Author Topic: Nuked foods?  (Read 249 times)

tangerine dream

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Nuked foods?
« on: August 27, 2008, 12:03:30 AM »
Potential Health Hazards of Food Irradiation

 In response to a request from the Ministry of Health, Government of
    India, to carry out appropriate studies to determine if irradiated wheat
    was safe for consumption, the Institute  [ National Institute of
    Nutrition ]  initiated studies in the year 1973, using a variety of
    experimental animals -- mice, rats and monkeys -- as also some
    undernourished children. They were fed diets which contained
    freshly irradiated wheat , the wheat being incorporated into the diet
    within twenty-one days of being subjected to irradiation.

The Institute's Findings

      1.Rats and mice fed diets containing freshly irradiated wheat
          showed increased levels of polyploid cells  [ cells with
          chromosome abnormalities ]  in their bone marrow. This was
          repeatedly observed in several separate experiments.

      2.Normal monkeys and undernourished children fed diets
          containing freshly irradiated wheat showed elevated levels of
          polyploid [ abnormal ]  cells  in circulating lymphocytes
          [white blood cells] . Several months after the irradiated wheat was
          withdrawn, levels of polyploidy returned to normal.

      3.Mice fed freshly irradiated wheat-based diets showed evidence
          of dominant lethal mutation as indicated by increased numbers
          of intrauterine  [ prenatal ]  deaths.

      4.When wheat was stored for twelve weeks after irradiation, and
          then included in the diet, there was neither an increase in the
          number of polyploid cells nor was there evidence of dominant
          lethal mutation.

    The meaning of increased numbers of polyploid cells is not clear ,
    though it is often seen in association with rapidly regenerating tissues
    and with malignancy  [ cancer ] . Whether it signifies either mutational
    or precancerous changes is not certain. But the meaning of
    "dominant lethal mutation" is obvious -- it indicated undesirable
    changes in reproductive performance.

    The explanation for the increased polyploidy and the dominant
    lethal mutation following the ingestion of freshly irradiated wheat,
    is not clear. It is likely to be an effect of a mutagen formed in
    wheat during the process of irradiation. The fact that these effects
    were not seen when stored irradiated wheat was fed, suggests that the
    mutagen is a relatively unstable substance

    Based on these findings the National Institute of Nutrition
    recommended that unconditional clearance of irradiated wheat was
    not warranted and that when subjected to irradiation, wheat should be
    stored for a period of at least twelve weeks prior to being released for

1. Why is food irradiated?

Food is irradiated to provide the same benefits as when it is processed by heat, refrigeration, freezing or treated with chemicals to destroy insects, fungi or bacterial that cause food to spoil or cause human disease and to make it possible to keep food longer and in better condition in warehouses and homes.

Because irradiation destroys disease-causing bacteria and reduces the incidence of food borne illness, hospitals sometimes use irradiation to sterilize food for immuno-compromised patients

6. Does irradiation cause chemical changes in food, producing substances not known to be present in non-irradiated food?

Yes, irradiation does produce chemical changes in foods. These substances, called "radio-lytic products", may sound mysterious, but they are not

8. For what other purposes is irradiation technology now used in the United States?

In addition to cancer treatment, irradiation is used for many purposes, including: performing security checks on hand luggage at airports, making tires more durable, sterilizing manure for gardens, making non-stick cookware coatings, purifying wool, sterilizing medical products like surgical gloves, and destroying bacteria in cosmetics.

9. Are irradiated foods on the market now?

Until recently, only irradiated dried spices and enzymes were marketed in the United States. In January 1992, irradiated Florida strawberries were sold at a North Miami supermarket. Sales of irradiated products are ongoing in several grocery stores. Poultry irradiation began commercially in 1993.

Irradiation of food has been approved in 37 countries for more than 40 products. The largest marketers of irradiated food are Belgium and France (each country irradiates about 10,000 tons of food per year), and the Netherlands (which irradiates bout 20,000 tons per year).

10. How can irradiated foods be identified in the market?

Irradiated food cannot be recognized by sight, smell, taste, or feel. Irradiated foods will be labeled with a logo, along with the words "Treated with Radiation", or "Treated by Irradiation."


