Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34380 times)


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« Reply #1650 on: April 20, 2011, 03:29:00 PM »
We're on the road to nowhere...
We're on the road to nowhere...

Nuclear is dangerous - cool! - back to the fossil fuels!
We - the mankind consisting of hamsters - are running faster and faster in the wheel...

Threat to Climate Change Act is final nail in coalition's green credentials

That David Cameron is considering abandoning legally binding emissions targets is just another environmental failure

It is nearly five years to the day since David Cameron posed for his photo opportunity with the huskies at the Arctic Research Station at Ny Alesund in Norway. He told us then to "vote blue, go green". That the government is open to scrapping all 227 of the UK's environmental protections shows just how far his green mask has slipped.

Among the safeguards under threat as part of the 'red tape challenge' is the Climate Change Act, the first of its kind in the world. Introduced by Labour, it places a duty on the secretary of state to ensure that the net UK carbon account for greenhouse gases for the year 2050 is at least 80% lower than in 1990.

The last Labour government put at the heart of its plans for Britain's future a transition to a low-carbon economy. The Climate Change Act was vital to that strategy. The binding targets ensure that departments set out a clear roadmap for carbon reduction, and this in turn give businesses the certainty they need to invest.

The prime minister says that the process is about scrapping legislation that is a burden to industry. If that's the case then why is the act included on the list at all? After all, the emission targets have had support from across the business community; the CBI said it combined "the two things we really need: long-term clarity on policy direction and flexibility in its delivery". It's why 10 of the UK's largest firms recently wrote to Cameron urging him to take up the recommendations made by the committee on climate change to extend the UK's reduction targets beyond 2020.

Cameron says the responsibility will be on ministers to fight to save individual legislation. This is extremely worrying. There are already grave concerns that energy secretary Chris Huhne is becoming the most ineffective minister in Whitehall. Why hasn't he already made a public statement in support of the act and given the low-carbon sector the reassurance it needs?

A secretary of state must be a strong voice around the cabinet table, pushing their priorities over those of other departments. After nearly a year in the job, Chris Huhne's record is looking less than impressive.

He lost his fight with George Osborne over when the green investment bank will be able to borrow, meaning that green businesses will have to make do with a government fund until at least 2015. This will only exacerbate Britain's fall under this government's watch, from third to 13th in world green technologies investment, as was highlighted in the recent report from the Pew Environment Group.

He threw the solar industry into chaos after announcing an early review of feed-in tariffs and slashed incentives for community solar projects. Carbon capture and storage projects two, three and four are delayed. Worries are being raised over his plans for electricity market reform. The energy pill is significantly behind schedule in parliament. And now he's allowed the prime minister to put our entire carbon reduction strategy up for review.

Climate sceptics are lurking ready for any excuse to derail our green future. The Campaign to Repeal the Climate Change Act group has already launched a petition.

If the prime minister wants to have any green credentials, he needs to come out and tell us that the Climate Change Act is here to stay. He has exempted issues of national security from his review. In 2009, William Hague argued that climate change was an issue of national security, so why isn't that the case now? The fact that Cameron is prepared to consider abandoning legally binding targets tells us what we already know; his claim to be 'the greenest government ever' is completely false.

• Luciana Berger MP is shadow minister for energy and climate change.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 03:31:46 PM by Builder »


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« Reply #1651 on: April 28, 2011, 03:34:04 AM »
40-50% of population.
Background information

Seems like the votes for Gaddafi has changed ...

61 Tribe leaders has 27th April made a declaration:
the leaders of 61 tribes from across Libya have declared their support for the end of the Gaddafi Regime. "

"we solemnly declare this. Nothing can divide us.

We share the same ideal of a Libya free, democratic and united.

Every Libyan has certainly had its origins in a particular tribe. But he has complete freedom to create family ties, friendship, neighborhood or fellowship with any member of any other tribe.

We form, we, the Libyans, a single tribe, the tribe of Libyans free, fighting against oppression and the evil spirit of division.

It is the dictator, trying to play the Libyan tribes against each other, dividing the country and rule. There is truth in this myth, it has fed an ancestral opposition today to a rift between tribes of Fezzan, of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania.

