I am at present rereading The Art of Dreaming - different things sort of pop up!
Navigating the 2nd attention is also, I see it, a learning 'tool', not an end in its self. Perhaps in some way it relates to what you have been saying? The second attention is not the goal, any more than the first attention is. Even what is understood by the third attention is rather minimal information given us. The more we are aware of maya, in its various forms, the more I suppose we have a chance of not being distracted at that opportune moment.
That cubic centremeter of opportunity you mention, - to move on from there, - perhaps that is a one time opportunity and we hone our skills for that one chance moment. Thats pretty much how I see death at the moment - whatever I learn through whatever tools is to prepare me for that moment so that I will recognize it..? I'm still swimming in the dark here..

the bardo states come to mind here too..
Perhaps it is not a moving forward but rather a moving sideways? Kind of like a phase shift. We are so used to (well at least i am) of speaking in terms of horizontal and vertical which somehow still convery 2D to me. The 3D you mention is how i see 'phase shift". I think that we can't so much 'seek' the true awakening, as much as it finds us, if we are ready. Somehow it's like seeking but without seeking, as when seeking, we often have an idea, however slight it may be, of that which we are seeking. We may then miss the opening! Perhaps it not called the unknowable for nothing!!