Author Topic: The Monumental Cemetery of Rome - The Verano  (Read 330 times)

Offline Tiamat

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The Monumental Cemetery of Rome - The Verano
« on: September 13, 2006, 10:11:26 AM »
I know cemetaries could be considered  ( with absolute reason ) "unusual" and "dark" ( sad ) places for a walk but I like walking in the Verano cemetary cos its like a big garden.
Im not yet very sensible to thought-forms - I've started sensing something but im far from seeing them...
However before entering I created an eterical ovoidal shield to avoid some spirit's influence...
Everytime I visit this place I find always something new; today I found this:

the expression of this little girl really attracted a part of me (probably ) at the mind of the sculptor:

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: The Monumental Cemetery of Rome - The Verano
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2006, 10:15:10 AM »
These are BEAUTIFUL!!! Thank you so much for sharing your walk with us  :-*

Ive always loved cemetaries.
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Offline tommy2

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Re: The Monumental Cemetery of Rome - The Verano
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2006, 03:51:19 AM »
I have always loved cemeteries for they hold so much unspoken power.  I love to lie down on the emotion-soaked earth near where my folks and sister have been laid down.  The site is supposedly the highest spot in Iowa, just 5 miles from our home.  I hang spirit catchers from the iron rods I have placed.  Mostly feathers and bones.  They end up being blown away or eaten by the four-leggeds but I always make more, knowing there is a circle to all things.  Often I well up with this feeling that almost sedates me, wanting me to stay there, so I do.  In the military section where my folks, Glenn and Elna and sister Marianne, lie there are shotgun shells and old fishing gear hanging, lying here and there, marking where the warriors still walk with their wounds and their glory.  Goosebumps grow on my arms now as I remember to remember the stones and slabs planted where the old ones dream.   t

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Re: The Monumental Cemetery of Rome - The Verano
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2006, 07:24:25 PM »
I used to sleep in that cemetary.
At first I found a small clearing surrounded by crypts, hidden from the view. One had a large bush near the back wall, I used to get in there and sleep on a thin granite "belt" surrounding the crypt. With only a newspaper below me. Those nights were pretty creepy.
Later I found an small open crypt and I slept there inside.
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Offline tommy2

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Re: The Monumental Cemetery of Rome - The Verano
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2006, 02:14:26 AM »
In a crypt over night ..... cool.  Great place to have some good dreams, maybe.  I'd love to do that some time.  Maybe I'll just take a nap sometime by my folks' graves or something.  I love that spot because it's usually so windy, like the moving air helps the spirits stay up and about or something.  I know folk who just hate cemeteries.   There are some older plots here for just an entire family, by neglected farmsites where the buildings have all gone to shit.  I think snooping through old barns and silos is kinda special, too.  I've taken home old bricks and boards and used them for ceremony or just keep them for their power.  My wife says I got wayyyy to much "stuff" like that.  Like the kids'll just burn the stuff or head it to the dumpster.  My EX used to hate it when I'd snoop through trash dumpsters.  Cool shit in them, sometimes.  My current wife, the Wanda Jean, stays outside the big ones so I can hand her any treasures I find.  Power is everywhere, isn't it?  So cool, the stuff people think is useless and not worth a glance.  Ha.  Not me. 

Later. tom

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: The Monumental Cemetery of Rome - The Verano
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2006, 11:08:26 PM »
After pondering my love of the graveyard, I was reminded of the oddity that I myself prefer not to be placed in one.

Ive requested one of the old style burnings of my remains.  Due to regulations, rules, government ect.. my loved ones laughed and are prepared to pay fines instead of burial charges.. lol

Anyone have any set requests of such things?

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Offline daphne

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Re: The Monumental Cemetery of Rome - The Verano
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2006, 11:29:41 PM »

Anyone have any set requests of such things?

I have discussed such stuff with my kids, and at one time also abhorred burial.
I have since decided to let them do what they want! They have been influenced by me, to some extent anyway, so the chances are that I would be ok with whatever they decide! 
Besides.. I won't be around...   :D

I may change my mind.. thats how it stands at the moment!   
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Re: The Monumental Cemetery of Rome - The Verano
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2006, 11:52:28 PM »
Julie and i would love to be burned on a pyre down by the creek. unfortunately, i think it is against the law. we have come to see burning as better than buriel, but really, I would prefer to be found missing.

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: The Monumental Cemetery of Rome - The Verano
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2006, 11:57:10 PM »
I would prefer to be found missing.

Ultimatly, yes exactly.
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Re: The Monumental Cemetery of Rome - The Verano
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2006, 12:52:58 AM »
Anyone have any set requests of such things?

I really haven't thought about it. So now i did. I'd be happy to leave my body somewhere in the wilderness and let it just decay like animals do. Maybe some animals would eat it, i wouldn't mind. Though i don't know how healthy it would be for them.

Or the other option would be to take it with me. I mean witches left this world without leaving the body behind.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2006, 01:06:54 AM by Rubina »


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Re: The Monumental Cemetery of Rome - The Verano
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2006, 01:08:44 AM »
Anyone have any set requests of such things?

In Tibet they used to hack dead bodies to pieces and feed the pieces to all sorts of birds and animals. Sounds like a reasonable option to deal with 200 pounds of dead meat.  :D


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Re: The Monumental Cemetery of Rome - The Verano
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2006, 01:16:11 AM »

Or the other option would be to take it with me. I mean witches left this world without leaving the body behind.

I have heard the same stories about holy men.
Don Juan even told us about spots on Earth that held cracks to other worlds where one could walk through, with body and all.

But I never believed any of that stuff. Not a single word ... ...
I'll pass as a crow.



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Re: The Monumental Cemetery of Rome - The Verano
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2006, 02:54:04 AM »
If my body is about ... cremation, please ... and then a scattering to the wind, over the waters of the Outer Banks of Carolina.
Predictable, I know, and it could change over time.

I have no kids.. I see no point in a grave or grave marker.

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: The Monumental Cemetery of Rome - The Verano
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2006, 03:42:29 AM »

But I never believed any of that stuff. Not a single word ... ...
I'll pass as a crow.


lol  :-*
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Offline Michael

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Re: The Monumental Cemetery of Rome - The Verano
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2006, 04:18:34 AM »
we have julie's dad under the apple tree, next to shena. wally at the back, with mink - jethro just outside the gate. Elfie has her grave dug, we keep telling her it there when she does the bulimia thing. then an aura of other friends out the back. even old copper's out there - the guy that never gave up.


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