Libya tomorrow, once the dictator gone, will be a united Libya, including the capital Tripoli and will be where we are finally free to form a civil society according to our wishes
« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 03:36:01 AM by Jahn »


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« Reply #1652 on: April 28, 2011, 04:42:29 AM »
Seems like the votes for Gaddafi has changed ...

61 Tribe leaders has 27th April made a declaration:
the leaders of 61 tribes from across Libya have declared their support for the end of the Gaddafi Regime. "

"we solemnly declare this. Nothing can divide us.

We share the same ideal of a Libya free, democratic and united.

Every Libyan has certainly had its origins in a particular tribe. But he has complete freedom to create family ties, friendship, neighborhood or fellowship with any member of any other tribe.

We form, we, the Libyans, a single tribe, the tribe of Libyans free, fighting against oppression and the evil spirit of division.

It is the dictator, trying to play the Libyan tribes against each other, dividing the country and rule. There is truth in this myth, it has fed an ancestral opposition today to a rift between tribes of Fezzan, of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania.

Libya tomorrow, once the dictator gone, will be a united Libya, including the capital Tripoli and will be where we are finally free to form a civil society according to our wishes

That sounds like a usual web-PSYOP/wishful thinking.

If true, only one simple question remains to be answered - who's fighting for Gaddafi and how exactly is his logistics working on supposedly hostile ground?


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« Reply #1653 on: April 28, 2011, 04:58:06 AM »
That sounds like a usual web-PSYOP/wishful thinking.

WHat is wishful in this?

The 61 signatories

(Name of the tribe, followed by the name of the Chief of tribe or his emissary)

