee will comply."
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« Reply #1113 on: June 09, 2009, 02:53:31 AM »
Geez, what morons.
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Offline Nichi

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« Reply #1114 on: June 09, 2009, 04:23:19 AM »
Geez, what morons.

I was aware that there was this current here .. but just imagine: this business chose to pollute the environment fanning that cause with signs. Not even relevant to a Burger King Whopper, except that it is somehow a fitting metaphor.

Blows my mind.
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Offline Angela

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« Reply #1115 on: June 10, 2009, 01:36:53 AM »
There's a "Republican Revolution" brewing in the US. They are seeing their party will be extinct unless they take immediate radical "right view" action. They don't agree with the Democratic "left" views and policies, so they use big corporate 'power' to further their cause. If BK really didn't want the signs up, they would have them removed immediately. You'll see more corporate actions like this to basically discredit Obama and Democrats.

The world as they (Republicans) know it is changing hands .... power to the people. They don't like that at all ;)

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Offline TIOTIT

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« Reply #1116 on: June 10, 2009, 04:44:36 PM »
Australia may push swine flu to pandemic
Frank Jordans
June 10, 2009 - 5:39AM

The World Health Organisation (WHO) said a spike in swine flu cases in Australia may push it to finally announce the first flu pandemic in 41 years.

It also expressed concern about an unusual rise in severe illness from the disease in Canada.

WHO's flu chief Keiji Fukuda said the agency wanted to avoid "adverse effects" if it announces a global outbreak of swine flu.

Fukuda said people might panic or that governments might take inappropriate actions if the WHO declares a pandemic.

Some flu experts think the world already is in a pandemic and that WHO has caved in to country requests that a declaration be postponed.

"On the surface of it, I think we are in phase 6," or a pandemic, said Margaret Chan, WHO's director-general.

Chan said it was important to verify the reports that the virus was becoming established outside North America before declaring a pandemic.

"The decision to make a phase 6 announcement is a heavy responsibility, a responsibility that I will take very seriously, and I need to be convinced that I have indisputable evidence," she said.

Chan said she will hold a conference call with governments on Wednesday before making a formal announcement.

WHO said the virus has infected 26,563 people in 73 countries and caused 140 deaths. Most of the cases have been in North America, but Australia also has seen a sharp increase in recent days.

The number of cases in Australia jumped to more than 1,000 by Monday, with the vast majority reported from Victoria.

In most of the 73 countries, the new H1N1 virus has triggered only mild illness.

But the fact that some of the deaths have occurred in otherwise healthy adults has prompted the WHO to classify the outbreak as "moderate" for the time being.

"Approximately half the people who have died from this H1N1 infection have been previously healthy people," Fukuda said, adding that this was "one of the observations which has given us the most concern".

Wealthy countries such as the United States, Canada and Britain already have large stockpiles of anti-virals used to treat swine flu, but many developing countries have no supplies of the drugs and could be more vulnerable to the virus, given their struggle with widespread problems such as AIDS, malnutrition and malaria.

Some pharmaceutical companies are preparing to make a swine flu vaccine, if the WHO declares a pandemic.

If the swine flu virus were to be shown to be spreading rapidly from person to person in another world region beyond North America, such as Australia or Europe, that should trigger the conditions for the WHO to declare a pandemic, meaning the outbreak has gone global.

"We are getting really very close to knowing that we are in a pandemic situation," Fukuda said.

In his weekly update on the outbreak, Fukuda also addressed reports that an unusually large number of severe cases have occurred among Canada's Inuit population.

"There are reports of infections occurring in Inuit communities with a disproportionate number of serious cases," he said.

Offline Michael

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« Reply #1117 on: June 13, 2009, 11:49:01 AM »
How hopes can be dashed in such a short time. I'm afraid Obama is now really up against it, and will have to change tactics.

Iran, it appears at this point, will return Dinner Jacket to power. That marks dark days for Iran I'm afraid, as there is no way the world can allow a nuclear weapons race in the Middle East, despite that it now looks inevitable.

And the EU has gone Right, just when you'd expect everything that has happened would have been the fault of the Right. But this possibility was darkly forecast by those who pointed to the rise of Hitler from economic woes. People tend to swing to the extreme hard line when threatened.

Plus North Korea determined to snub its nose at friendship - won't be long before US bombs will be taking out nuclear instillations. Can't see any way around this now.

Appears humanity had a glimmer of possibility there for a moment, but choose to ditch it. I expect very soon both the Palestinians and the Israelis will sabotage any moves towards a peaceful solution, as there are just too many on both sides whose identity is wedded to violence. It is human nature really - very little to do with race or nationality.

I guess we had all better just get back to our own paths and forget about the ship of the world tacking away from the precipice.

tangerine dream

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« Reply #1118 on: June 13, 2009, 11:51:28 AM »
I guess we had all better just get back to our own paths and forget about the ship of the world tacking away from the precipice.


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« Reply #1119 on: June 15, 2009, 06:13:58 PM »
Well well, we had better not write off Iran just yet. Somehow, for some reason, the crackdown on protesters has not been as successful as authorities would wish. This can not just be due to the extent of the unrest, there must be some internal struggles happening in whatever command structure that country has. It does not look pretty from this point - something very nasty could happen there, or else the government will indeed capitulate. The latter, I just can't see happening that easily. I do know that diaspora Iranians are very frightened for their country.

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« Reply #1120 on: June 22, 2009, 08:13:56 PM »
I am fascinated by the struggle going on in Iran. The more I read about it, the more complex it gets.

This is not like reading about Somalia - Iran is home to a proud and intelligent people who are actually closer to Western society than any other Islamic state.

