Author Topic: Zen Stories  (Read 40 times)

tangerine dream

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Zen Stories
« on: October 06, 2008, 12:38:28 PM »
I found a site with some cool Zen stories.   Here are a  couple I like.

There was a man who did not like his footprints and feared his shadow so he ran from them.  He was told that if he sat still, the footprints would go away and if he entered the darkness there would be no shadows.


There was once a monk who would carry a mirror where ever he went.  A priest noticed this one day and thought to himself "This monk must be so preoccupied with the way he looks that he has to carry that mirror all the time.  He should not worry about the way he looks on the outside, it's what's inside that counts."  So the priest went up to the monk and asked "Why do you always carry that mirror?" thinking for sure this would prove his guilt.  The monk pulled the mirror from his bag and pointed it at the priest.  Then he said "I use it in times of trouble.  I look into it and it shows me the source of my problems as well as the solution to my problems."


Once there was a horse tied up on the side of the street.  Whenever someone tried to pass, the horse would kick them.  Soon a crowd gathered around the horse until a wise man was seen coming close.  The people said "This horse will surely kill anyone who tries to pass.  What are we going to do?"  The wise man looked at the horse, turned and walked down another street.

« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 12:40:47 PM by dust »


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Re: Zen Stories
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2008, 01:49:16 PM »
Once there was a horse tied up on the side of the street.  Whenever someone tried to pass, the horse would kick them.  Soon a crowd gathered around the horse until a wise man was seen coming close.  The people said "This horse will surely kill anyone who tries to pass.  What are we going to do?"  The wise man looked at the horse, turned and walked down another street.

Boy I can relate to this!


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