1 – Awaguire Tribe:
Dr. Mansour Saad

2 – Tribes Misrata:
Muhammad Ali Al Shikh Griraa

3 – Al Abiddat Tribe:
Ali Al Sanousi

4 – Tribe Werfalaa:
Mouftah Al Matouk Werfali

5 – Al Abide Tribe:
Ali Al Moumen Abidy

6 – Al Hassa Tribe:
Bel Ghassim Moussa Al Hassy

7 – Tribe Tarhounaa:
Siléman Khalifa Al Tarhouny

8 – Tribe Ahali Zéliten:
Hassan Mouhmed Kouraim

9 – Tribe Messilat:
FARG Muhammad Al Salemi

10 – Al Sawahil Tribe:
Ali Al Qadi Al Shik

11 – Al Amama Tribe:
Mansour Al Amary

12 – Al Maguarba Tribe:
Al Saleh Al Shik Atiwesh

13 – Al Agilat Tribe:
Muhammad Al Al dHMAn Agile

14 – Tribe Wesrhefanaa:
Ashour Al Bou Krisse Wershefani

15 – Ashraf Wadan Tribe:
Abu Baker Al Omar Sharif

16 – Tribe Zowaïa:
Muhammad Al Souliman Zouwai

17 – Al Mougabra Tribe:
Muhammad Saleh Shahat

18 – Al Awagla Tribe:
Al Haj Al Belidde Awagli

19 – Tribe Aoulad Souliman:
Sharif Al Nasr Sayfal

20 – Al Mahamed Tribe:
Al Sadek Al Aharrari

21 – Al Jawaz Tribe:
Mouhmed Al Falah Al Jazowi

22 – Al Fazazouna Tribes:
Al Hajj Ali Al Fazan

23 – Tribe Adrssa:
Muhammad Abd Al Kader Al Drssi

24 – Al Fawatir Tribe:
Dr. Omran Bin Salim Al Mousstafa Fitouri

25 – Al Fawakner Tribe:
Nooh Al Fakri

26 – Al Fawaid Tribe:
Ibrahim Al Faidy

27 – Al Jémiat Tribe:
Hamond Atia Al JEMIE

28 – Al Massamá Tribe:
Khalil Al Massmari

29 – Al Frjan Tribe:
Muhammad Mukhtar Al Frjani

30 – Al Hassoumi Tribe:
Ramadan Al Hassoumi

31 – Al Ourffa Tribe:
Al Hajj Ali Abu Baker Al Ourouffi

32 – Al Tawajer Tribe:
Muhammad Omar Issmail

33 – Al Ziyayanaa Tribe:
Muhammad Al Ziyani

34 – Al Amayem Tribe:
Meray Al Amame

35 – Al Siyan Tribe:
Othman Al Souwaye

36 – Al Kabail Tribe:
Al Briek Kabayle

37 – Tribe Goumata:
Al Hajj Ali Algoumati

38 – Al Hawana Tribe:
Fathi Al-Huni

39 – Al Maguarhaa Tribe:
Al Hajj Moussa Al Magurahi

40 – Al Goutaan Tribe:
Farraj Al Goutaani

41 – Al Zintan Tribe:
Al Hajj Al Mouhmed Zintani

42 – Tribe Tawourga:
Mouhamed Mouftah Oukasha

43 – Al Menefa Tribe:
Ayat Al Faraj

44 – Al Houta Tribe:
Al Hajj Al Houti Abdoualah

45 – League of tribes Al Jabal Al Gharbi (Garyan – Kikala – Al Zintan Rihibat – Nalout – Yefren):
Abd Al Salam Al Gryan

46 – Al Sanagra Tribe:
Abd Al Halim Duma Aj Jahir

47 – Al Jeridi Tribe:
Fathi Abu Al Ajele Jeridi

48 – Tribe Agoualik:
Houssain Good Oussif

49 – Al Tawarik Tribe:
Abd Al Kader Al Targi

50 – Al Shik Aoulad Tribe:
Al Hajj Akram Abid

51 – Hamad Aoulad Tribe:
Mouhamed Moussa Al Shabah

52 – Al Barassaa Tribe:
Rashid Al Kadir Barassi

53 – Tribe Sourman:
Al Hajj Al Mabrouk Soumana

54 – Al Nawail Tribe:
Omar Juma Al Naili

55 – The tribes of Al Zawaya:
Al Hajj Abd Al Salam Al Zawi

56 – Al Aribat Tribe:
Abd Al Hamid Al Aribi

57 – Al Shihibat Tribe:
Al Hajj Abd Souliman
Al Al Hajiz Shouhibi

58 – Tribe Sitat Al – Al Arawa:
Saber Al Orwi

59 – Tribe Hawaraa:
Ali Youssif al-Hawari

60 – Al Khadaddfa Tribe:
Khalifa Saleh Al Gaddafi

61 – Al Jawaz Tribe:
Radi Al Farajj Jazoui
« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 05:02:28 AM by Jahn »


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« Reply #1654 on: April 28, 2011, 03:22:07 PM »
Man, there was a simple question to answer.
Did you even notice it?
Repeating your initial post changes nothing.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 03:41:25 PM by Builder »

Offline Michael

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« Reply #1655 on: April 28, 2011, 06:09:50 PM »
You mean the one about hostile ground?


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« Reply #1656 on: April 28, 2011, 08:38:20 PM »
You mean the one about hostile ground?

Yes. Libya's territory is 1,7 million sq km. Gaddafi controls over half of it and seems to be on creeping-crawling offensive (in order to avoid presenting good targets to NATO air power). The question is - who and how controls the ground on Gaddafi's side? How does his supply line work over nearly 1,000 km?

My answer is - a considerable number of tribes remains on Gaddafi's side. Hence, the published list is not trustworthy.

I teach the art of war. Some of my students study cyber security and are convinced enthusiasts of cyber warfare and cyber world. I gave them an essay to write. Some the students did not bother come to lectures (which is not compulsory either - I leave them complete freedom) and they did not bother to ask my email to which they were supposed to submit their essays. Instead, they showed initiative, found my old email on the web and sent their essays there. They thought they were very clever.

I turned their mistake into a strategic lesson on cyber warfare and virtual reality - there is a lot of stuff on the web that has nothing to do with the actual state of affairs. Internet is a good reason to return to the basics and really learn about order to not be duped.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 08:40:49 PM by Builder »

Offline Michael

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« Reply #1657 on: April 28, 2011, 09:24:05 PM »
do you also teach them the art of love?