I am watching closely, but I'd have to say now that the old Supreme Leader's chips are numbered.


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« Reply #1121 on: June 23, 2009, 12:34:47 AM »
I am fascinated by the struggle going on in Iran. The more I read about it, the more complex it gets.

This is not like reading about Somalia - Iran is home to a proud and intelligent people who are actually closer to Western society than any other Islamic state.

I had the opportunity to get to know a student from Iran during the years when I helped her to do her exam thesis and her master thesis. She was then 45 year old, married to a Swedish man, but came in the wave of the late 1980's during the war of Iran-Iraq.

Her studies was about elderly Iranians health status. These elders had arrived here to accompany their "children" that now was living with their children in Sweden. These old people from Iran had great difficulties to adopt to the new life in Sweden. They became very dependent of their relatives.

However Feresteh told me that it is a great divide in culture between the populations in the great cities and out in the countryside. As you point it out, in general, at least back then 20 years ago, Iran was the most "western" and open society in the muslim world.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 12:37:42 AM by Jamir »

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« Reply #1122 on: June 23, 2009, 09:23:22 AM »
I am fascinated by the struggle going on in Iran. The more I read about it, the more complex it gets.

This is not like reading about Somalia - Iran is home to a proud and intelligent people who are actually closer to Western society than any other Islamic state.

I am watching closely, but I'd have to say now that the old Supreme Leader's chips are numbered.

I knew that same dude was gonna win and this was gonna happen. The young never get their way, and the system is always rigged. No way.

Not saying its alll young people this happend with, but still many are young, and with the interest in the other candidate, and demand for change, for that other dude to win is bullshit. The votes were tampered with. No way it was an honest election. The people who live there arents stupid. Thats what they're protesting about, and they want the world to know, they're not stupid, and they're sick of being under the regime they're under.

Democracy didnt make it that day, now people die in the streets and Iran is doing their best to shut them up, cell phones, internet, take into custody news people and the like. Its bullshit. I dont blame them for protesting.
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« Reply #1123 on: July 04, 2009, 10:10:29 PM »
North Korea. It is looking ugly. Japan is reviewing its lucrative decision to hang under the US defence arc. South Korea is petrified. China is at a loss.

Seem the US has no option but to use the blitz. I can't see anyway out of it.


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« Reply #1124 on: July 17, 2009, 07:25:39 PM »
Canada's dirty secret

Despite its environmentally friendly reputation, Canada's efforts on climate change rank last among the G8 nations

Canada has come last on a WWiF scorecard of G8 countries' efforts against climate change. That news would once have elicited at least a slightly surprised response. For several decades, Canada managed to present itself as the friendly giant of environmental issues. The 1989 Protocol on CFCs, an early turning point in combating the depletion of the ozone layer, was born in Montreal, and American environmental campaigners like Al Gore are always quick to heap praise on their northern neighbour.

But these days, Canada is looking increasingly like the dirty one of G8. The WWF report noted that Canada is one of the few countries on the scorecard whose emissions are still rising, and that Canada's Conservative government isn't doing enough to combat climate change.

Maybe some of Canada's new bad-guy image on environmental issues is just a by-product of America's new green image. Obama's presidency was always going to bump the US up a few places on environmental scorecards, almost just out of gratitude that America has at least promised not to so flagrantly and unapologetically deplete the world's natural resources.

But Obama isn't why Canada is losing its green reputation. The real reason lies in the vast Alberta oil sands. In 2008, Alberta's economically recoverable reserves were placed at 173 billion barrels, meaning that only Saudi Arabia outstrips Canada on oil reserves. But unlike Saudi Arabia, in Alberta the oil is literally in the sand. To dig it up and refine it is a process far higher in emissions than the processing of Saudi Arabian oil, and is destroying much of Alberta's northern Boreal forest along the way.

The response to the report in Canada has been less hand-wringing than one might expect. Some dismiss the finding by pointing out that even other environmental organisations have problems with WWF. Others argue that surveys like the WWF's are just penalising countries like Canada and Russia for their geographic realities – smaller countries keep their emissions down by importing oil from Canada, then criticise Canada for producing it, and so on.

On top of the recession's effect on plans for the oil sands, defenders argue that Obama's cap-and-trade proposals would severely impact Canadian oil production because the proposal will heavily penalise those who ship Canadian oil sand bitumen to the United States, given that refining the raw bitumen is so energy-intensive.

But Canada isn't being punished for its geographic reality. It is finally being called out for presenting itself as environmentally friendly, while under the Conservative government green issues have been completely sidelined, if not derided. Before becoming prime minister, Stephen Harper implied that the science of climate change was "tentative and contradictory", called the Kyoto accord a "socialist scheme" and ranted that an "army of Canadians" was needed to defeat it. While he has proposed "made in Canada" solutions to cutting carbon emissions, Harper's main actions have been to cut programmes that promoted renewable energy like wind power. Even plans for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver risk causing environmental damage to rare forests in the nearby Eagle Ridge Bluffs.

Vancouver is consistently voted one of the world's most liveable cities, and the Canadian government intends to use the Olympics to showcase Canada's pleasant, fresh-aired way of life. But the price Canada is paying to maintain its "friendly giant" facade is increasingly being paid for by the environment.

The fact that Obama's Clean Energy and Security Act will, if passed by Congress, disproportionately hurt oil companies working with Albertan oil sands may feel like American hypocrisy to Canadians who have long watched the US's profligate environmental destruction go unchecked. But while Harper continues to disappoint on his commitments to the environment, someone has to play the bad cop to Canada.


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