Precisely. And in the process come into terms with the fact that 'old Svedala' has until 1976 had laws enforcing eugenics as well. Not to mention the fact that Sweden is only second to Hitler's Germany in numbers of their own sterilised people per capita. Social democrats have been well into cooking that dish: (if the source is doubtful, let me know and I will find an iron-hard undeniable source - this information is directly from Swedish archives
I have never liked hypocrisy...
Preacher should always check the mirror...
History, history ... one cannot take the 1920's to 1940's as a representative to what is up today. A Norwegian co-worker just told us that they found a handful of Nazi coat-tail symbols and the like, when cleaning up the attic at home (in Norway).
As for your screwed up link, one of the few things that appear to be correct is:
"The Swedish Institute for Racial Biology was opened in Stockholm in the early 1920s. It emerged as part of a worldwide interest in eugenics--the notion that human stock could be improved by selective breeding, much like cattle."
" in the 1950s, the rate of sterilisations doubled. In some cases, sterilisation was also made a condition of obtaining an abortion.
Now in Psychiatry they still gives ECT treatment (Electric Chockwave Treament) as in the Ken Kesey book and movie the “Cuckoo’s nest” - and how beneficial is that? Kick the TV if it doesn't work.
One has to remember that the Social Democrats never have been pro-Nazi. They are a left wing party that abroad sometimes is confused with communists. Now we got our own communist party "The Left party", although even they have washed away the communist label as it, after 1989-90, is not any option, to become a Soviet ally and the like.
But what has all this castration business to do with politics and Swedish democracy? The authorities has made mistakes or even sharper, they have done criminal acts toward innocent people.
Acts that noone citizen have voted for or approved to.
Acts that were hidden for the public as it was made in institutions toward retarded and in some cases toward criminals.
In the mirror? Well, well, I would never vote for anyone that recommended castration. But as a coincidence, in our coming report to the government (top secret results of course, please do not tell anyone) we do not include studies that have treatment that castrate the offenders (child molesters) with the aim to reduce recidivism of re-offense. We exclude these studies simply because of the reason that such treatment is not used any more (in Sweden that is, cannot gurantee how frequent it could be elsewhere). No matter the positive outcome of castration for reducing re-offense in sex crime.
That is my an my group's mirror regarding such nasty things.
As a sidenote regarding the case of child molesters there are this voluntary, some time called, "chemical castration" which is a medical therapy that minimizes sexual interest. But so far this treatment is only offered on a free will basis (best results then). And if the convicted end the treatment, they will go back to normal status, so the treatment is both voluntary and reversible. There you got a glimpse of Sweden Today. What we study is the effects of Cognitive Beahaviour Therapy (CBT). Sleep well (the demons in Sweden has vanished).