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« Reply #1658 on: April 28, 2011, 11:01:52 PM »
do you also teach them the art of love?

Oh yes, of course. How can you teach horrors and the evolution of art of fighting without showing the other side? When talking about wars, one must dive into their causes to understand why and how people fought them.

I never miss a chance to show that our precious and dear nation-states (that is "us"-"them" thinking and world view) has brought upon mankind the worst wars imaginable. It is easy to justify violence by thinking that "they" (as being different with regard to "us") deserve it. The culmination and epitome of such a thinking was a nuclear weapon.

Thus, you have a much bigger point than initially realised in challenging one's allegiance to some fact, to anything that is less than universe.


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« Reply #1659 on: April 28, 2011, 11:55:10 PM »
Man, there was a simple question to answer.
Did you even notice it?
Repeating your initial post changes nothing.

It is always a pleasure to discuss with you.


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« Reply #1660 on: April 29, 2011, 12:35:30 AM »
It is always a pleasure to discuss with you.

It is deeply mutual feeling. If you paid even a little attention to what is said to you, gave just a little bit of thought to it...but no. Instead of repeating your post, you could have thought - just a bit. How can you talk to people without paying attention to or trying to understand what is said to you? How?

Now you present your rather indignant face, but have you thought what your near-continuous disregard of what is said to you stands for? You should think about it, if you get the time.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 12:41:45 AM by Builder »


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« Reply #1661 on: April 29, 2011, 04:10:37 AM »
It is deeply mutual feeling. If you paid even a little attention to what is said to you, gave just a little bit of thought to it...but no. Instead of repeating your post, you could have thought - just a bit. How can you talk to people without paying attention to or trying to understand what is said to you? How?

Now you present your rather indignant face, but have you thought what your near-continuous disregard of what is said to you stands for? You should think about it, if you get the time.

You are out bicycling in this topic.

Do not you see the dagger? On the dictator neck I mean.
How many rats has left the ship? The Tribes now "state" that M Gadhaffi is impossible to have on the throne of Libya. He is simply political dead, and if the Libyians want to come back as a respected nation - he has to go. No matter how well his death machine works - it will not sustain.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 04:14:59 AM by Jahn »


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« Reply #1662 on: April 29, 2011, 04:12:35 AM »
Yes. Libya's territory is 1,7 million sq km. Gaddafi controls over half of it and seems to be on creeping-crawling offensive (in order to avoid presenting good targets to NATO air power). The question is - who and how controls the ground on Gaddafi's side? How does his supply line work over nearly 1,000 km?

My answer is - a considerable number of tribes remains on Gaddafi's side. Hence, the published list is not trustworthy.

Well, unfortunately for your screwed up world view - it is.


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« Reply #1663 on: April 29, 2011, 04:13:46 AM »
You are out bicycling in this topic.

Do not you see the dagger? On the dictator neck I mean.
How many rats has left the ship? The Tribes now "state" that M Gadhaffi is impossible to have on the throne of Libya. He is simply political dead, and if the Libyians want to come back as a respected nation - he has to go. No matter how well his death machine works - it will not sustain.

Cool. Now you are also an expert in warfare (in addition of civil engineering with speciality of skyscrapers) Congratulations on having a universal intelligence covering all aspects of human activity. Really, why talk to you?
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 04:21:04 AM by Jahn »


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« Reply #1664 on: April 29, 2011, 04:19:56 AM »
Cool. Now you are also an expert in warfare (in addition of civil engineering with speciality of skyscrapers) Congratulations on having a universal intelligence covering all aspects of human activity. Really, why talk to you?

Not in warfare, but in politics.

I know when a building is demolitioned by fireworks (pulled by thermite), yes.

Guess what my opinion was about mass-vaccination with Pandemrix against the Swine flu? Guess who warned for severe sideffects? In Finland they have registered 50 cases of narcolepsy and ijn Sweden the numbers are about that too among people up to the age of 20. Narcolepsy is a chronic disease that lower the quality of life very much.


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