Offline Angela

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Re: Nuked foods?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2008, 03:22:36 AM »
Amazing what the powers that be, do to our food supply.

Kris and I planted a Fall garden this weekend and are educating ourselves on canning.  My Grandmother used to can everything (my mom grew up on a farm).  I remember my Mom canning food when we were very young, so I called her for some tips this morning :)

"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."

tangerine dream

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Re: Nuked foods?
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2008, 03:24:45 AM »
A fall garden?  So what have you got in there?  Squash, turnips, onions, potatoes?
Pumpkins? Beets?

Sounds lovely and colourful!

Offline Angela

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Re: Nuked foods?
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2008, 03:36:50 AM »
A fall garden?  So what have you got in there?  Squash, turnips, onions, potatoes?
Pumpkins? Beets?

Sounds lovely and colourful!

We're starting with basics since we've never planted in this season before.  From seeds: Tomatoes, bell peppers, green beans, soy beans and broccoli.  From seedling plants: Tomatoes and strawberries. Also bought a sweet basil and oregano plant.  I'm thinking about planting some root veggies too, since the ground never really freezes here.  It's exciting!
"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."

tangerine dream

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Re: Nuked foods?
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2008, 04:15:44 AM »
Aaah, I see.  So  regular garden, but in the fall time.  I thought you meant youd be planting fall vegetables.

Sounds exciting.  Herbs are especially my favourite.  I recommend Sage or Rosemary if you happen to get more herbs, beautiful plants, great for cooking (and medicinal and soothing teas) and you can bring the plants in when it gets cold.  Which, if it never does, you could keep them growing all year long.   ;D


You chose a perfect time for planting.  Full Moon Blessings on your Garden!

Offline Angela

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Re: Nuked foods?
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2008, 09:23:54 AM »
You chose a perfect time for planting.  Full Moon Blessings on your Garden!

Thank you for your kind thoughts :)

Yes, she's been illuminating the night for us each evening as we gaze.  Beautiful!
"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."

tangerine dream

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« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2008, 09:15:25 AM »
Fluoride Accumulates in Pineal Gland

Fluoride, added to the water supply of many cities and counties and sold by WalMart in its nursery water, has a tendency to accumulate not only in developing teeth causing discoloration, and in bones making them brittle. The mineral is associated with cancer and it also accumulates in the pineal gland, an important hormone control center, where it wreaks considerable havoc. Paul Connett of Fluoride Action Network comments on Jennifer Luke's research which was part of her PhD thesis and had just been published in Caries Research under the title: Fluoride Deposition in the Aged Human Pineal Gland.

Fluoride is a poison, yet we add it to our water and toothpaste and even call it a supplement, although it has no nutritional value. Its medicinal value - the prevention of tooth decay - is the official explanation for adding the toxic mineral to the water supply. But that value is far outweighed by its toxic side effects - amply documented by Paul Connett in his Statement of Concern.

Recent European Union legislation on food supplements lists fluoride as an essential element to offer for supplementation. This is somewhat ironic when contrasted with the European legislators' feigned concern over the putative toxicity of vitamins and their efforts to limit dosages of these vital nutrients in order to "protect public health".

We also use fluoride in many household items, such as non-stick frying pans, high-tech water repellent fabrics and others. Recently, at least some timid attempts to start assessing the disease burden caused by fluoride are under way. The Journal of Water Health carries an article on this research. Meanwhile in the US, the FDA has decided that fluoride should be allowed in bottled water, perhaps in deference to WalMart's offerings.

The use of fluoride for "health" reasons is one of the great insanities of our times. Could it be just by chance that the Germans and Russians both used fluoride to make prisoners stupid and docile or that the US government faced legal action over the toxic effects in the environment of this nuclear waste by-product?

Perhaps the push for 'enriching' our water and our foods with fluoride has some ulterior motive that has little to do with health. Be that as it may, the campaign for fluoridation is stil in full swing and health authorities are pushing the poison as if their monthly paychecks depended on it.

Jennifer Luke's PhD thesis on fluoride and its accumulation in the pineal gland - Paul Connett says that research might just be the scientific straw that breaks the camel's back:

Full article:


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