Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34549 times)

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« Reply #1245 on: November 06, 2009, 01:57:21 AM »
Obama launches yearly American Indian summits
35 mins ago

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is making good on a campaign promise to have a yearly summit with American Indians to hear their concerns.

Obama is to deliver opening and closing remarks Thursday for the meeting of members of his Cabinet and tribal leaders, the first such event since 1994. Officials planned to discuss problems facing American Indians, including economic development, education, health care, public safety and housing.

"This is an opportunity for tribal leaders to interact directly with the president, and we all know working in this area that there are so many difficult and monumental issues which face Indian nations throughout our country. And frankly, the last administration did not pay any attention to these issues," Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said.

During the Democratic primary, Obama traveled to Indian reservations and promised health care improvements.

"I'll appoint an American Indian policy adviser to my senior White House staff to work with tribes and host an annual summit at the White House with tribal leaders to come up with an agenda that works for tribal communities," Obama said in a video address to the National Congress of American Indians' convention in Phoenix during the final days of last year's campaign. "That's how we'll make sure you have a seat at the table when important decisions are being made about your lives, about your nations and about your people."

He made good on that pledge, creating a new post within the White House. He appointed Kimberly Teehee to serve as senior policy adviser for Native American affairs within the Domestic Policy Council. Teehee, a member of the Cherokee Nation, previously served as an aide to Rep. Dale Kildee, D-Mich., and worked for the Democratic National Committee.

He also tapped Dr. Yevette Roubideaux to serve as director of the Indian Health Service within the Department of Health and Human Services, making her the first American Indian to head the federal agency since its founding in 1955. Roubideaux, a member of the Rosebud Sioux tribe, worked for IHS on the San Carlos Indian Reservation and in the Gila River Indian community.

Thursday's event is an opportunity for the administration to tout its $787 billion economic stimulus bill. Some $3 billion of the economic stimulus funding was directed to tribal communities and Obama has sought budget increases for Indian health care and programs run by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, officials said. They hope to develop a list of steps the administration and tribes can take to improve the quality of life on reservations.

"We won't be able to wave a magic wand and resolve all of the issues," Salazar said, "but it is a great foundation for the work that lies ahead."

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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« Reply #1246 on: November 06, 2009, 06:54:54 AM »
Down hill?

Are you kidding. The mass-vaccine program in Sweden is one example of the down hill phenomena. Why? Because it shows the mechanisms how people simply gives away personal power and responsibility for ones own health to the authorities. We got people in line to get the vaccine at the primary health centres, the distribution is stalling and many are upset that they do not get it. I can agree. The whole point with vaccination is that you get it before you get the virus.

Now if the swine-flu was the big Pandemia which every epidemiologist fear, then it is a good idea to vaccine as many as possible. But it isn't and people do not get the info and buy the whole fear thing. what we know so far is that the swine-flu is more harmless than the common seasonal flues that pass by each year. Why this hype to get a vaccine then? Simply because people has lost power, insight and the touch with nature.

So the political wind change in the US, away from the Obama concept of "change", that is another indication that power leaves the public in the US and they might open up for more bank bankruptcy, more unemployment , more viruses and more hardship.

For more flow - change is required. Denying change is to deny flow and to allow to be stuck in the old structures. To be stuck in an old structure and continuing with questionable behaviour means to invite unfortune, accidents and bad health. That is not always the case but now it is a rather unusual time frame of "war" from above to the below.

Found out yesterday that one very good anti-virus treatment is with silver. Yes, silver is harmless to your body but very effective in killing viruses and bacteria.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2009, 06:59:14 AM by Jamir »


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« Reply #1247 on: November 07, 2009, 06:37:03 AM »
Perhaps i should add a few comments to my last post. Macrobiotic Sensei George Oshawa said about the US people as early in the 1970’s – You are all San Paku. “San Paku” means inviting accidents. After decades of Soft drink addiction and less whole grain, and natural food consumption the average US citizen is light year MORE San Paku than back then when Oshawa was around.

San Paku is when the Iris of your eyes is above the bottom eye-lid when looking straight into the mirror. San Paku invites accidents, difficulties, separation from the flow and death.

I am not sorry to have to announce these matters. I am only sorry that it went that way, while I instead would love to annonce love to come. Sensei Oshawa also had some ideas about getting ill, but the New Age movement has infected that area too much so it is very difficult to get the macrobiotic ideas comprehensible out of the New Age context.

As with the Flow, health comes natural when a natural diet is followed. Health is the same as resistance to most viruses and infections but this knowledge is now gone so instead the public rely on mass vaccinations. They can’t see their own role in the map of health any longer and they therefore accuse us that do not take the vaccine as not being loyal to the insane vaccination program.

After a test on 50 children below the age of 3 they are now recommending all children (about 200 000 in Sweden) to get the mercury contaminated vaccine. And we know that extreme adverse effect will manifest for about 1 of ten thousand. Unfortunately the authorities have lost the connection to sound public health policy and they lack decent information and proper calculations competence to support their recommendations. 

Today about 6000 persons has died from the Swin flu in the whole World and even if 600 000 had totally died Global it would be considered as a lower death rate than an ordinary seasonal flu ....! Though, I agree, it is not over yet and we expect to have the total figure in February or March - for the first wave. But nothing so far indicate that we (in little Sweden) will get a death poll above 100 which is far more less  than the seasonal flu (about 10 times less). Though some hundre more persons will require respirator care. But all in all it is actually "peanuts" - we still wait for the Pandemic with a large P.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 07:22:48 AM by Jamir »

Offline Michael

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« Reply #1248 on: November 07, 2009, 09:14:33 PM »
Pak soldiers in Taliban stronghold

and where were you yesterday?

moments upon endless moments, and some of them change our lives forever ... but all are over in a second

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« Reply #1249 on: November 07, 2009, 09:16:29 PM »
WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama urged his nation on Friday not to jump to conclusions on the motive behind the shooting at a Texas army base as American Muslims braced for a possible backlash.

This could be nasty.

Meanwhile, a Muslim advocacy group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, urged Muslims to take necessary precautions against possible hostile reactions.

‘Unfortunately, based on past experience, we also urge American Muslims, and those who may be perceived to be Muslim, to take appropriate precautions to protect themselves, their families and their religious institutions from a possible backlash,’ said a statement issued by CAIR’s Washington office.

The commander of the base, Lt-Gen Robert Cone, told NBC News that, according to eyewitnesses, Mr Hasan had shouted ‘Allahu Akbar!’ before opening fire.

There is something going on here that the rest of us can not afford to deny.

But isn't it interesting that it was a woman who brought him down.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 09:20:03 PM by Michael »

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« Reply #1250 on: November 07, 2009, 09:36:44 PM »
This week, the influential Jamaat-e-Islami religious party organized a "peace march" in central Peshawar from the Khyber Bazaar, where a car bomb killed more than 30 people Oct. 9, to the Mina Bazaar. The marchers held up banners and shouted slogans denouncing the CIA, the Pentagon, the security company formerly known as Blackwater, U.S. drone attacks and American aid. There was no mention of the Taliban or al-Qaeda.
[Washington Post]

Like the Americans who voted recently for the Republicans, 'because of the economic situation'.

Offline Nichi

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« Reply #1251 on: November 08, 2009, 12:27:39 AM »
This could be nasty.

That matches my observation as well.

But isn't it interesting that it was a woman who brought him down.

« Last Edit: November 08, 2009, 01:21:04 AM by Nichi »
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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« Reply #1252 on: November 09, 2009, 05:14:52 AM »
This could be nasty.

How come that I have become sceptic to all "muslim" "terror" "attacks" or incidents that happen in the backyard of onkel Sam?

In my personal opinion, that I got now out of the blue, Hasan was of course a planted, brainwashed CIA-agent that had a zero commission*. I am now fully aligned to any conspiracy theory that might evolve from that tragic event.

Remember where you read it first! (it will only take a couple of days until this would be the leading underground story and details will come ... or what do you think?) I say this because it has been a dry on texxorist events since the 9x11. Hasn't it? Not much of a plot from Al-Quida so why not stir up a new attack? Perfect victim target for more hate, a muslim related to deep religious cult that do not want to go to Afghanistan - poor soul. So in his despair he gun down a number of work mates. My big question: Have you seen the corpses? My second question - can you believe that the CIA might "create" identities that can be used as victims and dead in fake attacks?  If you can - then you are welcome to the new world.

Three of the so called hi-jackers in 911 lived and was registered at a US Navy base.

*Zero or Null commission is when you cannot expect to return alive from the commission. Probability to survuve is set to null but if you survived - well, good for you.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 05:56:26 AM by Jamir »


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« Reply #1253 on: November 09, 2009, 05:58:27 AM »

I have just been watching a TV-program that was really scary. It was about the "Truth movement" in Sweden and I must say that this is a very infected topic.
I must take this into consideration in my book.

Offline TIOTIT

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« Reply #1254 on: November 09, 2009, 01:34:21 PM »
Here's a link to some radio Pod cast you might
like Jamir....

Offline TIOTIT

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« Reply #1255 on: November 09, 2009, 03:23:06 PM »
Jamir...what are they saying up your way about this outbreak?
I've been watching this story evolve over the last week but it's
not being talked about at all by the mainstream media....if you
do a search on the web though there's a lot of info....curious
about what you have found out....

BRUSSELS, Nov. 4 (UPI) -- An explosive outbreak of influenza in Ukraine is worrying EU member nations that border it, observers say.

Kiev has issued a call for international help in obtaining anti-viral drugs, saying 71 people have died in the past week and another 240 people hospitalized in serious condition among more than 250,000 reported cases of flu-like infection, the EUobserver reported Wednesday.

The publication said blood tests have not confirmed the presence of the H1N1 variety known as "swine flu," but the rapid pace of the infections have prompted a high level of concern among Ukraine's neighbors.

"The priority is to obtain the Tamiflu anti-viral drug, as well as antibiotics, respirators, protective masks and test kits for identifying the A/H1N1 virus," the Ukrainian government said in a statement Wednesday.

EU countries such as Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania that share land borders with Ukraine are worried, and are offering help. The EUobserver reported that Polish newspapers are saying Slovakia has already sent 200,000 protective masks to Ukraine.

Offline TIOTIT

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« Reply #1256 on: November 09, 2009, 11:32:40 PM »
I've yet to see any mention of this outbreak
via the OZ media.....why the lack of coverage?
What's even stranger is an add campaign showing
people lining up for their flu vaccine all smiling and happy
saying I'm doing this for you.....

Reported Ukraine Fatalities Increase To 155
Recombinomics Commentary 02:08
November 9, 2009

969,247 Influenza/ARI

48,972 Hospitalized

155 Dead

The above numbers represent the latest figures from Ukraine. The increases over the weekend have slowed, but it is unclear if this reduction in the rate of increases is due to an improving situation, or just fewer reports received because of the weekend.  Although Lviv still has a wide lead in all categories (see map), including 155,895 cases, the city of Kiev is now up to 60,366 and when combined with the 47,802 cases in the Kiev Oblast, the Kiev city/oblast has increased to more than 100,000 cases, which is higher than any oblast, other than Lviv.  The low number of deaths there, 5, may just be a trailing number, since the largest increases in Kiev were in the past few days.

Poland is now reporting schools with high absenteeism, although media reports and government comments continue to cite contributions from seasonal flu, even though all countries in Europe are reporting seasonal flu levels at less that 1% of flu positives.  Worldwide, seasonal H1N1 has been crowded out, and low levels of H3N2 in eastern Asia are rapidly declining, suggesting the H1N1 swine flu will be the dominant influenza A in humans for years or decades.

« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 11:41:42 PM by TIOTIT »

Offline Jennifer-

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« Reply #1257 on: November 10, 2009, 12:22:02 AM »
At Harris Middle School in Yarmouth, parents of 65 percent of the students have given the school permission to inoculate their children. Fifth-graders stroll into the gym and wait their turn. Ten-year-old Gibson Harnett pulls up his left sleeve and looks at the ceiling as Jill Brown, a volunteer nurse and school parent, points the needle at his arm.

"On the count of three -- you have a nice deltoid, so this should be easy -- one, two, three...all done. How was it?" she asks.
"Good." Gibson says.

State health officials in Maine would rather see 100 percent of students inoculated against H1N1, which has been reported in all 16 counties. Four out of the 10 people hospitalized with the virus in the last week were under 18. At least 25 schools all around the state are reporting absentee rates of 15 percent or more.

But officials are pleased that 15,000 out of 190,000-plus school children have been vaccinated against H1N1 since school-based vaccine clinics began last week.

"So the fact that we were able to vaccinate eight percent in the first few days of the school vaccine campaign was astounding," says
Dr. Dora Anne Mills, head of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention. She says the number would have been even higher if not for delayed shipments of the H1N1 vaccine.

At many schools, 60 to 65 percent of consent forms have been returned, says Mills, who's heard of participation rates as high as 80 percent. "We've had a lot of school nurses report that the consent forms came in at 60, 65, 70 percent, they order some more vaccine, we get it to them, but then parents are showing up with the consent form and saying, 'please,' and they don't want to turn anybody away."

Mills says nationally, polls taken several weeks ago show participation rates hovering around 30 to 40 percent. Some parents say they simply do not want their children to receive vaccines.

"I honestly believe that we need to know what goes in our bodies," says Tabatha Steward of Bethel, a parent and part of the group Unlocking Autism, whose members have expressed concern that certain ingredients in vaccines can cause developmental disorders.

She was among those who tried to get the Legislature to consider a bill that would ban mandatory vaccinations. State officials say vaccinations are already voluntary, but advocates want more explicit language.

"It's a voluntary vaccine -- it's up to the parents to decide whether or not they wanted to have their child vaccinated," says Jeff Bearden, Superintendent of MSAD 35, which encompasses the towns of Eliot and South Berwick. The district expects more than half of its 2,500 students will get vaccinated against H1N1, when all the vaccine arrives.

"Do I wish all of them would have been vaccinated?" Bearden asks rhetorically. "Well, as a parent, I'm going to say yes, but that's an individual choice that parents have and some took us up on the offer and some didn't, for whatever reason."

Back at Yarmouth Middle School, school nurse Judy Berghuis says that she has been happy with how receptive parents have been to vaccinations. "There's been a lot of publicity. Poeple are concerned about their kids getting H1N1 and being in that one percent that don't do well."

She had wondered how parents would react when they heard the shots would contain thimersol. Some autism advocates say the preservative causes the condition, although public health officials say there is no connection. "And we thought maybe parents would back out but they didn't," Berghuis says. "And they stepped up and they said, 'Fine, having it with thimersol is ok.'"

It's not clear how many students need to be vaccinated against the flu to confer protection on the student body as a whole. But a study out of Emory University looking at seasonal flu vaccines suggests that when 50 percent of children get the vaccine, the risk of an epidemic drops by two thirds. When 70 percent are vaccinated, it goes to 4 percent.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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« Reply #1258 on: November 10, 2009, 04:53:43 AM »
Jamir...what are they saying up your way about this outbreak?
I've been watching this story evolve over the last week but it's
not being talked about at all by the mainstream media....if you
do a search on the web though there's a lot of info....curious
about what you have found out....

Wikipeda, that is a not reliable when it comes down to the 911 pages but that is a quite good source when reporting the statistics, years, dates and names etc. Also a rather reliable source in this case regarding the statistics from the swine flu.

I use to check this update:

No more than a 6,400 death toll so far* and Australia (and the Pacific) seem to have had it for this wave only counting 211 deaths. Please validate if possible. I saw for instance that the figures for Central America was not completely in line with the number of deaths in Mexico. Because Mexico reported about 300 cases on their wikipeda page  while the whole Central america and the Caribbean is not above 200 in these statistics.

Though despite these differences in numbers - this is not the Pandemic with the great P. As many experts has said it is not worse than a regular seasonal flu. The difference is that this time the elderly has low death rates while kids and young people do not. More than a third of every emergency, respirator case is a child younger than 18 years old. 

As a sidenote. Two emergency cases with young children (one 4 year old) that have entered coma short after the vaccination has been reported in Sweden. Both survived after emergency care. The scary fact is that Swiss authorities do not recommend Pandemrix to people 18 years old or younger while the Swedish authorities recommend it for children, even under the age of 3 and also including pregnant women. This with a vaccine that contains mercury!?

*If we should consider the Swine flu as comparable to the HonKong flu in 1968 then we should end up with at least a million deaths worldwide.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2009, 05:03:53 AM by Jamir »

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« Reply #1259 on: November 10, 2009, 04:57:27 AM »
What's even stranger is an add campaign showing
people lining up for their flu vaccine all smiling and happy
saying I'm doing this for you.....

They are doing the same here. But more fear driven ... "I got(the vaccine) it, so I don't get it." is the tag line, and then at the end of the advertisement there's a guy at home laying on his couch all sick ... "I Got it (H1N1), because I didn't get it."

When they start advertising, it means sales are Down. Just like the pharmeceutical companies peddle their drugs here on TV. "You must be sick if you feel this way ... you need our drugs to make you feel better. Go see your doctor ... he'll hook you up."

They're going to have a huge stockpile vaccine because not everyone is getting it (the vaccine). That means huge loss of profits ... again ... just follow the money.

I think they call it "boosting the economy" ... you know, like when they start wars.

There is no concern for casualties.
"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."


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